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  1. ChickenMorals

    Solved GoFundMe

    Are we allowed to post links to a GoFundMe here? I looked and couldn't find anything against it. I'm trying to raise money for my chickens but I'm not sure if this website allows you to do this.
  2. ChickenMorals

    dying hen- help!

    I made a post a while ago about a hen with a nearly purple comb and drooling. Over break, she seemed to be getting better, now she has a pure white comb that is dribbling blood, she cant stand, and she weighs almost nothing. She is refusing to eat or drink, but it isn't sour crop. Her whole face...
  3. ChickenMorals

    sick chicken! help

    I work with the chickens at my school. Today, I noticed that a hen has a nearly violet colored comb, is lethargic, and when she got picked up, a ton of drool came out of her beak. These symptoms seem to have appeared suddenly, what could be the cause? I'll attach a picture of her ASAP
  4. ChickenMorals

    people harassing my chickens

    I care for a flock of chickens at school. I love them dearly, but recently, a group of kids have been feeding them Mountain Dew and Cheetos, letting them wander in the road, and hitting them with sticks. I need to stop this behavior. I have talked to a teacher. Point of this post is, can this...
  5. ChickenMorals

    green diarrhea

    Went out to my flock today to realize that they're having very liquidy diarrhea. It is green, black, and white, and there is a ton of it. Checked their bums: their feathers are all sticky and caked with it! It's dried, so I think it's been going on for a while. Please keep in mind these aren't...
  6. ChickenMorals

    what breed is this?

    I'm really not sure :v
  7. ChickenMorals

    hen wont leave fake eggs??

    There is a clutch of 4 fake clay eggs in the coop to deter egg eating. One of my hens has become 'broody' on these eggs. She'll scream when I try to move her, and she seems very upset. What do I do?
  8. ChickenMorals

    Egg Eating

    So, I recently started caring for the school chickens. The issue is that the chickens are eating their eggs. The school has done nothing about this for around a year, but I'd like to stop this behavior. What do I do? I've heard putting golf balls in with the eggs works, or filling an empty shell...
  9. ChickenMorals


    Hi! I'm ChickenMorals. I joined this forum because I'd like to learn more about chickens, and I care for the ones at school. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens! A: I'm very new to chickens! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? A: I have none, but if you count...
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