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  1. MareeZoCool

    Would you BUY A CHICKEN/S IN WINTER?..

    My hubby & I are thinking of upgrading our chicken stock. We'd like to offer chickens for sale to local buyers year 'round. My thoughts are I want to choose my own birds, and transport them myself. No waiting for the bird in the box on the truck.(postal services) My friend tells me there is...
  2. MareeZoCool

    Sweet Potatoes & Chicken Lovers

    I made a huge mistake, bought one of the largest sweet 'taters I'd ever seen. Thrn I put it in the veggy bin in the fridge. Got a hankering for that 'tater, went to cook it, but it had some green dusty areas on it. I peeled & washed the tuber. Nuked it until it was soft. I cut it open. it was...
  3. MareeZoCool

    Additions To Coop/house?

    I've been browsing the coop designs again, and would like to make an addition to my coop. Turn it into a duplex. I need more room, plan to get more hens, plus we have a broody setting on 4 eggs, due to hatch out on the 29th of July. My roof needs to be larger, so I'm hoping the addition will...
  4. MareeZoCool


    If my hens see me collecting eggs from their nests, they give me the "stink eye" and then start hiding eggs in new nesting areas. Do you sneak your collection chores?
  5. MareeZoCool

    Do hens get jealous of broody hens?

    We have a Jersey Giant hen who has decided to set on her eggs. I have been offering a few eggs near her clutch. She proudly & gently adds them to her nest. Looks like the 29th & 30th we could be finding some freshly - hatched peeps in her nest. My problem is a Delaware hen we were given. She...
  6. MareeZoCool

    Getting that feeling AGAIN! " JUST ONE MORE HEN"

    Here I am, mid summer, and I'm wanting a full-grown hen to add to my flock. Seems as if I just can't get enough variety with my girls. The only thing holding me back is finding a farmer/ breeder with a variety of chickens ready to sell.
  7. MareeZoCool

    Will chickens wade in a puddle of water?

    I've noticed my chickens are hiding from the sun. Would they enjoy a puddle of water? I could easily dig a small area in my garden and add 2" of water ( soil is heavy with 75% clay.) Water will stay in the hole for 5- 10 minutes.
  8. MareeZoCool

    Friend wants to TRADE CHICKENS FOR ROO

    My friend offered to give me a Jersey Giant hen. Now, she has offered to trade me two hens & a rooster for my OEG rooster(she originally raised him, then gave to me.) I have fallen in rooster love! I don't want to let him go. BUT I realize she raised him first, and helped develope his fine...
  9. MareeZoCool

    Plymouth Rocks & Leghorn T he feet tell the identity?

    I thought I read this thing about the chicken's feet to help identify the breeds more quickly by the coloring of the bottom of the chicken's feet: pink = ? and gray = ? If you know this trick, would you PLEASE hwelp me? My little 3-month old pullet has yellow legs, right down to pink...
  10. MareeZoCool

    wILL ANYONE POST PHOTOS OF WHITE Plymouth Rock Pullets?

    I have a pullet , she is a rescue from an over-crowded flock. There was 18 pullets (6-week old biddies) all in a 50- gallon plastic tote. This girl, I noticed many of the other biddies all pecking at her tail area. Seeing blood, I grabbed her immediately. Hubby & I was given a box to place her...
  11. MareeZoCool

    Boss Hen

    I've noticed that my self- proclaimed BOSS-HEN will lay the first egg every morning. Then, she seems offended when Mr Roo stands beside the next two hens while they are laying their egg in the same nest. She has tantrums until both hens have finished with their eggs.
  12. MareeZoCool


    I got this pullet from a batch at TSC just before Easter, The poster written claimed they could be; Leghorn, White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, or any variety of white hens. She looks identical to a leghorn adolescent pullet I knowshe's young, but my flock of 3 hens seem to resent her...
  13. MareeZoCool

    Roosters---- do they kill the cockerels?

    I noticed my rooster was acting strangely towards my 8-week old pullet. He was suddenly running towards her, then lost interest when she ducked under my chair. How old is a pullet for a rooster's loving attention? Do roosters kill off young cockerels?
  14. MareeZoCool

    WHERE do people find chicks for Easter? Besides TSC & FEED STORES?

    I have not seen chicks up for sale in any stores besides my feed store, and TSC. I live out in a rural area. Not many stores here sell chicks for filling Easter baskets. Chicks are considered as livestock basically, not fun toys.
  15. MareeZoCool

    Pullet met My Rooster!

    I was terrified that the rooster would hurt this small pullet. He walked over, put his head down, eye-to eye. She pecked his beak a few times, then poked his comb. He pecked her right back! Now my 3 hens seem satisfied that this new girl is officially one of their flock, an no longer try...
  16. MareeZoCool

    ISA BROWN hens??

    Could anyone Please post a picture of this breed? I have seen this breed name in another web site, but cannot find pictures. curiosity is driving me batty!
  17. MareeZoCool


    a friend mentioned this word last night after looking at the chick I received. She has a sore spot near her rump where the other chicks were constantly picking and pecking. " Could be a wartle........wortel(sp) The others need to pick the worm out." IS THERE SUCH...
  18. MareeZoCool


    I am so confused. Been told by an older farmer that chicks won't survive if they're alone? Then the stores insist that you buy 6 or more?? I love them, so the more, the merrier!
  19. MareeZoCool

    Given chick WOUNDED by crate mates!

    Last night my friend had 18 biddies in a 50-gallon plastic tote.(temp. housing, waiting for warm weather) One had a bloody spot near her tail feathers. All the other chicks were investigating, pecking and pulling at this lil' biddie's rump! We pulled her out, cleaned the wound and applied some...
  20. MareeZoCool

    My new hen is Black Astralorp *Picture*

    Much to my hubby's dramatic protests, my friend helped me bring home a new hen recently. This hen is a Black Astralorp, she has the shiniest black feathers, with high-lights of blue, green, and gold. She is slowly adjusting to life with freedom to roam outside the coop. Ben-Roo is proud...
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