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  1. H

    Anyone sex quail?

    So, as a homeschool project, besides chickens, my daughter and I also hatched a few quail. First time quail owner here - I think I have one male and one female - ignore the pheasant and chickens in the background. Any guesses to the gender? They are tough to photograph, sorry. I appreciate...
  2. H

    Gender Reveal?!?

    Good afternoon, My daughter and I incubated and hatched some backyard chickens eggs from a friend as a homeschool science project. We got these eggs from a friend and we do not know the breed(s). Any guesses at the genders? I fear we have 3 roo 😂. Just my luck. One of them has started getting...
  3. H

    Guineas saved chickens?

    Okay so our biggest issue is goshawks - ferocious, aggressive, and brass goshawks hunt our free range chickens. They will try to murder them right on our porch! We do our very best to deter them. We recently added some guineas (successfully; knock on wood) to our flock. Still not 100 on both...
  4. H

    Boy or girl guineas?

    I let a broody Orpington hatch these guineas (she’s not the best forager but seriously the best mama). These guineas have been awesome (loud, but awesome). Our chickens and these new guineas have gotten along well (they free range). They seem friendly but not too invasive (like chickens)...
  5. H

    Hen hatched eggs

    so my hen hatched 3/5 guinea eggs I put under her but she wont mother the babies - she left the nest and has been laying in the dirt outside the nest for about 2 hours now... the chicks are still in the nest - able to walk and toddle around - so they are a few days old. Is this normal or will I...
  6. H

    Chickens raising keets?

    hi, Long story short, I live in rural PA where ticks are a HUGE problem. We have free range chickens (9 after recent predators), and two broody hens. So I had the maybe not so bright idea to get my hands on some guinea hatching eggs and separated the girls into their own coops and placed...
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    Pullets? Amer/marans mixes...

    about 12 ish weeks old - thoughts on the big brown one?
  8. H

    All use same coop?

    My chickens free range all day, 9 chickens. I had 4 in a very nice “6 chicken coop” and added 5 now pullets to make the 9 and added another coop that holds about 3 full size (I used it to acclimate the chicks outside till they were big enough to join the others). Both coops have runs (actually...
  9. H

    What is this?

    I purchased hatching eggs labeled Rhode Island Red - but I have no idea what we hatched. They were cheap eggs and a great science project for my daughter and I and we LOVE our eggs. I wasn’t anticipating any eggs for about another month or two, but they will be 17 weeks old tmw and I’ve been...
  10. H

    Chicken lays 2 eggs/day, once a single double yolk

    I have an Orpington who has just begun laying (probably started a month to 6 weeks ago), and she has been laying very strange eggs from the start. Some speckled, then they switched to regular brown so I thought that was fine and she adjusted. Her eggs are small but o figured they would...
  11. H

    How long till I intervene?

    7 eggs in the incubator - 3 pipped that I can see. It's day 20ish (don't remember the exact time I put them in - sorry, I was kid free and it was a project I did while drinking wine... don't judge me lol). Anyway, this one I can see is alive and has been working since about 8am through this...
  12. H

    Any gender guesses on these RIRs?

    bought some hatching eggs - hatched these RIRs... any gender guesses? Will be 4 weeks this Friday. Sorry for the picture quality - these ones are skiddish (haven’t handled them as frequently as previous hatched).
  13. H

    Deterring Gosh Hawks...

    My birds are free-range and we like it that way. I understand the reasoning for a run, believe me. However, we began our journey for chickens and guineas (have yet to tame them, but that's another subject and I'm trying again this spring) because my 2 year old (at the time) was diagnosed with...
  14. H

    I think I killed my chicks...

    They can’t bust through the membrane - the first I thought was just weak but now just have done something wrong - only briefly opened (I mean less than 5 seconds) incubator on day 19 (and none were pipped at the time) to add water and now they bust the shell but not through the membrane. I’m...
  15. H

    Day 19, no sign of anything...

    So I have 6 eggs in the incubator, and I put them in lockdown yesterday but I fear I may have turned the humidity too high - 70-80 (In my defense there are a kazillion different opinions on humidity/temp for incubating and this is my second hatch - trying to find what works for me)... They were...
  16. H

    Late day 17/Early 18

    So I have 6 RIR eggs in a small table top, relatively cheap incubator (I have to turn and monitor humidity/temp myself - no biggie), but since I put them in after lunch to begin their incubation, today after lunch would have been the start of day 18 - Lockdown. So, this morning when I woke up...
  17. H

    Raising Guineas with Chickens?

    (I'm long-winded so feel free to skip the "because" and go right to the question in paragraph 2) My daughter was diagnosed with Lyme at 2 years old. She's 4 now. That's what started my whole "backyard bird" idea - that and I thought it was a great opportunity for her to learn some...
  18. H

    Lonely Hen

    We have a group of 3 hens. Wanted to get multiple coops and keep small multiple flocks (they all free range together but they all roost in their designated coop at night) in order to keep a steady flow of eggs over the years. So we bought 3 more the following year and, long story short, we...
  19. H

    Lockdown - Plz help!

    This is my first incubated hatch - Based on the regulation of the humidity of this incubator throughout the last 17 days (day 18 begins tonight), I will have to open the incubator to keep the humidity up - any little tricks? if I put a WHOLE bunch of water in the humidity will soar, but then...
  20. H

    Lockdown Anxiety

    So my eggs in the incubator are approaching their hatch date - They were put in 2 friday nights ago and are set to hatch sometime late this coming week. However, they were shipped and are mostly bantam eggs. Based on a few things I've read, I have a couple questions... 1. Since they have been...
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