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    Foster mom with color predjudice, accepts 7 rejects 2

    I really don't want to keep chicks in a brooder as it seems that they are healthier raised by a hen, but I have a problem with 2 of the babies I tried to slip onto my broody hen. To back up a bit I bought silkie eggs off of eBay planning to put them under my black silkie hen who had been...

    What is the fastest to build and also the cheapest coop?

    I really need to get some coops built NOW. I need housing for a Splash silkie roo and about 6 hens, a Partridge Silkie roo and about 3 hens, 2 pairs of d'Uccles and something for new babies and their momma as well as something for a Jap roo and 2 hens and also 3 Cornish bantam hens. A fox has...

    What color is my silkie chick?

    My flock is almost all b/b/s except for a Partridge roo I hatched from some eBay eggs sold as Hattrick. Here is the chick in question: the pink color is a zip tie to mark them. I appreciate any help on this ....thanks!

    Someone please explain what a SPLIT is

    I'm fairly new and don't know what a split is. Is it the same as a cross (two different breeds)?

    Help! Broodie's eggs are 2 days past due and no action.

    I started 7 standard eggs under my bantam cochin 23 days ago. About a week ago I candled and looks like 3 have no development so I took them out but the other 4 show normal development as best as I can tell with a flashlight on brown eggs. I do not hear and chriping and there is no piping...

    HELP Broody Bantam Cochin Pullet with watery poop

    Is it normal for a broody hen to have watery poop? What could be the cause? Is she sick?

    Broody Bantam Cochin Pullet with watery diahreah

    Is this serious? She has been broody for about 10 days and her eggs disappeared in the hen house so I moved her into the house in a box in an unheated bedroom and put newpapers on the floor and bowls of food and vit/electrolyte water. I put about 7 standard size eggs under her but she has...

    Help with broody bantam not sure she is eating or drinking.

    First off, I have absolutely no experience with hatching either with a hen or incubator. I found some bantam eggs on a shelf in one of our outbuildings a while ago and removed the eggs and put a box with hay in it on the shelf where I picked up the eggs but must have missed one or two days. I...

    How long to keep chickens penned up in coop before opening it up

    Our 35 chickens have been free-ranging since they went outside as chicks. We finally got the coop together and managed to put 20 bantams in it (mostly the girls and 4 boys). We are trying to get 3 Japanese out of the apple tree with no success so far, and have small coops for the others to...

    Silkies missing toes, could it be Scaley Leg Mites? See Pics below

    I have 4 Silkie Cockerels 30 and 32 weeks old as well as a Silkie pullet. All had the normal 5 toes as baby chicks, but they have been out free ranging and not being handled much. I noticed a few weeks ago that one had only nubs for the outer toes on both feet. Then a couple days ago I...

    New member from WV

    Hello all, I have been looking things up on BYC for at least 6 months, but never registered before. I got about 70 chicks this spring, which as my DH reminds me everyday is too many and he wants nothing to do with them. I believe my current count is about 35. I had one that died a few hours...
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