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  1. TarzantheChickenMan

    anyone else having issues getting turkys to use the coop

    my 4 blue slates are refusing to go in the coop at night the issue is when i try to put them away any time of the day they just fly up to the roof of the house or barn its hit -30 a few nights now and they seem fine heads and feet look good from what i can see they eaten great and talken turkey...
  2. TarzantheChickenMan

    anyone know a good poultry genetics book

    Ive got a degree in biology and minor bio-chemistry so Ive gotta very very good base for genetics I studied reptile and mouse genetics in school mostly i just need a good primer for chicken and turkey colors and patterns i didnt do much for breeding in the past just let the birds do what they...
  3. TarzantheChickenMan

    well -12 below with -35 windchill and the little guy doing well

    the little guinea that my wife brought home at the beginning of October is finally outside with the rest of the birds. she was fed up with him in the house lol she brought it home and shes the one kicking him out. i told her it was a not a good idea lol that last night was going to be one of the...
  4. TarzantheChickenMan

    look what got hit on the road near my house 15miles away

    this mt lion was hit just out of Bemidji MN(56601) about 15 miles from my house the guy hold n it is a DNR officer
  5. TarzantheChickenMan

    Gilbert has new buddies

    well my lonely guinea has new friends. Yesterday i brought home the turkeys that we did not butcher from my brother in laws. Brought them home and Gilbert went nuts trying to buddy up to the new big birds. Gilbert was raised with turkeys 3 years ago so he seems to seek out their company first...
  6. TarzantheChickenMan

    Happy Thanksgiving, new turkey pict

    Well this is my 18month old son trying to catch Thanksgiving dinner Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Tarzan
  7. TarzantheChickenMan

    The keet finaly got to go outside

    it November and it was 50deg out side here in northern Minnesota. The keet ive had given to me that has been living in the fish tank in my living room finally got to go out side this afternoon. It still to small to go out with the other birds so we let it run around near them in a separate...
  8. TarzantheChickenMan

    Positive dog news

    Well yesterday afternoon i was outside checking on the critters on my break from work. Could hear my patterdale terrier barking,but i could not figure out where she was. Soon realized that she was under the new but not complete chicken coop barking at something. Then the smell, skunk. She...
  9. TarzantheChickenMan

    WTB: Belgian Quail D'anvers

    I'm looking for a source for eggs for next spring I would prefer quail but any color would do Thanks
  10. TarzantheChickenMan

    well the roofs on

    my dad and i did most of the roof last Sunday, Monday night my son and i finished the ridge anyways it 16"X18' 8x16' coop with a 10x16' barn for the horse pig and goats hopefully we will be getting the doors and windows in this coming Sunday and the ceiling finished so i can start to move the...
  11. TarzantheChickenMan

    Keets doing great

    well the little keets my sister in law brought home for me are doing great in a 10gallon aquarium in the dinning room right next to when my 16 month old sons high chair its great now we can put him in the chair and he sits a watched th keets, he points "chick, chick" its great chicky TV much...
  12. TarzantheChickenMan

    picts of my critters the white horse is mine the turkeys are last years i dont know if my wife has uploaded pists of the ones we just lost the kids a like 3 years older then those picts
  13. TarzantheChickenMan

    Heres a sad story from my area

    i posted a general link that links to all the articals about this issue the people with the chickens are some friends of mine they pretty much got screwed and now the city is working on banning chickens in town altogether...
  14. TarzantheChickenMan

    Predators in my area

    ive been living at my house for about 3and a half year ive had birds here not 5 days less then ive lived here mostly ive lost birds to my neighbors dogs problem is i can shoot them unless they are doing damage or about to do damage to my property or livestock so the 3 S's neighbor dogs20 turkeys...
  15. TarzantheChickenMan

    Well no more turkeys

    got up this morning to the turkeys all over the yard dead i worked late last night and nobody closed the door on their pen so this morning 8 bodies and 2 missing maybe they will show up neighbors dogs again i shot these dogs parents 2 years ago but the puppies kill turkeys too but i didnt see...
  16. TarzantheChickenMan

    TarzantheChickenMan is here

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Lets see my first work was "Duck" My second word was "chicken" so i say shortly after birth i was hooked on chickens ive keep chickens most of my life other then while i was in college I raised broilers for my family every summer...
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