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  1. Magnolia7330

    Coccidosis-Please learn from my mistakes

    First I want to say I am a total chicken newbie and this is my first flock. Before we got our chickens I took a backyard chicken class. This class taught me the basics of raising a small backyard flock. One of the recommendations was to get in contact with a vet (they had a vet they recommended...
  2. Magnolia7330

    Sweet Clover is Becoming a T-Rex!

    I could use some help. I currently have 6 pullets. As of last week I had 4 that we had raise from chicks-Clover (welsummer), Lulu (easter egger), Stella (white leghorn), and Crow (black australorp). Our chickens have always been fairly sweet although prefer not to be picked up. On 8/21, the day...
  3. Magnolia7330

    Sold as Mottled Java..I'm guessing Cuckoo Maran?

    We bought two new chickens today. My boyfriend went to pick them out. We are both new to chickens. He bought a Mottled Java and a Buckeye. They are 20 weeks old. When I got home I went to look at the chickens. He stated they had just brought the birds in and their cages weren't labeled yet. I...
  4. Magnolia7330

    What time do your chickens put themselves to bed?

    My chicks have been outside now for 2 weeks. They are 7 weeks old. They promptly put themselves to bed at 8:00pm (on the dot!) each night. Just curious if others chickens put themselves in the coop at a specific time each night?
  5. Magnolia7330

    Getting Two Parlor Pigeons

    I may be getting two parlor pigeons sometime this year. Would it be best to get 2 females or a male and female pair? I don't plan on breeding them-maybe in the future, but I'm too new right now. I've never had pigeons before. Any advice is helpful. Also, what do you do with the eggs? Just toss...
  6. Magnolia7330

    Chick with dried hard poop stuck to butt

    I received my 4 chicks yesterday. This morning I noticed one of them has hard dried poop stuck to her butt. I tried to gently wash it off, but it is too hard. I currently don't have running water until after 4pm today. What should I do? Thank you for the help.
  7. Magnolia7330

    2017 Meyer Mealmaker Thread-What'd you get?

    I thought it would be fun to have a thread on the Meyer Mealmakers from Meyer Hatchery. I'm curious to see what they turn out to be and the range of breeeds. I just received my first small flock of chicks today. This is the one I got today. I think she may be a White Rock, but we'll see. Her...
  8. Magnolia7330

    Roosting Bar in Coop and/or Run

    I just finished painting my coop and will soon begin building my run. Do my chickens need a roosting bar in the coop? How about the run? If there is one in the coop how high off the floor should it be. I will have 4 chickens. I am getting a welsummer, australorp, easter egger, and a meyer...
  9. Magnolia7330

    Can I use gardening supplies as a brooder?

    I hope this isn't a stupid question. I ordered my first flock of chickens to be delivered the week of April 10th. Today I ordered supplies to start my spring garden (tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and melons). This is my first time germinating my plants from seed and it got me thinking. I ordered...
  10. Magnolia7330

    I Just Put in My First Chick Order

    I'm so excited!!! I just put in my first ever chick order. Looks like I will get my first flock started the week of April 11th! I ordered an Australorp, Easter Egger, Welsummer, and Meyer Mealmaker. The delivery date coincides with our Spring Break (I'm a teacher), so this works out perfect...
  11. Magnolia7330

    Buying baby chicks-MPC or Meyer

    I am eager to purchase my first flock. I have strict orders from my boyfriend that I can only buy three (however, a fourth might make it in the box and blamed on the hatchery). Our city allows a maximum of 6 hens. I am looking at either Meyer or My Pet Chicken since both allow small orders. I...
  12. Magnolia7330

    Free Sample from Grubbly Farms

    I saw this offer for a free sample of chicken treats from Grubbly Farms. I'm not sure how long it lasts. I signed up for a sample. Here is the link in case anyone else wants to try.
  13. Magnolia7330

    Need plans for coop-No construction experience

    I am planning to get my first small flock of birds in the spring. Until then I need to start getting a chicken coop built. Our city allows for no more than 6 hens. I would like a 4x8 coop and 8x8 or 10x8 run. It depends what we can fit in the area our zoning permits. I believe we should be able...
  14. Magnolia7330

    Excited Chicken Newbie

    Good Evening! Our city has recently approved backyard chickens. The new zoning ordinance should be official in about 6 weeks. We can have a maximum of 6 hens. I plan on starting with two, maybe three birds. I'm thinking to start with 2 black australorps for egg production and maybe a bantam. I...
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