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  1. rainnotebook

    Whats better? Debraining/dry plucking or scalding?

    Okay so we are butchering our turkeys this weekend for Thanksgiving. We have butchered chickens before and have scalded them, however in a book we have about turkeys they talk about debraining. My boyfriend thinks that this is probably a better way because of the size of the birds (getting a...
  2. rainnotebook

    Sexing a silkie - My theory

    How in the world do you sex a silkie? From my search there is only one way and thats waiting until they crow or lay an egg. Which kind of sucks. But I was wondering if they have color on their face (blue) then its a boy? My male silkie has blue on his face, and some of my 3month olds have...
  3. rainnotebook

    I feel really bad (please don't beat me up about this)

    So I had 10 eggs that my hen was laying on, all were collected under her within 2 days. I marked them and pulled out all the new eggs the other hens would lay on top of her, I know I should had moved her nest but I honestly wasn't sure how okay with that she would be. She had been an off again...
  4. rainnotebook

    Hurt baby chick

    Okay I finally have baby chicks homegrown and home raised. It has been an incredible experience. Out of 10 eggs 7 hatched, one of those chicks passed away immediately. But I've had 6 strong chicks, until today. I got out several times a day to check on my chicks and this morning I notice...
  5. rainnotebook

    My First Broody Hen

    So I have my first broody hen! She's been toying with the idea for weeks, she'd sit on them for a few hours then get bored and get up and leave them for hours and hours. So I would go pick them up. I even tried leaving them over night and she would still get bored. Well weeks later she...
  6. rainnotebook

    Sharing pictures

    I wanted to share pictures of my garden and my chickens & turkeys. I love my little farm!
  7. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    I'm looking for blog comment buddies. I love blogging but when I don't have someone there reading my blog and commenting I feel like "whats the point". Since the majority of what I blog about is my chickens and garden I thought it would be great to find comment buddies on here! So here I am...
  8. rainnotebook

    Turkey Dance & Sexing

    I think I've read every behavior turkey thread on BYC and I haven't quite found the answer. I have two broad breasted Turkeys that I'm in love with. Dora (the explorer) and Giblets. Both are 2 months old and pretty big. They both strut though Dora doesn't do it as long or often as Giblets...
  9. rainnotebook

    I think I have a disabled chick (with PICS)

    So I just got my shipment from Ideal Poultry and have a great healthy lot of chicks. Except for one. I got Rhode Island Reds and I would guess they are 3 days old right now. Well there is one chick that can't get up or move around. I pick him up and straighten his legs and they seem...
  10. rainnotebook

    Broad Breasted Bronze and White Turkeys

    So... we got turkeys this past month and I just love them to pieces. We got them with the plan that we are going to raise Thanksgiving dinner. Well.... I'm not so sure about that now. There is one in particular that I'm so in love with and I wonder if these breads are okay to keep as pets for...
  11. rainnotebook

    How to detect Blackhead?

    I know some places do not have blackhead and I want to know if I do. I have turkeys and would like to keep them with my chickens, but I don't know if I can (or should). If there is a post about this please direct me, I couldn't find it. Also what is blackhead and can it be treated?
  12. rainnotebook

    Stay outside

    I have 1 silkie, 3 gold sex links, 2 broad breasted turkeys that are a month old. Right now they are inside at night with a lamp but I put them out during the day without a lamp. I live in AZ and the days are 80 degrees so that's fine but I'm wondering how warm it has to be at night for one...
  13. rainnotebook

    A few behavior questions

    Okay so my new chickens are all grown up... okay maybe not grown up. But they are now teenagers. But I do have a few questions about my kids. First off I know I have a total of 4 roosters out of this batch, but two of them I still have wondered about. One of the suspected ones my teen rooster...
  14. rainnotebook

    Chickens & Rabbits

    Okay so I got a very cool cage type thing that is 4' by 6' and divided into two, which makes each section 2' x 3'. Perfect for my new chicks to grow up and mature. It is about 18" tall. Anyways its so big that I definitely couldn't keep both sides occupied with birds so my honey suggested we...
  15. rainnotebook

    What does severe pasty butt look like?

    I swear I'm never going to do chicks again. I just found one of my chicks with a severely huge... something by his butt. After discovering two of my chicks yesterday with pasty butt (or atleast just dried poop on them) I checked all my birds and wiped them all down with olive oil. This...
  16. rainnotebook

    TGFP (Thank Goodness For Pictures)

    So I've been obsessed with my chicks... watching them like... well like a mother hen. I've been checking their butt, making sure the temperature is right, making sure no one has drowned and that they have enough food thats crushed. *whoo* takes a lot of work and constant attention. Well I...
  17. rainnotebook

    First Set of Chicks - What Breed? What Gender?

    Okay, well first off I want to thank everyone who helped me with my ordeal this weekend. I went from ordering 10 chicks to getting 15, losing 6 and adding 4. Which makes it 13 babies. Here is the breakdown I ordered 2 Bronze Breasted Chickens 5 Silkies 3 Brahmas (got 4) and got 4 packing...
  18. rainnotebook

    Dying Chicks... now 3 (no 6) are dead. Whats going on?

    oI just got chicks on Thursday... last night one of them died. No clue how but it was one of my baby silkies. Well this morning another one is just laying there feet stretched out and dying. He is still alive, eyes open when I hold him but he just lays there. I feel so bad... I don't know...
  19. rainnotebook

    Baby Chick Poop

    Okay this is my first time having chicks and I'm loving my experience. I just got my chickens from Ideal Poultry and they shipped on Tuesday... They are about 4-5 days old. Well one thing I'm noticing is they aren't pooping that much. My adult chickens and even some month old chickens I got...
  20. rainnotebook

    Coffee Grounds, Compost & Chickens

    Where I work I get buckets and buckets of vegetables and compost materials each week. Its totally awesome... no longer deciding who gets the leftover vegetables, the compost or the chickens. (cause the chickens always win) Well in these buckets they put coffee grounds in it. So the...
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