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  1. BlueJuniper

    Can chickens eat garlic?

    After looking through a couple of chicken sites and videos, I have found that there is not exactly a definitive answer on whether or not chickens can eat garlic, or drink water with garlic in it. Some sources warn never to feed it, while others share that it helps to improve the general health...
  2. BlueJuniper

    Getting Chickens to use the Dust Bath

    I recently made a beautiful dust bath for my chickens, after I realized they don't have a designated place to bathe. I made it with recycled wood, and added play sand, soil, DE, and wood ashes to the frame. But I am yet to see just one chicken in the dust bath. They are completely ignoring it...
  3. BlueJuniper

    Please help diagnose possible mites

    My chicken Quiche is about a year old, and I have never had any problems medically wise with my chickens until now. My poor girl scratches her neck, and even the other girls pick on her more than usual. She has a bare patch under her neck, and there are strange clumps of abnormal material. She...
  4. BlueJuniper

    Need help! Hen is not laying

    I know that this forum is probably really repetitive to a lot of you chicken experts, but I am really at a loss. I did a little research, and apparently chickens will stop laying for a number of reasons like molting, time of the year, broodiness, and age, but none of these seem to fit my...
  5. BlueJuniper

    Tiny Egg

    Today I was walking through the coop, and I found the smallest egg I have ever seen on the floor of the coop. We have two easter egger bantams and I know that bantams lay small eggs but are they always really THAT small? And another question is can I eat it? Any feedback is greatly appreciated...
  6. BlueJuniper

    How do I help my broody hen?

    I have my first layer shea my silkie in the nesting box nearly all day. When I go to let them outside every morning I see her in the box trying to lay an egg. Sometimes she lays, and sometimes she doesn't. I feel so bad for her, so I have very gently taken her out and put her in the run, but she...
  7. BlueJuniper

    Who laid this egg??

    Sorry I just got my first egg, and I am ecstatic to find out who laid it. I have some Ideas, that it could be our plymouth rock, or our light brown leghorn/cream leg bar, or it could even be our cochin, for her waddle and comb is very full and red. We got the cream leg bar/ leghorn not...
  8. BlueJuniper

    *****Cochin Thread*****

    Just thought I would make a thread for you guys to post pics of your cochin's So have fun and go crazy
  9. BlueJuniper

    Chicken enrichment

    I have a relatively large backyard for my girls to roam around in and find bugs and that kind of thing, but I'm worried that they're not getting enough enrichment. Do any of you have any ideas of things that might make their lives a little more fun?
  10. BlueJuniper

    So how do the "Swaps" forums work?

    Sorry I still new, How do the Swaps forums work?
  11. BlueJuniper

    Is this a Light Brown Leghorn?

    Is this a Light Brown Leghorn? I have done an amazing amount of research, and I still can't tell for certain what breed she is. She is from mypetchicken, so it must be one of those breeds, and she has a very distinctive cockerel brother who has the speckling and is shown below. Or maybe a Cream...
  12. BlueJuniper

    When will my Barred Rock start laying

    I have read that some chickens start laying at the age of 3 months. I know that barred rocks are excellent layers, and that they mature quickly. We got chickens on the 20th of June. My barred rock has a dark pink/red comb. I was just wondering when she might start laying?
  13. BlueJuniper

    New to BYC

    Hey guys, just want to introduce myself. Im new to BYC and have had chickens for about 3 months now. I love my girls to death and am looking forward to learning more and just chatting about chickens.
  14. BlueJuniper

    How Do I create My Coop tab?

    I am new to backyard chickens, and I would like to make a page about my flock under the "my coop" option when i edit my profile, but it says it needs to start with http://... Please help
  15. BlueJuniper

    Is Chicken Sneezing Normal?

    Recently i have noticed that my chickens have been sneezing. Is this anything to be concerned about?
  16. BlueJuniper

    What breed of chicken is this?

    Please help us determine the breed of this chick.
  17. BlueJuniper

    HELP! What Breed and or Gender too :-)

    Hello. We are new to Byc, and chickens. We where recently given a mystery chick as a gift. He/She is 6 weeks old. I have some idea that it might be either a Speckled Sussex or a Welsummer. As a young chick, it had the distinguishing brown/tan stripes down the back. I also have a fear that it may...
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