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  • Users: cdmadaio
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  1. cdmadaio

    HELP!!!! my chick hatched too early and there’s a hole

    Hi guys, this egg had a hole in it and so I put it in the incubator. It started to pip but no progress was made for about 15 hours so i picked a little bit at the shell and the chick was fine. The egg was doing fine today and the chick was normal but in his efforts to hatch he fell to the bottom...
  2. cdmadaio

    Egg Cracked

    Hi guys, So it’s day 20/21 of incubation and this little part of my egg cracked. It’s in the air sac section of the egg and I’m not sure what to do... should I leave it? put tape over it? Anyone have any advice? It’s currently back under the hen.. should I put it in an incubator? Attached are...
  3. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    I went to collect eggs today and there was some stool next to the egg so I brushed it aside with a stick but crawling inside, and under the poo were these white worms. I checked back later and saw that another chicken, or the same chicken, but a fresh piece of stool had the same thing. It seems...
  4. cdmadaio

    Is this normal???....

    I am hatching Silkie and serama chicks. It’s day 22 and still no chicks. One tried to pip but I think it died. It’s almost 23 and in the other eggs, I see no movement. Is this normal?
  5. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    so far, 3 chickens have died unknown deaths, 2 in the coop, but this one, this one is very peculiar. Today,my dad said that a chicken died, he said he went running out to the coop, when he saw a bird fly up. The chickens ere traumatized, and my little black one, tiny, died. Outside the coop...
  6. cdmadaio

    If anyone is experienced wih hatching eggs. Please help

    i am new to hatching chicks. One has hatched and now its been a week since the first one hatched. Me, being stupid put the eggs in at different times so the hatch dates are days apart. One of my eggs looks like its still developing. i thought one pipped this morning because i candled it and it...
  7. cdmadaio

    MANY, many questions. If possible, please answer or give advice

    i am new to hatching chicks. One has hatched and now its been a week since the first one hatched. Me, being stupid put the eggs in at different times so the hatch dates are days apart. One of my eggs looks like its still developing. i thought one pipped this morning because i candled it and it...
  8. cdmadaio

    Will these hatch?

    These are the developing eggs. Some are 2 days overdue. I don't know if that's because they stopped developing or because they didn't get proper heat. I took some eggs out so the developing ones would get proper heat. Can anyone tell me if any of these are going to hatch? One of them is...
  9. cdmadaio

    How can I tell if an egg will hatch?

    3 days ago my first egg hatched. The rest of the eggs have not. I have them under a small broody and sometimes they don't get a lot of heat because of the distribution of heat. This one was a small egg which was directly in the center of all her eggs. I've been waiting and yesterday I was sure...
  10. cdmadaio

    One hatched 4 to go... but one is blotchy?

    I have successfully hatched one chick already and it looks as if another (1-2) will hatch today. It hasn't pipped yet (I think) but looks as if the air sack has been broken by the chick. This happened last night and I can hear it chirping. One of my bantam eggs though... I don't know what's the...
  11. cdmadaio

    A blood ring?

    So I have an egg that looks as if it has a blood ring... but it doesn't connect I am one day 7/8 of incubating under my broody. It has normal development (or so I think) and it looks as if there is an embryo within a c. Should I leave it under her, take it out? Is it going to survive? The first...
  12. cdmadaio

    My broody and her Eggs

    so I have a broody hen who is sitting on about 20 eggs right now. All of the eggs are silkie mixes. Can anyone tell me an approximate of what these mixes might look like New Hampshire Red x Buff silkie Black silkie x buff silkie Red sex link x buff silkie Sizzle x buff silkie Mottled cochin x...
  13. cdmadaio

    My rooster died suddenly

    Yesterday, my year old silkie rooster died suddenly. We have a person who takes care of the property when I'm not there and they didn't clean the coop this time so it was very dirty. He found my rooster Sonny had died and was laying at the bottom of the coop. There were no signs of trauma but a...
  14. cdmadaio


    My year old roo has a rooster collar and all has been fine until now. He has a large bump or boil on the top of the collar. Is this an infection disease of bruise? Help me please!
  15. cdmadaio

    My black chicken is growing in white?

    recently, my black polish bantam died and I loved her so much I decided to get a new one in memory of the late pipsquiek. This new one, peanut, is starting to grow in white and black. Should I be worried? Some chickens change colors but pipsquiek automatically grew in black. Now, this chickens...
  16. cdmadaio

    Help. Decapitated chicken

    i have (had) a 10 month old polish bantam chicken who got decapitated the other day. She still had her neck and all that was missing was her head. it happened sometime around 30 mins after sunrise and no other chickens were dead. She still had her neck, but there was a slit at the bottom and...
  17. cdmadaio

    HELP! Two of my young chickens have died of something similar

    So, about a month ago my young rooster died unexpectedly after having a sour crop. Then, about a week ago, another one of my young hens died after having a sour crop, after my hen (Molly) died my father looked to see if anything was wrong and found blood in her mouth. HELP, I don't know what is...
  18. cdmadaio

    Updated photos of Luna

    She is eight weeks old does anyone know if she's a female? If you've already been on one of my threads about her these are updated photos
  19. cdmadaio

    I need help seeing my silkie

    This is my silkie, Luna. She is 1.5 months old. These are pictures of her from all different ages going from youngest to oldest
  20. cdmadaio

    Is this a female?

    this is my 1.5 month old silkie chick luna. Does anyone know if she is a female? 2 weeks ago When Luna was very little
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