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  1. chicklets81

    Can "young" chickens be in cold coop?

    I've never integrated chickens in the winter before. I have 2 sets of chickens I hatched this winter. 2 hatched in October, and 6 in November. I moved them into the basement a while ago, they are now living together in a big dog crate. My question is, I'd like to move the dog crate to the...
  2. chicklets81

    Newly hatched chicks leg is bend outward instead of under?

    I posted this in the hatching eggs section, but just incase that's not the right section... I just did a hatch of 5 eggs. Only 1 has hatched so far, and the chicks leg is developed out to the side instead of under it, so it can't walk! Does anyone know what to do? help!
  3. chicklets81

    how do I help hatched chick with leg developed to the side?

    Only 1 out of my 5 eggs has hatched, and the chicks leg is bent outward instead of under! Its not able to walk. I think I've heard about this happening....what do you do? help!
  4. chicklets81

    Are "Ameraucana" and "Easter Egger" the same bird?

    I wanted blue and green eggs this year. I bought Ameraucana chicks at the store, as well as purchased Easter Egger hatching eggs from a breeder. The Ameraucana chicks were all females. The dozen Easter Egger eggs hatched, and only gave me 3 roosters, no hens. I wanted Easter Egger hens. Are...
  5. chicklets81

    Found mites(?) on hatching egg, but nowhere else!

    I have 2 broody hens I moved to dog crates in my basement (they are too big for the doorway of my coop). I moved them there on tuesday, 1 day before hatch day. They each have their own crate. I picked up one of the hatching eggs to see if the chick had pipped yet, and there were little white...
  6. chicklets81

    little small white bugs on hatching egg?

    I have 2 broody hens hatching out eggs right now. Yesterday was day 21. I picked up one of the eggs to see if the chick had made a pip hole yet, and I noticed tiny, almost microscopic, little things on the eggs surface, walking around. I think I read somewhere on this site about mites, and...
  7. chicklets81

    Crowing at night? (After dark)

    I have 2 broody hens sitting on eggs that are due to hatch next week. I like to candle them at night when its darkest so I can get a good view. While in the coop, a rooster I have crows at 10 pm!!! I do have some christmas lights that I turned on because its getting dark earlier, but I...
  8. chicklets81

    Is it good to feed chickens sunflower seeds everyday?

    When I get home from work at 4:30 pm, I like to give them treats to say "I'm home". (Hubby works 2nd shift, he lets the chickens out later in morning after I go to the roosters aren't crowing in his ear while hes sleeping) Is it good to give them sunflower seeds everyday? They seem...
  9. chicklets81

    When is a rooster "mature"? How much time between crowing and mating?

    This is my 1st year having a standard size rooster. I hatched my own, so I have quite a few. I have 2 roosters starting to crow(one is 8 weeks old, and only crows in morning, another is 14 weeks old, and only crows in afternoon), but I wondered what the time frame between crowing and being...
  10. chicklets81

    Breeding question: Do you use a 2nd coop for breeding pen?

    Hello, So, I have a mixed flock of 18 total hens, and a handful of roo's that I got from hatching out my own chicks. Right now, I have 1 fully mature roo, and 6 juvenile roos (ages ranging from 8 wks-14 weeks) that I will have to get down to 2. There is basically 2 or 3 of same breed hen for...
  11. chicklets81

    Can you heat *just* nesting box and not entire coop in winter?

    This might be a really stupid question, and I know its summer time, but my brain thinks of random things sometimes, and this was one of my random thoughts! On the really cold days while I'm at work, sometimes the eggs freeze and crack before I get a chance to collect them. My coop is on the...
  12. chicklets81

    Does isolating hens/roo in breeding pen mess up pecking order?

    Id like to learn more about breeding. I have a mixed flock and would like to possibly breed some pure bred chicks. I have about 5 roosters now, and 18 hens at the moment. I know I'll have to get rid of 3 roosters at some point, just haven't decided yet. None of them are mature, so I've got...
  13. chicklets81

    Breeding question: How long do you keep roo/hens in breeding pen?

    I am thinking about making a breeding pen, but want to learn more. How long do you keep the rooster and hen(s) in the breeding pen? And is it just a "run" that you make so they can "play" and mate together, or is it a separate coop area where they "live" for a longer period of time? (with...
  14. chicklets81

    Is there way to control which roo mates hen without breeding pen?

    I have a mixed flock. 9 LF laying hens with 1 bantam mature roo, and 5 growing out hens and 2 juvenile LF roos. I also have (7) 6 week old chicks in basement, that include 4 roos. I know I won't keep all of these roosters in the end, still deciding which ones to keep. Now with the mixed flock...
  15. chicklets81

    What do you do when 2nd broody hen goes into box with 1st hen?

    I have a black astro who went broody 3 weeks ago. Gave her 2 eggs to sit on. I failed to successfully separate her, so her 1st chick went missing (assuming other hens are chick) and 2nd egg never made it past pipping. After she lost those 2 chicks, she remained broody. I gave her 2 more eggs...
  16. chicklets81

    Broody hen lost her baby?

    I have a broody hen on day 21 of being broody. She sat on 2 eggs. At night on day 20, one of the eggs had a pip. I work days, hubby works evenings, so he opens the chicken door after he wakes up later in the morning. I forgot to tell him that it was hatching day, and to check on the broody...
  17. chicklets81

    How big do Appenzeller Spitzhauben get?

    Forgive me if I've spelled their name wrong. In my mixed flock, I have a batch of young pullets that include 2 appenzeller spitzhauben chickens, a hen and roo. The breeder I got them from said they are "smaller" birds. The set of birds they are with include ameraucanas, and barred rocks, all...
  18. chicklets81

    How do you stagger a hatch under a broody hen?

    My black astrolorp has gone broody, yippee! She is sitting on 4 eggs that may, or may not be fertile. I have a bantam cochin roo, who mates with some, but not all. I can candle the eggs in a few days to determine. I'd like to find some rhode island red and buff orpington eggs, to put under...
  19. chicklets81

    Should I keep a Cream Legbar roo or Bielefelder in my mixed flock?

    When I first started my flock last spring, I didn't give much thought to which kind of rooster I'd have...but knew I wanted a large fowl cochin hen to be included. In getting my cochin hen, I've "accidentally" gotten a bantam cochin rooster. But now hes the only rooster. And I don't want all...
  20. chicklets81

    What do u get crossing bantam cochin roo w/large fowl hen?

    This might be a stupid question, but I "accidentally" brought a bantam cochin roo into my flock of large fowl hens. He has stayed, and all of the bantam hens to match him have gotten eaten. He is mating with large fowl hens now. One of the black astrolorp hens I have is now broody, with 4...
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