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  1. kesrchicky16

    Clutch size?

    I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times but I can't find my answer. I have Toulouse females 18 months old. Last year they did beautifully with sitting and raising the eggs I left them. I let the first broody one have her clutch of 10. She hatched 9. I kept kicking the other off the...
  2. kesrchicky16

    Who's the Mommy?

    My flock consists of a French gander, 2 French Toulouse females (his hatch mate sister) and an African female. I have hatched 4 in my incubator and this morning mama French's brood has heads. Instead of shells. Yeah! Now here is my problem. All the pictures of French Goslings I have seen had...
  3. kesrchicky16

    Tweety bird

    Ok I've had peeping chicks and peeping ducklings. I expected peeping goslings. Why is it trilling/singing to me? It is a African × French Toulouse. There is another pipped egg in the incubator with it and 3 more unpipped eggs.
  4. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    Ok so I might be a bit behind the 8 ball here. How many days do goose eggs need to incubate? The story from the beginning. I have 4 geese. A French Toulouse gander (Gaston) and 2 females (Belle & Katerina). And an African female (Matry). I am confident of genders as I checked vents and have...
  5. kesrchicky16

    Iridescent feathers on a quacking adolescent

    Ok I'm loosing my mind. I have some broody hatched ducklings that are almost fully feathered and have started quacking (adult sounds). So the father of the 2 in question is black swedish/rouen 50% each. He is gorgeous with a raspy male voice. So each of these ducklings have shiny green...
  6. kesrchicky16

    How many cockerels?

    These are 11 weeks old back yard mix. I know the 1 is male and pretty sure 2 are female. I'm not sure about the 3rd white one. All 4 together for sure cockerel is in front and ? is the far left of the back ones. Cockerel on his own. The other 3. My question is do these pictures contain 2...
  7. kesrchicky16

    Again (URGENT) Assist or wait?

    Hatching ducks Have one that stopped progressing. I took off the pieces of shell it had loosened itself so I had a window to see through. Saw opaque white membrane stuck to it. I'm guessing shrink wrap so i start progressing with the assist. Then I notice he is still "swallowing" and I broke a...
  8. kesrchicky16

    21 weeks and laying?

    Ok so i hatched some backyard mix chicks on January 12th. I got super lucky and had 5 of 12 females. My roo and cockerel had been showing interest for the last couple weeks but i figured it was "hornyness" because I had 24 hens going into winter and am down to 14 plus the 5 hatched pullets...
  9. kesrchicky16

    Hurt duckling

    I have a 10 day old duckling being raised by mama. I think it got snatched by a crow yesterday and got 2 injuries. 1st a small pin hole puncture on the right side just behind the hip. 2nd it wasnt using its left leg at all last night. We cleaned and dressed the puncture and kept it in a...
  10. kesrchicky16


    So I just finished my first slaughter day. 6 cockerels born 17 weeks ago. (Time got away from us). I defiantly don't want to get a job doing it but the mechanics weren'tas bad as I had expected. 1st OMG testicle size!!! The feisty ones were huge! Heart size or BIGGER. The ones that had me...
  11. kesrchicky16

    Lice and chicks

    I have a friend whose chickens I'm tending while she's out of town. She has a Broody hen scheduled to hatch in the next couple days. I noticed while checking on the flock there were lice on the eggs. Will the chicks be able to survive? How old do the chicks need to be to treat the coop and the...
  12. kesrchicky16

    Sitting duck BEWARE!

    Ok so i have delt with broody chickens and a human agressive rooster and I'll take them over a sitting/broody duck any day. She scares me! I have duck eggs in my incubator ready to hatch Tuesday. She started sitting about a week ago (10ish days before my eggs will hatch). Is there a chance i...
  13. kesrchicky16

    World's youngest crow!

    Ok maybe not but I've never had one before 4.5 months or older. I have some not quite 3 months dual purpose mixed breed chicks. I was letting everyone our for breakfast when I hear this weird noise. I get to the chicks enclosure and hear my true year old rooster crow. I hear the noise again...
  14. kesrchicky16

    12 chicks 5 weeks old. Looking for guesses.

    Daddys were mutts. I have pretty good guesses on mamas. Hubby took the pics. I think he did ok. Our guess on gender is on the last picture of each bird. Chick A Plymouth rock mama Chick B RIR mama Chick C (rooster guess) buff Orpington mama. Looks like daddies. Chick D RIR mama...
  15. kesrchicky16

    Bumble foot?

    4 week old chick. Kinda limping on this leg. Stumbles and uses wing to push himself back up. Other foot same chick.
  16. kesrchicky16

    First feathers.

    My chicks are coming up on a week old. The first hatchers are starting to get their tail feather and I'm able to start see patterning on the flight feathers. Are these first feathers indicative of what they will look like as adults? Also in trying to remember molts. They start with hatching...
  17. kesrchicky16

    Baby care basics.

    Probably over thinking this but... 1. How much should my 12 chicks eat? They have feed (chick starter), water, electrolytes/probiotics available all day. 2. Will they just eat when they all eat until full? Will the littles keep trying if the big ones push them away? I have seen the big ones...
  18. kesrchicky16

    HELP do I help or no?

    Egg is pipped on end away from the air cell. It is almost symmetrical so I'm not worried about it getting out. It has made a hole big enough I can see it moving inside. My question is the membrane is intact. I can see there is no blood vessels where it pipped. It is keeping and moving. Would it...
  19. kesrchicky16

    I have a pip!

    I should soooooo be sleeping but tomorrow (well it's after midnight so today) is hatch day and I was laying I bed (yes stupid me putting the incubator in my bedroom) and I heard a peep. 2:00 first external pip! Hopefully peepy little chick by morning.
  20. kesrchicky16

    Duck incubation

    Ok so I'm trying to distract myself during my first lockdown. I plan on doing some of my duck eggs in the spring but can't seem to find the "How details". Chicken eggs = 99.5° F, 35% day 1-18, 60% day 18-21+, turn until lockdown on day 18 Duck eggs seem harder so do they need more or less...
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