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  1. jasonvanorder

    Humidity question

    Hey everyone. Got a quick question. I have some duck eggs in the incubator (NR360) that went into lockdown yesterday. I opened the vent as far as it will go but once I opened and filled the B port with water the humidity spiked to 78. Ideally I’m shooting for about 65% but even after pulling...
  2. jasonvanorder

    Need some help

    Need help figuring out what we are doing wrong. This is the first year hatching pekin ducks. The first attempt we set 8 eggs only 1 hatched. This time we set 7 and none hatched. We are using the NR360 temp at 99.5. Humidity was held between 55-60% until lockdown then held at 80%. This time...
  3. jasonvanorder

    When to intervene with duck egg

    So this is my first try at hatching duck eggs. I set 8 pekin eggs but only one made it. Yesterday (Monday) about mid morning it finally externally pipped. Right on time for when I set them. But there has been very very little progress since then. Only one tiny bit of the shell has fallen...
  4. jasonvanorder

    Penicillin for pekin

    Posted this in the emergencies section too but figured more wouldn’t hurt I have a pretty sick pekin duck. A couple weeks ago we noticed she had a bumblefoot. We’ve been trying to clear that up. Got it opened and have been cleaning daily and soaking in epsom salt. Today she is very lethargic...
  5. jasonvanorder

    Penicillin for pekin

    I have a pretty sick pekin duck. A couple weeks ago we noticed she had a bumblefoot. We’ve been trying to clear that up. Got it opened and have been cleaning daily and soaking in epsom salt. Today she is very lethargic and her bull is really warm and she just overall looks weak. We have a...
  6. jasonvanorder

    Lame leg?

    Went out to the coop this morning and found one of our young Jersey giant hens laying in the corner not moving. I grabbed her up and brought her in. She was a bit cold and wet from laying on the ground (been getting a lot of rain everything is wet). Got her warmed up and dried off but noticing...
  7. jasonvanorder

    Pekin duck bumblefoot?

    Found one of girls this morning g was barely able to walk. Caught her and noticed a lump on the bottom of each one side bigger than the other. Both towards the middle of the middle toe. This is my first time with ducks so not sure what I’m looking at here. I’m thinking bumblefoot. Right...
  8. jasonvanorder

    Severely dehydrated chicken

    Tuesday we noticed one of our polish hens went missing. Not a trace of her. I figured an owl got her since she like roost outside. Well I found her this morning hidden between a post and the fence in a far corner of the run. She had to have been there since Monday night Tuesday morning. We...
  9. jasonvanorder

    Jersey giants

    Who here has raised jersey giants? My wife got away from me in FFH last night and now we are the proud owners of 6 black little giants. From what I’ve been reading they seem to be pretty good with other flocks. Just a bit worried about them getting bullied by our amberlink roo.
  10. jasonvanorder

    Disabled chick

    Little backstory this is my first time hatching chicks. Put 6 eggs in a NR 360 incubator. 5 hatched with only 1 minor issue but that chick is fine. The last egg didn’t hatch till this afternoon and from reading on here that’s not too uncommon. The problem is the chick was born with a few...
  11. jasonvanorder

    Possible Isa Brown?

    Ok so after some digging I think our main roo is an Isa brown. Is it normal for them to be mostly white? Trying to figure out what the eggs I have in the incubator could be mixed with. All our hens are either light or dark brahmas.
  12. jasonvanorder


    Well time for everyone to meet Earl. Earl has been crashing in our nesting boxes off and on for about a week now. He doesn’t bother the chickens just goes for the eggs. Eats all he can then curls up for his nap. This weekend we are going to relocate him to the woods farther away. I know...
  13. jasonvanorder

    Missing toe

    So my wife just called me at work. One of our roosters got out and somehow got injured. She noticed he was limping and once she caught him saw he is missing his back toe on one foot😱. She has him separated for now. Since it’s not bleeding that bad get the bleeding to stop keep it clean and...
  14. jasonvanorder

    Think I messed up 😢

    So if any haven’t followed along with my other posts One of our hens went broody around the end of July beginning of august. A few days after noticing I had to go out of town for 2 weeks for a family emergency so really didn’t have time to check on her or anything. When I got back she was...
  15. jasonvanorder

    Crazy rooster

    So this spring we picked up 11 new chicks. Got lucky and only got 1 rooster (last batch we got 3 Roos out of 8). Anyway. No clue what breed he is but we are thinking Brahma just by his size already and a few other things. But one thing I’ve noticed with him is while all the other hens and...
  16. jasonvanorder

    30 days and nothing yet

    Hit the 30 day mark and nothing from our eggs yet. Momma is still sitting. Not sure how much longer to let her go. Last year she sat for 2 months with nothing happening. I candled the eggs Friday. had 4 unfertilized. 3 completely black. And 3 about 75% black. Kinda disappointed
  17. jasonvanorder

    Looks like a bust 😞

    We are well past the 21 day mark and not a thing from our eggs. Momma is still broody as can be but it’s not looking good. I’m going to give them till Saturday afternoon before booting her off and pulling the eggs. Was hoping it would work out since it would be our very first time hatching...
  18. jasonvanorder

    No luck

    Ok so we have a broody. Not really sure on the exact date she started sitting. But we are in the 3 week window. Last year we didn’t have any that hatched and I’m starting to think we are going to have the same issue this year. My plan was to wait till this coming weekend to see if any hatch...
  19. jasonvanorder

    First broody hen. What to do?

    So this is our 3rd year with chickens. Last summer we had a hen go broody and just left her to do her thing. It was right when we had a heat wave of temps of 90+ for a couple weeks. None of the eggs hatched. Well right now we have another hen sitting on close to 20 eggs. She’s been sitting...
  20. jasonvanorder

    New chicks

    So right now we have a flock of 6. 5 hens and 1 roo. One of our hens is sitting on some eggs. Not sure how many but we have plenty of room for them. My question is what do we need to do when the chicks hatch? Right now they are all still innthe same coop/run amd really no good way to...
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