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  1. SoCal-chick

    (3) Free 3 mos. old purebreed Ameraucana cockarels in So. Cal. PU only

    I have (3) Blue/Black Ameraucana cockarels that I want to give free to a good home. I bought some beautiful blue eggs from BYC member 'Sebrightmom' and our broody hen hatched and raised them. Now I have 3 young roos who are finding their voices and I can not keep them in the San Diego city...
  2. SoCal-chick

    FS Pure Ameraucana cockarels in So.Cal.

    I purchased Ameraucana eggs from BYC member 'Sebrightmom' and now have 3, eleven week old cockarels I would like to sell for $5 each to any BYC member who can pickup locally in the San Diego area. I had the eggs under my broody hen and three days ago let mom and kids with the rest of the flock...
  3. SoCal-chick

    Day 23 under broody and we have a zip!

    We were beginning to think the eggs we had shipped got damaged. When the box arrived it had a dent in one side as though it had been drop kicked. But this morning my daughter felt under momma and there was a zip. By the time I got home from taking her to school there was a black and yellow...
  4. SoCal-chick

    I'm so envious!

    Today is day 21 since I placed 8 eggs, I purchased from a BYC member, under my broody hen. I am so envious of those who can watch the progress through the window on an incubator. My hen, Iris, has been pretty patient with me when I feel around under her for any signs of eminent hatching but now...
  5. SoCal-chick

    I'm so envious!

    Today is day 21 since I placed 8 eggs I purchased from a BYC member under my broody hen and I am so envious of those who can watch the progress through the window on an incubator. My hen, Iris, has been pretty patient with me when I feel around under her for any signs of eminent hatching but now...
  6. SoCal-chick

    Momma hen being pecked by others. Can they be friends again?

    We have a hen whose two chicks are now 8 weeks old. We divided the chicken pen in half and the hen and her chicks have been separated from the other 4 hens since before the eggs hatched. Now the momma, Iris,wants to be back with the other hens, her "friends." when we put her with them, two hens...
  7. SoCal-chick

    When do I mix mom & chicks with other hens?

    Hi, I wrote before about my broody hen trying to hatch plastic Easter eggs. Well I'm happy to say that 2 of the 3 fertile eggs we switched for the plastic ones hatched on the 4th of July. She is a great momma! We cordoned off part of the pen area for mom and chicks and they have a rabbit hutch...
  8. SoCal-chick

    Is this chick in trouble????

    Hi, Im a newbie at hatching eggs and I don't know if I'm paranoid over nothing or if something is really wrong. We put three eggs under our broody hen 3 weeks ago. today two healthy chicks hatched and the third one made a crack in the egg. However it has been six hours since that first crack and...
  9. SoCal-chick

    Question about Gold Sex-Link/RIR mix chicks

    Hi, I just got 3 GSL/RIR mix eggs to put under my broody hen and was wondering if I would be able to tell their sex soon after they hatch? I don't really know much about Sex-Link chickens.
  10. SoCal-chick

    Broody sitting on plastic easter eggs! what should I do?

    My 5 hens had been getting lazy about where they laid their eggs, so I placed a couple plastic eggs in each nest box to remind them where I wanted them to lay. Now one of my Black Australorps has been sitting in one of the boxes now for 4 days. I found a man who would give me 3 fertile eggs...
  11. SoCal-chick

    Whats going on????!!!!!!!

    What's going on? We have five chickens, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 black australorps and1 americauna and we used to get 4-5 eggs a day but now we only get 1, mayby 2. Is this unusual? They've never done this before and I'm worrying. nobody is molting and all of them seem fine. Just today we got one...
  12. SoCal-chick

    Americauna laying brown eggs?

    Is this normal. We have 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons and one Americauna. We wanted to have the pastel eggs from the Americauna, but we just started getting 5 eggs a day and they are all brown. Was I wrong when I thought the Americauna's gave blue-violet colored eggs?
  13. SoCal-chick

    Do I have all roosters?

    Eight weeks ago I answered an ad on 'Craig's list ' for free chickens. I thought it would be nice to have some hens for fresh eggs and fertilizer. I got 9 RIR that were 8 weeks old. The lady told me I won't be able to tell the roosters till they were about 16 weeks old and they start to crow...
  14. SoCal-chick

    Black spots on wattles!

    Help, We just noticed today some small black, irregular spots on the wattles of a couple of our 11 week old RIR. Please tell me this is nothing to worry about!
  15. SoCal-chick

    I'm a newbie, please help!

    We were just given 9 Rhode Island Reds. They are 8 weeks old so we don't know their sexes. We need advice on feeding and coup design. We live in San Diego CA. Warm summers, mild winters, with some frosty nights. As far as coup designs, we're thinking of a raised floor (3 ft.) with wire mesh...
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