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  • Users: ChixMama
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  1. ChixMama

    Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

    As little history: Our RIR, Lucy (2 years old), has always been "top heavy". My husband has said she was like a school lunch lady. She's never been one to let you pick her up without squawking, so she hasn't been held as much as our buff orp. She's also been one to have a dirty bottom. We...
  2. ChixMama

    Possum Question

    Will possums bother chickens during the day or just at night? We had seen possums before we had chickens, but we have a LARGE one my husband saw on the back porch a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night. Last night night when I went to close up the run (a little late) it was about 15'...
  3. ChixMama

    Hysterical cartoon....why the chicken crossed the road

    My brother sent me this cartoon & I just howled
  4. ChixMama

    EE is back to laying eggs!!!

    Our EE, Ethel, has taken a long break from laying eggs & I was starting to wonder if she'd ever start again. I've been reading other posts about similar issues & just decided to be patient. After spending the day away from home we came back and my daughter was asked to gather eggs & let the...
  5. ChixMama

    Any chickens chase your dog?

    We have 5 chickens that are 14 weeks old and our dog is a miniature schnauzer that is 6 years old. The dog has been taught to be gentle around all things (especially my daughter and her rabbit). He has also been taught to leave the chickens alone and for the most part he just ignores them or...
  6. ChixMama

    Can you spot the Easter Bunny?

    Here's a picture of our Netherland Dwarf, Squeakels Rabbadoo, mixed in with all the Easter critters. We've had him for a year this month & he's a lot of fun. Enjoy!
  7. ChixMama

    Rain is on the way--put in coop?

    We've got 5 chick(ens) that are 10 weeks old and have been in their coop/run for 1 week. It is supposed to rain today and don't know whether I should put them back in the coop before we leave or just hope that they got back in the coop when the rain comes. They go in & out of the coop all...
  8. ChixMama

    Combo playscape/coop/run is DONE!!!

    It's been both a fast and slow 9 weeks since the chickens came to live with us. Rain (and snow! ) delays slowed us down a bit, but it finally came together this past weekend and we put the final touches on it yesterday--yea!! If you've got some time you can check out my page, but below is a...
  9. ChixMama

    Baby Pics

    Just wanted to share some pics of our baby girls-- Lucy (Rhode Island Red): Ethel (Ameraucana): Beatrix (Barred Rock): Daffodil (Buff Orpington): Gertrude (Australorp): You really think I can fill this up? We're all having so much fun!
  10. ChixMama

    Advice needed on coop out of sandbox/playhouse

    Since may daughter no longer uses all of her swingset/playhouse we're planning on building the coop out of the sandbox area & having the run between it and the garden. I've been reading like crazy & trying to come up with a design, but I'm very open to suggestions. The picture below is what...
  11. ChixMama

    Constantly eating?!

    Last Friday we brought 5 darling babies into our life. They all seem to be doing well, but one little chick has me puzzled. Lucy (RI Red) is constantly at the feeder and prefers 1 hole at the feeder. She pecks & scratches there most of the time. The others kind of come & go, but Lucy is...
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