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  • Users: TominWa
  • Content: Threads
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  1. TominWa

    Chicken in distress

    Cloudy eye in morning complete white. Afternoon other eye. Heavy repeated panting huh ...huh...huh...huh....every other second for hours... hours. Liquid Diarrhea all around her. Hiding in corner. Mouth glued shut. Placed beak in warm water and pried open mouth. Almost like a form of...
  2. TominWa

    Happy Mother's Day to Carol the Muscovy wonder duck..she hatched this morning

    Happy mother's day to Carol the Muscovy wonder duck. she is hatching this morning. I count four little heads and more breaking out of the eggs...... Father Daryl, and her friend Beth, are nervously pacing outside the coup. The chickens are one by one coming in to pay respects. This is her...
  3. TominWa

    Calling the Duck Doctor

    I can't believe I am taking a duck to the vet tomorrow. This is going to cost me, but he is a really good duck. I noticed the white around the eye that wasn't there yesterday and he kept looking at me with the other one, like favoring. See picture. Just in case my Vet doesn't know about...
  4. TominWa

    A Coop Coup

    Helga, my pragmatic affable Cherry egger has been #1 since the seven left the brooder last spring. Her lieutenant, Scarlett a large Buff Orpington and a devoted second-in-command, and left to the perch organization and minor duties. Scarlett and Helga Two weeks ago, Scarlett, with the help...
  5. TominWa

    Freedom! My chickens excellent adventure out of the coup

    I've read all the posts and horror stories. I built the fortress that no beast could enter nor chicken escape. A great place with a good 20 sq ft per bird. Not a prison of horror, like those torture chamber pre fab feed store units....but that is another story. The coup has worked well...
  6. TominWa

    Chickens of the Eclipse!

    As the first to observe chickens in the eclipse near the ocean in So Wa. State.... I can state that no dimensions opened, they didn't grow claws or morph into monsters. They basically started to roost and that was about it. Oh wait I almost forgot there was a chicken in the nesting box laying...
  7. TominWa

    My first Egg - well, my chicken's first egg that is

    I can't believe I actually did this. Only cost me about $600.00. Not quite five months old Buff Orp. Five more behind her. And she has a lovely egg song. It isn't hard to tell when they are laying is it. Then she likes to discuss the egg with me.
  8. TominWa

    Confessions of a Chicken Keeper

    I have come to realize in my short three months as an official chicken keeper, that everyone takes something different and special from the experience. A nod must be given to the operators of this site for providing the space, and a standing ovation to the more experienced that take the time to...
  9. TominWa

    My Coup - Thank you to BYC and everyone

    10 weeks in and could never have done it without you guys
  10. TominWa

    Question on size of run

    I have read a bunch of threads on this and am still confused. I realize bigger is better, but space is getting in my way. I currently have 8 6 week old chicks living in a nice walk in coup approx 50 sq ft. I built an additional little run that they can access during the daytime that is an...
  11. TominWa

    Failed miserably moving to chicks to coup

    Weather 40s /60s age about five weeks. Thought.....thought.....putting up a big cardboard box on the floor with a nice light (anchored twice per suggestions on the forum) and put my little girls into their new home. Nice and warm in the box inside the coup. Deep litter flooring no less...
  12. TominWa

    The mighty mother hen

    I have never raised the little critters from scratch. This is my first time. How hard could it be? The mother hens make it look so effortless. I'm three weeks in and all I can say is I have a much healthier respect for the mothering abilities of these birds. I'm sure all of you know what...
  13. TominWa

    New in Wa. State - my guide for urban chickens

    It has long been a desire of mine to stand in my field, surveying my land. Holding the warm rich earth in my hands as the evening sun sets kindly on my neck. The day spent tilling the well ordered fields and gazing with pride upon the prize-winning livestock that have taken generations to...
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