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  • Users: chickhamm
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  1. chickhamm

    august GA, free chickens

    I have several breeds, some mixed, i need to get rid of. Buff laced polish, i have 2 roosters 2 hens, hens are not laying yet have mixed cochin/polish about 4 these are really cute, not laying yet 2 cochin hens, one blue one white. both make excellent broodies silkies 10, 9 buff, 1 blue...
  2. chickhamm

    just @#%%$^$% Rediculous!!!!

    I have a long cage / brooder that i built for my biddies last month, its 3 ft deep, 8 ft long. It has no doors in it, the roof slants from back split into 2 parts. Each side lifts up to get in. I went out late this morning to check on the babies before we left for the store. GAH 2 baby...
  3. chickhamm

    It was devastating........

    i went to the coup after my daughter had gotten on the buss..... there in one of the smaller pens, the floor was covered with dead chicks..... i have several 11 by 11 pens, i had just put 30 chicks in one that was emty, they ranged in a age from 4 months to 6 weeks in age. They were from eggs...
  4. chickhamm

    question on blue orpington chicks

    ok, *sighs* i got my box of chicks i had ordered......they were in the mail for 4 DAYS!!!! on top of that, i think some of the chicks were older than a few days old. about half of them were in really BAD shape. I lost most of my blue laced red wayndotts, the 2 splash orpingtons and one or two...
  5. chickhamm

    Recent silkie hatch........ 2 of Melanies silkies!!!

    well i only had 2 of the shipped eggs develope, but they both hatched looks like i got one splash and one blue I hatched out 5 of my own eggs with them, 4 of them are buff silkies, here they are I had a rogue cochin egg in there LOL, i need to get a picture of the chick. I have a...
  6. chickhamm

    A disapointing candling *sighs*

    well, i got 2 orders of shipped eggs last month. 1 was 14 buff silkies and the other as blue/splash silkie eggs. 2 buff were cracked the rest were in great shape, i set them on the 29th of March. I candled last night and not one single buff started...... and out of the blue /splash, only 2...
  7. chickhamm

    Yesterday was day 17 on serama eggs (updated)....

    and im waiting patiently to see how this hatch goes. Ive kept a close watch on the bator, really tried to maintain a steady temp and good humidity for the picky little babies. Right now temp is 99 - 100 and Humidity is 58 -59. Im sitting on pins and needles!!! chickhamm Theressa GA
  8. chickhamm

    Latest hatch.....BLR Wyandottes and others

    This is my latest hatch of babies. I had 6 of my own eggs in there, 5 hatched one didnt make it, so i have 2 little serama / jap babies and 2 buff laced polish babies. I had 10 of blisschicks BLR Wyandottes at final hatch, 7 hatched, one didnt make it, really pleased with them as they were...
  9. chickhamm

    leg problem in newborn chick

    this doesnt seem to be splayed leg. The chicks legs streach out back straight and it seems to have a problem getting them under it to stand. i have tied a string to hold them closer as if for splayed leg hopping that helps. right now i also have it wrapped in a papper towel with its legs in...
  10. chickhamm

    Fingers crossed for this little one....

    well, i was cleaning out my hatcher this morning, getting it ready to put some more eggs in there today. It was day 24, i had no hope for any of the eggs left. I was opening the leftovers to see what may have been wrong. One was ass end up, one looked fine but never piped and died in shell...
  11. chickhamm

    Bantam Buff laced polish ship friday 21 march

    My incubator is FULL and the hens have decided to start laying. I have 2 non bearded hens, 1 bearded hen and rooster. These are pet quality. I have checked fertility and its been great here!! 8 eggs + what they lay today, 10$ and will use the flat rate shipping box 12.99. PayPal only...
  12. chickhamm

    air cell?

    I got some shipped eggs today, normally i dont candle them, but just for the heck of it i did today. Is the air cell suposed to move around within the egg? chickhamm Theressa GA
  13. chickhamm

    Brooder question?

    Im using a little giant still air to hatch my chicks out in. I was wondering would this make a good brooder for the first week maybe? then switch them to a tub with heat lamp? chickhamm Theressa GA
  14. chickhamm

    Much Better!!

    Well, this hatch is going alot better than the last one. These are some blue/splash silkies i got off of eggbid. She sent 8, 2 never developed, out of the 6 left, one hatched and 3 pipped and one zipping. Here is the first one *smiles happy dance* looks like it might be a light blue, it...
  15. chickhamm

    Are silkie chicks sleepy??

    i just hatched out 7 silkies , the last one hatched saturday. They seem very sleepy to me, they dont eat alot or drink alot. I actually have to take the heat lamp away to get them to move around and eat or drink. One i'm actually trying to force feed because ive never seen it take a bite of...
  16. chickhamm

    New babies....Dipsy lookie!!

    I just finished with 2 hatches back to back, i ended up with 2 buff orp babies and 6 blue/splash/black babies!!! they are sooooooooooooo adorable I think i ended up with 2 blue and 4 splach? Dipsy what do you think??
  17. chickhamm

    ACK!! THIN chicken

    I have a silkie, she is about 3 to 4 months old, she is my daughters, and Jordan usually holds her and such. I picked her up yesterday and WOW she is sooooo thin!! I probably should not have but i gave her a small dose of eprinax wormer and then brought her into the house. I have her in a...
  18. chickhamm

    a bit of good news and new Meters

    last night was day 17/18 for a set of 18 eggs i have developing from dipsy they are blue/black/splash silkies. I cleaned the bator out of the buff eggs that failed to hatch, i konw a bit early but there was no movment, no cirping/tapping nothing. Cleaned all the gook and stuff, and sprayed...
  19. chickhamm


    ok, its day 21/22, i had one chick i helped hatch after waiting 24 hours after pip. one egg, almost exploaded out, zipping/cracking 3/4 of the way around in just a short amount of time then stoped. the chick never made it out and died. There was no pip / zip till a few hours ago, im...
  20. chickhamm

    GLUE Question???

    I read once on here that someone had used gorila glue to seal a crack on a egg. *sighs* well i just droped a egg and it landed on a egg i had just set today. It cracked but the membran did not tear, so i took and smeared a thin layer of gorila glue over the cracked area. chickhamm...
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