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  • Users: RRLaney
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  1. RRLaney

    Stopped laying in nesting boxes...

    So the past couple weeks we have only been getting about 1 egg/day from our 7 laying hens. I thought maybe it was the I just treated 2 for bumblefoot. But yesterday I found a my puppy snacking on a raw egg in the backyard. After some investigating, I found a stash of eggs underneath...
  2. RRLaney

    Sick Easter Egger - maybe respiratory

    I feel like it's always something. We've had our very first few cold days and nights (in the 40s/50s) in Texas this year and I'm wondering if that's just putting a lot of stress on my girls' immune systems. A few weeks ago a handful of our chickens got dry fowl pox. We dealt with it last year...
  3. RRLaney

    Hawk Attack - RIP Khaleesi (Questions!)

    R.I.P. my beautiful 4 month old Polish pullet Khaleesi :hit My boyfriend got Khaleesi for me as a birthday present and I have never been so in love with a chicken! I am heartbroken. We left for a quick 4 day trip to CA last weekend and while we were gone a hawk flew into the yard and killed...
  4. RRLaney

    Eclipse 2017 with the flock

    Just wanted to share some pictures. Spent the better part of today outside with the flock enjoying the eclipse and the cooler weather! Think everyone had a pretty good time! (Shady - 1 y/o Barred Rock. We'd like to think she's the first hen to see the eclipse through eclipse glasses!)...
  5. RRLaney


    I have a 1.5 year old chicken with coccidia. The vet tested her poop today. I have Corrid powder, but she is not drinking water right now. How should I treat her with this? I can't seem to find good information on it. Also, is it safe for young pullets? I was told to treat my entire flock...
  6. RRLaney

    Sleepy Chicken, please help!

    So I'm pretty sure our 1.5 yr old buff orpington hen, Bri, is sick. About a week and a half ago it was 106 degrees here and we had to pull her inside for a day because we thought she had heat stroke. We found her laying outside unresponsive. She slept for about 12 hours in the air conditioning...
  7. RRLaney

    Eye problem on chick

    New chick seems to have what looks like a black eye. Not sure if she was injured or it is infected. Should we be worried or is it okay? Bad eye (honestly not a great pic, it looks blue on around her eye and swollen) : Good eye (you can kind of see the swelling on the bad eye here) :
  8. RRLaney

    frizzle/polish chicks - pullets or cockerels?

    My boyfriend bought me baby chicks as a birthday present!! 2 frizzles and a polish. The breeder says she thinks they're female but she does not know for sure. what do y'all think? The polish is at least 6 weeks old. Not sure the age of the frizzles. (If y'all have any guesses on their age I'd...
  9. RRLaney

    Barred Rock - Hen or Rooster?

    A friend of mine had a chicken wander into his yard. He wanted to know if it was male or female. My first thought was female because I thought barred rock roosters were more white, but I really am not sure. This is the only picture I have. Hopefully one of you experts can help me out! Thanks :)
  10. RRLaney

    Adding ducks to the flock

    So we have 16 ~ 1-2 year old hens and we just added a small pond feature to our yard. We want to add just a couple ducks, but we have lots of questions. What duck breeds are the best? Quietest? Cleanest? Bad fliers? Etc. Are there certain breeds that get along better with chickens? Is...
  11. RRLaney

    Easter eggers

    Hey y'all, So i thought I was raising ameraucana chicks but I learned today that they are probably Easter eggers. Pretty excited about that, but don't know a lot about them. I read the breed review on this forum and I've been scrolling though quite a few threads, but I was hoping to hear from...
  12. RRLaney

    Ameraucana chicks...need help sexing

    Hey y'all! 2 of my ameraucana chicks are a little over 6 weeks old now and I was hoping to get some expert opinions on their sex. They don't look like cockerels to me...but I'm new to this. Fingers crossed! This is Jenna: And Becky: They look almost identical aside from their coloring...
  13. RRLaney

    Chicks growth rate

    So I am a first time chick owner. We have 2 ameracaunas that we're born on Oct. 12 and two barred rock chicks that were born on Oct. 19. They all seem happy and healthy. I just have a question out of curiousity and for learning purposes. The ameracaunas seem to be growing crazy fast, seems...
  14. RRLaney

    Tylan 50 & other medication questions

    Hey y'all, So the short version of my story is I have a 3-4 month old (tiny) pullet who is a mutt (maybe mixed with a production red) who has been very sick for almost a week now. I recently had another cochin pullet that I got at the same time as her die with similar symptoms. She is very...
  15. RRLaney

    Help quick! This poor chicken can't catch a break! [updated]

    So after some research I'm thinking this is a tapeworm..? We've lost 2 chickens to these same symptoms but we've never seen worms before. She's really young and last time a hen her age got lethargic like this she's died in 12 hours of us noticing. This hen is about 4-5 months old and she is...
  16. RRLaney

    Should I be worried about the baby?

    So this is my first time raising baby chicks...I think we're doing a pretty good job, but one of my 8 day old barred rock chicks seem to be sleepier than the rest of them. She definitely sleeps more than the others but I have seen her eating and she is definitely rambunctious when she is awake...
  17. RRLaney

    Crap, not again! Please help!!

    Alright I'm getting frustrated! I try so hard to take good care of my chickens and it seems like there's always something wrong with one of them! :hit So we have a case of dry fowl pox going around, all the chickens seem to be doing fine with it. But today I'm thinking one of my little ones is...
  18. RRLaney

    What's wrong with my chicken? Fowl pox? [pictures]

    So we've stumbled on a new one...seems like there's always something! Let the hens out of the coop this morning to find one of my favorite girls covered in giant bumps on her face and comb. I didn't see anything unusual on her legs. I watched her for a while and she seemed to eat and drink...
  19. RRLaney

    Did some backyard/coop maintenance today. Pretty happy with it :)

    The grass under the coop was looking sad, and being my perfectionist self, it was getting on my last nerve. Did a little landscaping today and a little maintenance on the coops (and added a second bath cause we can't seem to stop adding more chickens!) I'm very happy with how it turned out so I...
  20. RRLaney

    Meet my new babies!

    So I'm just too excited not to share! I had to have surgery a couple days ago and my recovery has been less than ideal to say the least...BUT my man got me the most perfect "get well soon" present...4 new 12 week old pullets!!! :weee (<- that's me if I could run right now!) I can't contain my...
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