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  1. lonebluetear

    Can 1 pair of mating ducks be close to 2 penned (together) drakes without trouble??

    I hatched 3 ducks and thought 1 was a female - but today 'Emily' began making raspy noises like my other 2 little drakes. So... now I have 1 FOR SURE female and looks like 3 drakes. My question now is... If I have a barrier between them (duck and 1 drake on one side and the 2 drakes on the...
  2. lonebluetear

    What to do when 1 egg hatches early??

    Today was my lockdown day and I was going to move my duck eggs from the incubator to the hatcher and saw 1 egg had made a sizeable crack! I had already set up the hatcher so I immediately moved them into that. The duckling was completely hatched by 4 this afternoon. The other eggs have not...
  3. lonebluetear

    Eggs or already hatched?

    I am totally new to this 'thread' stuff so have just found the 'duck thread'. For a newbie it ain't easy. Anyhow, for those who have ducks, would you recommend eggs OR ones already hatched? If hatched, what is an appropriate age? I actually ordered an incredible (expensive, but I don't do...
  4. lonebluetear

    Would a chicken tractor work well in a smaller yard?

    I've wanted chickens forever, and my husband finally said I could have some. As such, I've been watching videos and reading everything I can about chickens, coops, etc. I've learned a LOT but am still confused. We live in a City where we can have up to 6 chickens. Though I am thinking of 3...
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