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  1. BirdGirl2004

    @Scott214 What's going on with the twins!?!

    Hey @Scott124! It's been awhile since you posted about your cute little twins hatching, and I was wondering how they are growing and maturing! I ( and I'm sure other people ) would LOVE to see some pictures/updates of these cuties! :love Thanks!:thumbsup
  2. BirdGirl2004

    High protein feed for shows birds

    Hello, I just recently got a gorgeous Black tailed White bantam rooster, and I want to make sure that he is given a good diet that will allow for his feathers to be healthy and shiny. I was wondering if I could feed my rooster Chick Starter/Grower feed? I thought maybe that this had higher...
  3. BirdGirl2004

    Why are my Golden Laced Wyandottes so small?

    Hello! Today I picked up 4 GLW from a lady from craigslist, and she claims that they are 16 weeks old, but they are WAAAY to small to be 16 weeks. They look like they are 8 weeks old! Could she be lying about the age? ( I don't think so though...) Or could they be bantam GLW? Not getting enough...
  4. BirdGirl2004

    Black Tailed White Japanese Bantams

    Hey guys, I'm already getting prepared for next years 4-H show, and I'm about to buy a Black Tailed White Japanese Bantam!:thumbsup He is a gorgeous roo, and I can't wait to get him! I just wanted to know if anybody has any pics or stories of there Black Tailed White Japanese Bantams...
  5. BirdGirl2004

    Raising Black Copper Marans for hatching chicks

    Hey guys! I am wanting to raise some Black Copper Marans to incubate eggs and sell chicks. I have never done this before, and was wondering if there was any thing that I needed to know for breeding pairs and pens and different things. I've heard that Black Copper Marans come at a high price, and...
  6. BirdGirl2004

    My new hatched chicks! (post yours too!)

    Before I get into it... I'm just so happy to say that I can finally post into the "Raising Baby Chicks" than in the "Incubating and hatching eggs!" Although I LOVED the experience... I'm just so glad I have chicks now!!:love:love Hey! I am SOOO pumped to see that 6 of my 7 eggs were hatched on...
  7. BirdGirl2004

    Leftovers/treats for chickens

    Hey guys! Every week before I go grocery shopping, I clean out both my refrigerator and my pantry. I give them all of my leftovers and they devour every bite! We usually have quite a bit of leftovers, and it lasts the a couple days... They absolutely love it! This morning my chickens had...
  8. BirdGirl2004

    2 chickens dead with blue body and combs need help identifying what killed them

    Hello, I really need help identifying what happened to my 2 chickens! This weekend, I went to my lake house for about 2 days, but when I left them I had them inside an electric fence so no predators could get to them. When I got back, I found that two of my chickens were dead. One of them was...
  9. BirdGirl2004

    Incubating!! 15 days old!

    Hey guys! Today my eggs are 15 days old, and I am SOOO excited to hatch them out! I put them in the incubator at about 8:00 p.m. July 8th, that being said, they should hatch THIS sunday! Wondering if there is any tips/advice for 15 days and older! Should I put a towel below the eggs before...
  10. BirdGirl2004

    At what age can I transfer my chicks with the "big girls"?

    Hey guys, My chicks are around 9-10 weeks old, and I was wondering when they would be okay to be transferred with the older girls? Should I wait another month or so? They look too small to put with the larger girls. Also... please don't judge my coop lol, I have redone it since then:lau Larger...
  11. BirdGirl2004

    9-10 Week old chicks

    Hey guys, I'm going to be posting pictures of my 9-10 week old chicks to ensure that they are growing properly. :loveIn the past, my chickens haven't grown near and bug or fast because I used the wrong feed. I've been giving them chick starter/grower and will continue to until they are 18 or so...
  12. BirdGirl2004

    *HELP* Washing broilers day of show!!

    Hey guys, on Wednesday I thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed my chickens till not a speck of dirt on them. Flash forward today and I noticed that they looked like absolute crap...:barnie SOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!! I swear... they are rolling in the poop and water ON PURPOSE!!!!!! Anyhooo, I entered them...
  13. BirdGirl2004

    Solved I received a 1000 "likes" award, but my awards still are stuck at 963?

    Hey guys, Last time I was on here my likes were at around 990 something, and when I came back on later it was about 960 something? Then I received my 1000 like award, and it still hasn't changed? Anyone else experience that/know how to fix it? Thanks!:thumbsup
  14. BirdGirl2004

    Smelly egg...

    Hey guys, this morning when I opened my incubator I smelled a horrendous smell that I don't think anybody should have to endure...:sick I smelled each egg, when I came upon the biggest egg in the incubator, I gave it a sniff and YUCK! That was definitely the one that smelled! Should I get rid of...
  15. BirdGirl2004

    Penny the Pullet

    Hey Guys! I was out taking pictures of my chicken Penny tonight, and thought I'd take some picture of her and share it with you! She's adorable!:love She absolutely LOVES to roost on my arms!! I have another leghorn (Becky) that lays eggs daily... Penny had some shoes to fill!:lol: :thumbsup
  16. BirdGirl2004

    EMERGENCY!! Growth on chicken leg! *Gross pics*

    Hello, this week I will be entering my meat chickens into fair.:yesss: While I was cleaning them up earlier today I saw this growth on one of my chickens! Wondering if this is something to be concerned about/how it got there?? Please help!!
  17. BirdGirl2004

    Pullet shoot!

    Hey guys! I would love to see all your cute/funny pics of your pullets and or stories! I currently have 6 pullets that are about 10 weeks old! 3 RIR, 1 Leghorn, and 1 Buff Orpington, and a Black sex link. ( I obviously have more chickens than this, this is just my pullets:lol:) ( I would post...
  18. BirdGirl2004

    Can I candle my eggs with a phone flashlight?

    Hey guys, tomorrow is my candling day and I was wondering if I needed to go out and get a special flashlight/ candler or if I can use my phone flashlight! Thanks so much!:thumbsup
  19. BirdGirl2004

    Anxious to candle!

    Hey guys, tonight my eggs turn 6 days old! Tomorrow I will be candling my little guys! I am SOOO excited!!:wee:love I finally found a place on my house where the temp of my incubator isn't CONSTANTLY fluctuating! I need some help deciphering whether the eggs are healthy and growing, or if they...
  20. BirdGirl2004

    Show off your FAIR birds here!

    Hey guys! For most of us, 4-H, and other shows are coming close or have already happened!:yesss: Show off the birds your showing wether they are chickens, ducks, broilers etc. I am so excited, and would love to see what everybody else is showing! I am showing some of my broilers, (they are not...
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