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  1. PoultreeKing

    Can wheat affect egg production?

    I've been raising chicken for 3 years now, i have bard rock, polish, silkie... etc. I always feed them 70% corn and wheat, and 30% egg layer feed. And the egg production is acceptable. I recently moved them to my friend's farm, he isn't as professional about his work, sometimes he feeds 50%...
  2. PoultreeKing

    Aggressive roosters, need help!

    I've been raising chicken for three years now, it's a hobby and a small business project as well, i'm an agricultural student and i live nature, i started with 5 Coshin bantam chicks, they all turned out to be roosters and i was able to trade them for a pair of white frizzles, later on i baught...
  3. PoultreeKing

    Incubation temperature? Need help

    I have been incubating eggs and hatching chicks in my real 49 incubator ( great incubator btw ) for the past year and i've always set the temperature at 37.7 C, even tho it was advised that at the last 3 days of incubation it should be lowered to 37.2 C ( i don't do that because i found no...
  4. PoultreeKing

    Incubator placement? Need help

    I have had a real 49 incubator for the past year, it fits 49 eggs but does great work, i just baught a new one, i kept the old one in my bedroom and i want to place the new one in my bedroom as well, ( my parents don't want it anywhere else in the house ), but i have no place for it, so is it...
  5. PoultreeKing

    Do pheasants go broody?

    I have a pair of ring neck pheasants who are about 10 months old, we're almost halfway through March so they should start laying soon, i'm wondering if the female will instinctively sit on the eggs she lays, if not then i have an incubator ready, but i still would like to know if they do go...
  6. PoultreeKing

    how to pair pigeon?

    What's the best way to pair pigeons? I have one young female that i want to breed to an older male, she should be ready in about a month, and i have one young male and one young female that i want to pair as well, and they should be ready to start breeding in a month as well. I once got a pair...
  7. PoultreeKing

    Chicken can't walk!

    I'm not sure what you call it exactly because english is my second language, i have a chicken that was healthy and about 2 weeks ago her legs went numb, maybe you call it handicapped, anyways now she's always sitting down and it's very difficult for her to move around, i had to keep moving the...
  8. PoultreeKing

    When should i be expecting my silkies to start laying?

    I have 2 males and 2 females that are 5 months and 17 days old, and i also have 15 that are 2 months and 27 days old, should i be expecting any eggs during fall and winter, or will i have to wait till next spring?
  9. PoultreeKing

    Very early hatch

    So i bought eggs from a guy i know, they are backyard chicken eggs, not purebred, i'm sorry i'm not sure what you call them but they are the cheapest of all chicken, the chick here goes for 2$-3$, anyways i put them in the incubator last week on a sunday meaning that today they are 9 days into...
  10. PoultreeKing


    I read a lot about it, but i was wondering, would it be okay if at day 18 of incubation, to make a safety hole in each egg? Would that help? Or be harmful? Or useless? Thanks.
  11. PoultreeKing


    I set my eggs into incubation on a sunday night at 10:30 pm a week ago so they are about 8 days into incubation, my question is when do i lockdown? When should i be expecting the hatch? On a sunday or a monday?
  12. PoultreeKing

    Bird incubation

    I wonder if you can use an egg incubator to hatch birds like canaries and finches etc.. I have an incubator and was thinking of doing this, my biggest problem is that i don't do well when i hand feed baby birds, and they would usually end up dying. My question is can they be incubated and if so...
  13. PoultreeKing

    Red golden pheasants

    What is the average price of one male golden pheasant and the average price of a pair? (Male and female)
  14. PoultreeKing

    I'm new and need help

    I just joined but i find this place a little complicated, i entered a couple of pages and it said i couldn't comment because i didn't have privileges? And i would like to change my name but i can't find how to do that so if anyone can help that would be great, thanks.
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