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  1. Jubilee1111

    2 Heritage Barred Rock Cockerels 5 months. Frank Reese- Good Shepherd genetics

    I have two GORGEOUS 5 month old Heritage Barred Rock cockerels available. 100% pure Frank Reese lines- Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch - Heritage Poultry. Broody hatched on November 10th. Hand raised from two days old. Have been free ranging on three acres for several weeks and are doing a great...
  2. Jubilee1111

    GIGANTIC Texas Rat Snake

    This morning the crows were going bonkers, hopping around in a tree next to the barn. I just knew they were after a snake so I went out to see. This sucker is the single biggest rat snake I have ever seen! It's at least 6 feet long and minimum 12 inches around. I have been trying to trap rats...
  3. Jubilee1111

    If chickens eat rye grass seed...

    I planted winter Rye today because we finally got some rain. If the chickens eat the seed, will some of it that is pooped out still be viable? I know a lot of it will be ground in digestion but can some of it make it through unharmed? This is spread out over 3 acres. In the past I have always...
  4. Jubilee1111

    CUTEST Broody and baby pic... Buff Orpington hen and baby

    It just doesn't get any cuter!!
  5. Jubilee1111

    Broodies are the BEST!

    Cute baby... Excellent Mama... .
  6. Jubilee1111

    4 month old Buff Orpington Roosters - Austin TX

    I have 2 Buff Orpington roosters that are four months old. Available for $5 each. One of them started crowing 3 days ago. Their parents have good type, color and temperament. Their father is an excellent rooster, shows no aggression to people or pets but will defend his hens from hawks when...
  7. Jubilee1111

    Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Rooster

    Eight month old Lemon Cuckoo Orpington rooster for sale. He is proven fertile and his chicks are all showing beautiful barring. I also have his brother. I don't have enough hens to justify having two of these guys. He is HUGE. He is a very well built, typey Orpington and is taller and heavier...
  8. Jubilee1111

    Are there any other colors of Orps that one can breed Buffs to?

    Are there any other colors of Orps that one can breed Buffs to? I want some variety and genetic diversity. I got 2 Lemon Cuckoo Orp roosters as babies and I am really not digging the temperament or social behavior they are showing. They are thugs, one attacks kids and guests and the other one...
  9. Jubilee1111

    Can chickens get Chagas Disease?

    I just found a Triatomine Bug on my front porch. I am absolutely horrified as they infect dogs and people with Chagas disease. I know of a dog not far from me who is dying of congestive heart failure from this disease. Can chickens gets Chagas Disease?
  10. Jubilee1111

    trapping raccoons - no luck yet

    I lost a couple 2 month old chicks to raccoons night before last. They couldn't pull the babies through the pen but managed to get ahold of them with their fingers and lick their heads and necks - they were slobbery there. Not a puncture mark or feather missing. I think they strangled them...
  11. Jubilee1111

    Hot wire on run - grounding question

    I have a large chicken run that is made of 6' tall chain link dog kennel panels. The panels run underneath the barn roof overhang. A raccoon could easily climb down from the roof and into the run. It is covered with netting but that isn't going to stop anything but birds of prey. I am running...
  12. Jubilee1111

    I KNEW this was going to happen - egg bound/breakage and death

    I have, or did have until 4:30 today, a little seven month old BO hen named Hops. She had some mysterious injury 3 months or so ago that left her with a limp when she ran and unable to fly up on even the shortest roost. I would find her sitting on a milk crate and put her up on the roost each...
  13. Jubilee1111

    FINALLY got a pip!

    I have a clutch of 10 eggs under a broody. It's her first. I got some eggs that were already started, rushed them home and tucked them under her with her other 3 eggs. It seems to have delayed the hatch for 24 hours, I am assuming it's from the temp lowering somewhat. I've only seen her off her...
  14. Jubilee1111

    SERIOUSLY COOL egg trick with Dom DeLuise on Johnny Carson

    Check out this video. It's so cool! You guys know you're going to try it at home
  15. Jubilee1111

    Chicken poetry

  16. Jubilee1111

    Purple Chickens!!

    Yesterday I went and picked up three Lavender Orpington babies, plus seven hatching eggs that were set under my broody. I absolutely love Orpingtons and now I've got Buffs, Lemon Cuckoos and Lavenders!
  17. Jubilee1111

    Great Horned Owl hunting my chickens during the day!

    My chickens just had a major freak out so I rushed outside. There was a Great Horned Owl out there trying to get at them while they hid in a gigantic, 60 year old Photinia shrub. It was 3:30 pm!!! I lost my favorite chicken last week to what appeared to be a panicked collision with a wall...
  18. Jubilee1111

    Inconsolable Hen, her sister died and she won't stop yelling

    Last week I lost one of my two oldest hens. Now her sister spends hours each day looking for her and calling for her. She will fly up to a good vantage point and call and look around. I go out and talk to her, pet her, try to distract her with food and she just keeps yelling. This will go on...
  19. Jubilee1111

    Mysterious Death - broken neck?

    I am having my worst chicken day ever. This morning my chickens were very upset. I went outside to see why they were all squawking and carrying on and found my very favorite hen, a 2.5 year old BO named Stephanie, lying dead underneath the kitchen window, right up against the house under the...
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