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  • Users: CarleeAnn
  • Content: Threads
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  1. CarleeAnn

    Wet Feather?

    I’m worried my ducks are sick or something. They just don’t look good... I don’t think they are molting, I don’t see any feathers anywhere. I have 2 and they are about 3 years old, a Cayuga and Blue Swedish. The Blue Swedish has always been a little lazy/fat, I think she had a niacin deficiency...
  2. CarleeAnn

    AllFLOCK vs AllSTOCK

    So, my wonderful duck food that I had delivered to my house stopped delivering because of “too many broken bags”. :barnie (I never had a broken bag- it was always packaged very well!!!) Anyways, we decided to start going to our local Feed & Seed... Sent my husband and told him to get All Flock...
  3. CarleeAnn


    So we have this drainage ditch running through our backyard that the ducks love! It’s their “little river” but we saw clusters of worms that would retract when we got near. It was such an odd behavior and it was so hard to catch the worms to observe them but we did!! After putting them under the...
  4. CarleeAnn


    Hello from stormy Louisiana! :frow Just sitting here in bed pondering about storm situations. The sky is looking a little green and from my time in Oklahoma I fear a tornado may be brewing. In Oklahoma we had storm shelters and level homes with basements but here in the south all the houses...
  5. CarleeAnn

    Easter Traditions?

    Hoppy Easter y’all!! :bun:jumpy My husband and I were discussing dying eggs when we realized we both had very different traditions when it came to handling dyed Easter eggs. My side of the family always dyed boiled eggs the night before, and then we put them out in the morning for the “hunt”...
  6. CarleeAnn

    Astro turf?

    Just brainstorming on ideas for our muddy duck run- I found some good deals on Astro Turf! What are your thoughts? I am trying to find the best solution for a budget... Our ground is pretty much equivalent to a swamp!! You step on the grass and mud oozes out engulfing your foot, so of course the...
  7. CarleeAnn

    River Rocks for Groundcover?

    So we are just brainstorming our options for the outdoor 6x10 duck run. We have 2 ducks and will be removing their pond, they will have access to it at least two times a day along with free range forage time in the yard. We plan on buying smooth river stones to line this drainage trench we...
  8. CarleeAnn

    Temporary Duck Food

    Ordered duck food online and it was supposed to be here yesterday, now it’s not arriving until tomorrow- I just ran out of food. Can I hold them over for a day with some oatmeal, chopped green beans, and oyster shells?
  9. CarleeAnn

    Start of Angel Wing?/Protein Problem?

    This is my female Blue Swedish duck, born in April so approx. 9 months old now. She has always been a bit on the heavy side and sometimes seems to get wet (which she is currently in the picture), she dries off fairly quickly if kept away from pond or mud. Her current layer food had 20% protein...
  10. CarleeAnn

    Online Duck Food

    So I’m pretty positive I posted a thread about this before but I can’t find it!! Has anyone heard of NUTRENA NATUREWISE LAYER 16% PELLETS FOR CHICKENS? I know it’s a little low on protein, could I supplement with dog food? Or if anyone has any recommendations for affordable duck food online...
  11. CarleeAnn

    Duck Treat Ideas...

    So we just moved and we don’t have a fully fenced backyard- that isn’t a problem except the kids in the neighborhood love to come look at the ducks! I made sure to have a place the ducks can hide in if they don’t want to be seen, and the run door is locked so they can’t pet the ducks. Anyways...
  12. CarleeAnn

    Ideas for an Old Tire?

    I found a couple of old tires, any ideas on if I can repurpose them for something in the duck yard?
  13. CarleeAnn

    ISO Pine Shavings Online

    So we just moved and the nearest TSC is 3.6 miles away, it isn’t too much of a problem but we only have bikes and a cart. We can get it but would much prefer is be shipped to us. Does anyone order their pine shavings online? If so, what is the price and for how much? We used to be able to get...
  14. CarleeAnn

    Duck run

    Is there a thread for duck coop/run blueprints or just instructions and ideas? If so, could someone please provide the link. If anyone has any blueprints or ideas with detailed pictures of their builds I would also love to see for some inspiration! We only have two ducks, so nothing too big...
  15. CarleeAnn

    Sand in duck coop/shed

    So, long story short we will be moving soon and the house will have a partially fenced backyard and a shed :celebrate It has been recommended that sand is a good substrate for ducks. What I would like to know now is; What kind of sand and from where? All I see at Walmart is “play sand”, does...
  16. CarleeAnn

    Chlorinated Pool

    Is it okay for my ducks to take occasional dips in the pool? Will it affect their eggs at all? They used to be scared of it but once they saw me dip my feet in the jumped in too and now they love it! They don’t have access to it unsupervised, but they enjoyed it so much I want to let them swim...
  17. CarleeAnn

    Muggy Louisiana

    so not used to this. Low is 32, which means water could freeze... it’s been misting like 24/7, my poor duckies don’t seem to be shivering but they are like perpetually wet... because it’s so humid their coop isn’t the absolute driest place, and the bedding has been getting fairly wet from when...
  18. CarleeAnn

    Natures Cafe Layer Pellets

    The above food is stated for “backyard egg producers”, I always assumed it would be fine for ducks. I would just like confirmation.
  19. CarleeAnn

    Temporary Bedding Ideas?

    On Wednesday’s we bring our ducks inside while we’re gone because we leave at noon and won’t be back till after 7pm when it gets dark around 5:30pm. I just realized we won’t be able to get pine shavings before then, is it okay to use shredded paper just this once?
  20. CarleeAnn

    Adult duck with down-y breast feathers?

    I can’t find a picture that does this justice, but my adult duck (born in April) seems to have never developed waterproof feathers on this spot on her chest. I never see her pull out feathers either. Is this normal? The feathers seem like down, like when she was a duckling, and it does get a...
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