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  1. ZoomuKeeper

    Smelly eggs

    I have been raising chickens and ducks and geese for 15 years. This is my first time with quail. I took fresh laid eggs less than a week old and put them in my incubator to hatch out. With in a few hours they smelled like a rotten egg. Is this normal? I have never had this issue with...
  2. ZoomuKeeper

    American Blue Geese

    Do I need a pond for my blues or can a kiddie pool suffice?. Years ago I had an embden and she had a pool
  3. ZoomuKeeper

    What breed are these

    I bought and incubated a dozen eggs that was a mix of pure bred chickens. I got brahmas and polish and Andalusian and then these 2 that I have no clue what they are. They hatched out November30/ The Colored one is a roos and the blue black one is hen. She looks blue in the sun
  4. ZoomuKeeper

    Turkey Coup.

    I have 2 Red Burbon Turkey babies. I am building their coup. They have a 60' x 60' yard with 7 foot metal fence. My question is should I put a wood floor in the coup like I have in my hen house or should it be dirt. I live in florida and I plan to have deep wire cloth in the ground to stop...
  5. ZoomuKeeper


    I have an 8 month old hen that seems to be coughing? Not sure she makes this strange noise a cross between a sneeze and a cough kind of squeaky? Not all the time but a lot right in a row then it subsides. Any one know what I might be dealing with? She is the only one doing
  6. ZoomuKeeper

    Buff Brahma 2 day old chicks

    I hatched out 4 buff brahma. I am wondering if color of the down has anything to do with sex. I have 3 uniform babies and one that is much darker. Has anyone every guessed the sex on the coloring of newborns and get it right? I am just wondering. I don't care if they are all roos. I love...
  7. ZoomuKeeper

    Polish chicks

    These are White Crested Black polish correct? They are not blue. I had a man telling me these are blue not black. The mom and dad are white crested black polish
  8. ZoomuKeeper

    Brahma acting different.

    One of my buff brahma roos almost 10 weeks old is much smaller than the rest and he walks with kind of droopy wings. He eats and drinks fine the others do not seem to bother him. I have checked him for mites and lice and he is clear and I did a fecal and that too is clear. No coughing, no...
  9. ZoomuKeeper

    Sought after chicken breeds

    I am a one year chicken farmer. I only have pure bloods. What are the most sought after breed that people look for most often? I will be selling hens and roosters once I get my numbers up and I am trying to get ideas on what breeds would be the most lucrative.
  10. ZoomuKeeper

    Buff Brahmas 8 weeks old almost 9.

    Well The one is a roo. The other that may be a roo still has no back feathers like this one but he has no red on him at all not yet.
  11. ZoomuKeeper

    Deep Bedding

    When using the deep bedding method in the coop how often do all of you change it out completely? I was so use to cleaning and sanitizing my coop every week and basic cleaning everyday. My life was revolving around my chickens and it seemed I had no time for anything else so I read about deep...
  12. ZoomuKeeper

    Incubating eggs dilemma

    Collected the eggs, 18 really nice ones, perfect shape and size. Placed them in the incubator yesterday. Today the incubator quit. It just stopped working. I am wondering if my eggs will be lost now or do I still have time to run and buy another one tomorrow and save my clutch? Kind of heart...
  13. ZoomuKeeper

    Hen or roo

    7 weeks old. I have 4 buff brahmas and they are supposed to be pullets but I am not sure. One has towered the others and it brighter in color then the other 3 and it's eye color is amazing, the other 3 are on the dull side. This one is not fully feathered yet
  14. ZoomuKeeper

    Collecting eggs

    How long have some of you kept eggs before you put them in the incubator?
  15. ZoomuKeeper

    Brooder in hen house

    I live in Florida and we have fire ants. At times I have had ants in the one hen house going after the feed. I am hatching babies as I type and will need to put the brooder in the hen house with electric. I do not have any shelf large enough to hold the brooder so it will have to sit on the...
  16. ZoomuKeeper

    Lockdown day 20 ozzing egg

    I have 12 eggs in lockdown today is day 20 and one has hatched 2 others have external pipped and one looks cracked and is oozing. I am afraid it may explode if it is bad but I am also afraid to open the bator HELP!
  17. ZoomuKeeper

    6 week old Buff Brahma still does not have all it's feathers

    My 6 week old Buff Brahma still does not have all it's feathers. The rest of the Brahmas same age are fully feathered. They will be 7 weeks Saturday. The chick's back is still all fluff and no tail feathers yet. I bought them from tractor supply when they were days old and supposedly they are...
  18. ZoomuKeeper

    Cannibalistic Australorp hens

    My Australope hens are breaking open and eating their eggs. They have plenty of feed and they get a bowl of fresh greens daily to go with the grass they also eat. My Buff Orpington does not do this,.,Nor does the rooster. They are all housed together. The 4 live in an 8ft by 10 ft hen house...
  19. ZoomuKeeper

    6 week old Brahmas picking on the smaller brahma

    I have 6 week old brahma chicks Buff to be exact. The most docile of the brahmas. 3 of them are picking on the smallest, and I do mean picking on him/her. Poor baby has a bloody back and wings. I removed the baby and put him/her in my infirmary. I have to keep the animal away until it heals...
  20. ZoomuKeeper

    Lock Down

    Today is Lock down. I am so excited. Hoping all goes well, This will be my first hatch out. I normally just buy chicks. I had 15 eggs 2 were not fertile and one died. last week so I have 12 viable little peepers.
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