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  • Users: onaharley
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  1. onaharley

    Lice or other bugs in straw for bedding

    Hey y’all. Looking for solutions on what to do with straw bales that I use for bedding in the duck pen. It seems as though I have infected straw bails with lice or mites. Ducks seems clear of any bugs but what should do with the straw? 6 bails that currently in the shed. Are they all infected...
  2. onaharley

    Water belly in female duck???

    I have a Pekin hen that I believe she may have water belly. Does any one on here have experience with this in ducks? Miss Hopes belly is very squishy and hangs to the ground all the time. She the one right of the green bucket and 2pic right of orange bucket
  3. onaharley

    Soil contamination from rescued ducklings

    A little back story.....I bought 2 female ducks at a swap meet in October of 2018. I have a regular avian vet and gave them a poop sample. These poor ducklings had every thing under the sun in their poop. They were quantined for over 40 days before they were allowed to be with my flock. Test...
  4. onaharley

    Miss Hope and her daily soft shelled eggs

    Miss Hope, my newest member to my Pekin flock started laying eggs on Christmas Eve morning. All started as normal, she laid that 1st one with the waxy brown tent that was perfectly round. Then a couple of days later she a whopper of an egg. She would then lay a soft shell then the next no egg...
  5. onaharley

    How about another Bumblefoot topic?

    So my newest hen, a Pekin called miss turbo has found out what bumblefoot is all about! Labor Day weekend I found it and started doing soaks. After the 1st soak I was trying to assess where entry point was and next thing you know...BAM! This thing busted wide open and bled like no other. I...
  6. onaharley

    Weird Feather growth in male Pekin

    I have a male pekin that i am treating for bumblefoot and last night i notice what i thought was a bug on his right top wing. It is attached, as i tried to pull it out last night. When pulling the feather i notice Lucky was in discomfort, so i stopped. I can't see any infection, but the little...
  7. onaharley

    Advice on female Silver Appleyard voice

    Since I have never had silver appleyards before, can some you that have tell me if I should be concerned with my female SA voice? She doesnt quack but does whistle but I have not heard her whistle since she is no longer in the house. My 3 ducklings have been outside a week half. I have a male...
  8. onaharley

    HELP - ducklings eating gel in puppy training pads

    i just seen that my ducklings were picking at the gel in the puppy training pads i had on the floor under the waterer. it looks like they may have eaten about a silver dollar size of the gel. because it was bunched up in the corner and wet from water, they they picked it and when they would bite...
  9. onaharley

    Bill & Teds Next Big Adventure

    Last year my husband came home with 2 Pekin ducklings on Memorial weekend, that was where this all began! These little fuzz buckets had to be the cutest thing this city slicker had ever seen. With my husband you never know what to expect. This man is full of surprises, like when he brought these...
  10. onaharley

    Niacin question

    As adults, do ducks need niacin supplements everyday? I understand as they are growing they need it daily... but I'm wondering if they still need it as adults?
  11. onaharley

    Gone 12 hrs a day. Are ducklings possible for me?

    Hi everyone, I need to get at least 2 more female ducks for my rambunctious drake. I want to order sexed ducklings but both me and my husband being gone for nearly 12 hours a day and 5 days a week but I am home on the weekends. I am second guessing myself and wondering if this is a good idea...
  12. onaharley

    Entertaining ducks in the winter

    Hi there, Beside a mirror (which I already have) what are some of the things you use to keep your ducks entertained during the winter? Especially when locked up? Mine are currently locked up due to the cold and separated within the same pen, because of over mating. I only have 2 Pekin ducks...
  13. onaharley

    Reintroducing ducks back into cold weather?

    So for all of the folks that have brought their ducks into some sort of heated room into a house, garage or where ever to get them out of this gosh forsaken polar vortex, my question is, how is everyone going to reintroduce their ducks back into the cold weather? Are there any mistakes us...
  14. onaharley

    Seriously, how cold is too cold?

    Hi there! I am just wondering how cold is too cold for ducks? I have been trying to find a common degree in all these posts I have been reading but.... well you know, one can get lost in a sea of information on here! I live in SE Michigan and tonights low is 13F but feels like 3F outside. At...
  15. onaharley

    Shell less duck egg with broken yolk next to it

    Ok so I got my 1st shell less duck egg today like an hour ago. But what is next to it has me concerned. It's a splash of yolk next to it but the egg is not broken? What is happening here? Top pic is what her belly looks like right now. Yesterday she did not lay an egg but today she layed a big one
  16. onaharley

    Separating drake/mating questions-Pekin

    Hi there! Before I start I just want to say that A.) this spring was the 1st time raising ducks and B). I know that my current ratio of 1:1 is not good! I am trying to find 2 more hens but would like to wait until spring to get 2 ducklings. I have been doing a lot of reading on here trying to...
  17. onaharley

    Does she look like wet feather?

    does my hen look like she might has wet freathers? She is preening but compared to him she looks like a mess. She started to lay eggs this week. Any thoughts?
  18. onaharley

    To get ducklings or adults-now or later?

    So I am in need of at least 2 female ducks to go with my drake and hen pekin ducks (25 weeks old). This is also my 1 time raising ducks. What are my pros and cons to getting ducklings now? I am heading into winter here in Michigan. Should I wait until February or march to get ducklings? If I...
  19. onaharley

    Salmon for ducks?

    Hi, I was wondering if it was ok to feed my ducks our left over Salmon we had for dinner. I only bake my fish with these ingredients - with Olive oil, salt (not much), cracked peppercorn and a garlic seasoning. I am unsure if the cracked peppercorn would be good for the ducks to eat. Should I...
  20. onaharley

    For your viewing pleasure, Happy Feet!

    I emptied their small pool and....well happy feet!
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