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  • Users: diamondie
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  1. diamondie

    Does this look normal?

    My girl, probably 2 yo, started staying in the egg box. I thought she was brooding but when I took her out, she plopped and her tail was hanging down almost like her underside was too heavy and stayed in same position for some time. I took her in and set her in warm water. Nothing felt hard to...
  2. diamondie

    Could someone help me identify this pullet and duck?

    I don't know what age. I'm just curious white frizzle cochin? cockerel? Duck, I know nothing about.
  3. diamondie

    what breed/gender do you think?

    This baby was given to me with another chick found by a friend. What breed, gender do you think? tail is up, quite perky.
  4. diamondie

    Is this a normal color of earlobe area?

    I just noticed 2 if my hens had lighter areas and i want to make sure it's not something worrisome. Also, the second one got some white tips recently on her feathers, I'm thinking molting?
  5. diamondie

    I'm horrified with my buff, please help

    I got my hens from a local store in March, some were one week apart and I got them in the span of 3 weeks. My golden buff orpington was the friendliest one and the most bold. I noticed she grew quicker and today I may have heard some minor crowing. I am absolutely horrified at the possibility of...
  6. diamondie

    Any chicken shrinks that can help me understand behavior?

    My beautiful lady got hurt somehow, or is sick, but she has not been able to bear weight on her leg for at least 2 months. However, even with the injury She was active, laying, eating, drinking, perching etc. I introduced a small flock of new chickens, separated by fence a few weeks ago and now...
  7. diamondie

    How to prevent water from turning yellow

    How do I prevent water from growing algae? We have a water cooler as we cannot hook up fresh water. We live in a warm climate and the cooler turns yellow very quickly. I read some posts where it said to add apple cider vinegar so I added a few splashes which seems to help but doesn't get rid of...
  8. diamondie

    Do 12 week old pulets sleep a lot?

    This is my first time owning chickens this young. My previous girls have all been six months and older. I just purchased these approximately 12 week old Rhode Island Reds I have four of them and they are just staying in the coop and mainly resting. They do get up to eat and drink and then they...
  9. diamondie

    what on earth is in this egg?

    what is that? looks like a colony of something growing in a petite dish.
  10. diamondie

    Sick chicken, need opinion pretty please

    My 3-4 yo RIR got really sick. Very lethargic, dropped wing. Did not eat, drink or move, just laid with eyes closed tail up and moving it up and down. I thought she would be dead next day. I did all I had. I gave her a warm bath in case eggbound, gave her eprinex 0.5ml and tylan 0.1ml. the next...
  11. diamondie

    is this a normal behind? sick chicken

    My chicken was fine 2 days ago, today she has been mainly sitting. She can walk but does it slower than usual. I picked her up and her touched her behind, its warm and soft but almost looks swollen. Few feathers also seemed to be missing. I really don't know anything about how to help her. I...
  12. diamondie

    Chicken stuck with no water for 5 days!!

    One of our hens mysteriously went missing. We saw no signs of distress, were absolutely stunned. Fast forward 5 days later, we went to refill the feeder and found her inside alive. I have no idea how she managed to get in there. She is pale, wabbles from being in ackward position. She drank a...
  13. diamondie

    Please help me with Tylan 200 dosing

    I have 1-2 chicken with coryza right now. I search all over the place and could not find any Tylan. FOund one but it's Tylan 200. Can someone please tell me the dosing and if it's injectable or if I can give it orally. I only have oral syringes right now, so hoping I can go that route.
  14. diamondie

    2 chickens with 1 eye shut, lethargic. Please help!

    I have had a somewhat lethargic chicken for 5 weeks now with one eye swollen and shot. She would open it some days and some days kept it shot. Today I noticed another chicken has her eye closed and is appearing more lethargic but she was perfectly fine yesterday. I don't know what to do about...
  15. diamondie

    Chicken laying striped eggs!!

    I got another Easter egg today. Does anybody know if it's s cause for concern? She is a young one but previous eggs were just fine.
  16. diamondie

    Oddly colored egg

    I got a very nice looking Easter egg from one of my youngens. Any thoughts on whether that's normal?
  17. diamondie

    Chicken with tail down, tiny eggs, lethargic

    I have ~ 10 month old chicken laced wyandott. Over the past few days she has been acting more lethargic, laying down and always with her tail down when standing. I believe she is also the chicken that a few weeks ago laid a slightly off shape egg with blood around it, after that I got 2...
  18. diamondie

    Desperate for advice- my chickens are not laying-please help

    I have 6 chickens, all different breeds. They all layed eggs really consistently until probably May. Since then I get 1-2 eggs per day. One of which comes from my youngest one, one gets rotated and I know my americauna has not laid in months. They all seem perfectly healthy, pooping, eating...
  19. diamondie

    Help! My lawn was fertilized, can I still eat the eggs?

    Hi, I need your advice. Our lawn care company came in today while we were at work and fertilized the lawn and applied something for weed and insect control. My chickens are cages and have a run but these granules came all the way to the fence and possibly went through it. I don't know if...
  20. diamondie

    Help please! New chicken stopped laying eggs

    I got an amaracouna about 4 weeks ago at a local farm. I was told she was about 6-7 months. When I got her she layed an egg the next day but nothing since then. She seems to have made herself at home and is getting along with the other 3 chickens. They are all laying eggs. We live in FL so it's...
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