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  1. mullers3acers

    ducks title

    I know that a male duck is called a drake but the female is a hen or another name?
  2. mullers3acers

    ducks title

    I know that a male duck is called a drake but the female is a hen or another name?
  3. mullers3acers


    When is the best time to candle after the egg is laid?
  4. mullers3acers

    How many times a day?

    We were watering our hens two times a day and only feeding them in the evening this morning they were going off as if i haven't feed them for day's the temps are in the mid 30's I am so confused?
  5. mullers3acers

    Our oldest daughter is getting married then going to Japan!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our daughter's fiance is in the Air Force and is going to Japan in Feb. They had planned on a traditional wedding which they still plan to have; but have decided to have a civil service over Christmas so she can go to Japan with him. I am happy and sad because they will be so far away.
  6. mullers3acers

    Who's decorating for Christmas right now?

    Who is decorating now for Christmas? What are you putting up I mean lights Christmas trees, etc.?
  7. mullers3acers

    Would mold in feed?

    Can mold in feed hinder egg laying? We were checking feed two days ago and found mold. We keep our chicken feed in a grain ben covered with a rubber tarp to keep the rats out and to keep the moisture out so we thought. It did the complete opposite. Help?
  8. mullers3acers

    International or John Deere ?

    Just curious who has what? We have International.
  9. mullers3acers

    Happy Birthday, Cindi!

    Cindi from Mullerslanefarm celebrated a birthday yesterday!
  10. mullers3acers

    Curled beak

    We have a hen that has a curled beak how can we fix it?
  11. mullers3acers

    DD's Fiance Home

    DD's fiance came home from base in NC last night. Will be here for 2 weeks and has to go back. Won't be here for Christmas. But has orders for Japan and leaves in Jan. So we are going to NC in Jan to see him off. He is in the Air Force so this has been hard on both of them with the distance...
  12. mullers3acers

    Mayo cupcakes

    Does anyone have a recipe for cupcakes using mayo?Went to a get together last night and a lady made chocolate cupcakes with Hellmans mayo in them they were the best cupcakes I ever tasted. I asked her for the recipe and she said it was an old family recipe. Really didn't want to give it out. So...
  13. mullers3acers

    Girls Please LAY!!!!!!!

    My girls are not laying well and customers are not happy!
  14. mullers3acers

    What are you fixing now?

    It's damp and cold here and am making alot of cassoroles and soups. Any new or old recipes you'd like to share?
  15. mullers3acers

    Wood Stoves?

    Has anyone started using theirs yet?
  16. mullers3acers

    Wood Stoves?

    Has anyone started using theirs yet?
  17. mullers3acers

    Celery ??

    Can you freeze or dehydrate celery?
  18. mullers3acers

    smoked duck recipe

    Does anyone have one? We culled some ducks this am and we'd like to smoke one for dinner. So we are asking for help.
  19. mullers3acers

    Girls not laying much

    We have over 50 girls and 20 pullets about to start laying and we are only getting 12 to 16 eggs a day. We give them crack corn, laying crumbles, and oyster shell they are free range so they get enough grit and bugs. Is there anything else we can do? Egg customers are getting upset as well...
  20. mullers3acers

    At what age?

    When do the female ducks start laying eggs? This is the first time that we've owned ducks, so I need to get informed.
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