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  • Users: LulaBell
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  1. LulaBell

    Aquasol dosage/where to buy

    Does anyone know the dosage for Aquasol? Also, does anyone know where it could be purchased in a smaller amount? I recently found out you can purchase elector psp on eBay in smaller amounts making it more affordable for some of us with a smaller backyard flock. It would be awesome if I could...
  2. LulaBell

    Anyone have experience with this dewormer??

    I’m looking for a water soluble dewormer...I’ve tried the gel form but it separates in the water after a while...does anyone have experience with this powder form?
  3. LulaBell

    Please help....found rooster in stock tank

    I came home to find my rooster in our 100gal stock tank. He was still moving but very cold. It’s obvious he has been in there a while. He’s in the house wrapped in towels warming under a heat lamp. Hes s was wheezing when he breathes and sounds watery. What more can I do for him??
  4. LulaBell

    Anyone want to take a crack at what breed these guys are...came from my mixed flock

    I have a mixed flock of hens - EE's, OE's, sex links(black and red), buff orps, cuckoo marans, black copper marans, silver laced wyandottes, speckled sussex, 1 welsummer, 1, australorp and some reds. I have 3 roosters - an EE, Isa Brown, and a silver bantam of some sort Also we have 4 male...
  5. LulaBell

    What do I do with broody momma and chicks

    Last week 2 broody hens hatched chicks. Hen A hatched a single chick and hen B hatched 3 chicks and stopped sitting on the eggs. I put the eggs under a heat lamp and hatched out 2 chicks who are in a brooder right now. My question is what now?? Do I take the chicks from the mommas put them...
  6. LulaBell

    Help! Just hatched chick with intestines pulling out?? ** Pics **

    We have a broody hen hatching chicks, this one appears to have a large vent and her intestines are stuck to the shell material. At least that’s how it looks. Momma has hatched 4 others but is no longer setting on the nest or wanting anything to do with this chick. She is inside under a heat lamp...
  7. LulaBell

    Help! Broody hen hatching chicks, need some pointers

    I have broody hens sitting on eggs that have started to hatch. Do I take the babies and put them in a brooder as they hatch? The momma's do not want to come off the nest so moving them isn't my first choice right now.The nests are in the coop with the other adult birds so I do not want to leave...
  8. LulaBell

    Please Help!! I don't think she is going to make it

    I found one of my marans not very responsive laying in the run on Easter. I brought her in and cleaned her up. She had a lot of yellow poop on her bum. I treated her with fenbendazole for worms. Her poop has been yellow liquid and has not stopped. I have been trying to keep the fluids in her and...
  9. LulaBell

    Help lethargic hen.......

    Found my hen laying in the run this evening. She let me approach and pick her up which is not normal. She had a very messy rear end, green loose stool all over her feathers around her vent. She has lost weight, her keel bone is very prominent. My first thought is parasites...... I have safe...
  10. LulaBell

    ISO Guinea fowl for sale SE Ohio

    I’m in search of guinea fowl for sale near me. Preferably not keets. I have an established flock of chickens and 5 guinea. Ticks are bad already and I’d like to add some extra guinea to help keep it under control. Thank you!
  11. LulaBell

    Letting a hen hatch them....

    I have a hen that appears to be going broody. I want to let her hatch the eggs but I have no idea how to go about this...the do's and don'ts...does anyone out there have a process?? Thank you for the help :)
  12. LulaBell

    What do you use to deworm your flock?

    What do you all use for a dewormer? I used to keep Wazine17 on hand, but now that it is discontinued I'm unsure what I should use. Any suggestions with dosing would be greatly appreciate 🐔:)
  13. LulaBell

    Will feeding peppers to your flock produce spicy eggs??

    A friend of mine told me she heard somewhere that you can feed very hot peppers to your flock bc they do not have taste buds. In turn the chickens would also lay eggs that taste spicy. 🌶 🤔 I would think that feeding too many peppers over time would cause inflammation/irritation causing harm to...
  14. LulaBell

    A lot of blood, but no obvious injuries?

    Went to put my girls in last night and one girl was in the corner on the floor keeping to herself. I got her out and she had blood all over her head. I immediately assumed another pecker her eye or head. I brought her in the house to get her warm and cleaned up and could fine NO visible...
  15. LulaBell

    Alternatives to hardware cloth??

    Looking for a little guidance...What can I use to enclose our run....We have poultry netting up right now but I know this is not going to be enough. Hardware cloth is very expensive and I would require a lot of it....any suggestions for alternatives? We are in SE Ohio, predators we see the most...
  16. LulaBell

    Overall flock is not "well"... Changes need to be made, advice please

    My flock has had a rough time the last couple months. I lost 2 birds to illness....sent 1 in for a necropsy and it came back that she was septic. I lost 9 girls to a predator (fox) and have had to build a small run to keep them safe and allow them to get fresh air and have access more room. They...
  17. LulaBell

    What might this chick be?

    I ordered chicks from Hoover's this year, first time ever. I ordered Americanas, Midnight Majesty Marans, Prairie Bluebell Eggers, Sapphire Olive Eggers, Speckled Sussex, and Welsummers (3 of each) As chicks they are looked a lot alike, except of course the marans. Otherwise they all kind of...
  18. LulaBell

    Unknown predator, possible fox or bobcat, any suggestions?

    we (did) free range. In the last few weeks we have had attacks on our flock, taking multiple birds at a time and only leaving behind feathers. we have not see or heard this predator, once when it happened we were right in the house! It is always in the daylight. We are thinking a family of fox...
  19. LulaBell

    Lethargic hen, full gritty feeling crop this morning

    I think my hens crop is full of grit and food can’t pass. It feels like a balloon full of sand. I found this video and it seems like the most gentle/natural method. Can anyone give me feedback on this? I’ve never dealt with an impacted crop before.
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