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  1. Barbs Girls

    What’s wrong with this girl?

    Checked for lice and mites, treated with permethrin initially just to be safe. Seems like the feather loss is getting worse not better. Bought some Blu Kote, going to get it on-her when she goes to roost. She and one other gal seem affected, the other mostly around her tail feathers. Flock of...
  2. Barbs Girls

    Feather Fixer for chicks integrating with hens?

    We are integrating our 7 week old chicks with our hens. We have the hens on feather fixer... can the chicks eat this or do we need to switch to all flock feed. Hate to waste a new bag of feather fixer but do not want to compromise the littles!
  3. Barbs Girls

    Male or female

    Not sure if this a male or female.About 6 weeks. Thoughts? The Wyandotte.
  4. Barbs Girls

    Wrinkly egg

    Our 1 year old, sapphire gem, hen has been laying wrinkly eggs. In researching this phenomenon it directs me to Infectious Bronchitis. This gal, nor any of our others are sneezing or coughing. This particular hen has lost a bit of weight but I have seen quite a few new feathers as well. Molt...
  5. Barbs Girls

    Soft shelled egg 2 days ago and still nothing!

    So Priscilla (Sapphire Gem), 18ish weeks layed a soft shelled egg in Thurstand nothing since then. Has seen her rearranging the nest boxes but that’s about it. Is she ok?
  6. Barbs Girls

    First soft shelled egg!!

    well...we have an egg...or rather, we had an egg. They ate it before we could get it out of the bedding!!! We believe it was one of our sapphire gems as she has been the most vocal and squatting in front of me for several days. So excited but sure hope they don’t eat the next one!!:rant
  7. Barbs Girls

    New to chickens

    Hello- long time chicken lover, first time owner!! Such fun!
  8. Barbs Girls

    Sick Buff Orp

    Hello- We have 8 chicks, ranging 8 weeks to 12 weeks. Our 12 week old Buff Orp starting having issues a couple of weeks ago with walking kinda like a duck. I thought this was due to space constraints in the brooder. We did move them into the coop this past weekend and I noticed she felt smaller...
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