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  • Users: chickpip
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  1. chickpip

    Extrememly Loud chicks! HELP~!

    Hi, We have 30 chicks, 5 japanese bantams, and several standards. We just recieved them today from Murray Mcmurray (spelling?) We had to seperate the Japanese bantams from the others. The Japanese bantams are being EXTREMELY loud it's making my ears ring. I have raised chicks about 6 times...
  2. chickpip

    Chicks arrived! ! ! !

    Our chicks arrived early this morning! ! !
  3. chickpip

    Yellow chick poop.. normal?

    My chick had yellow mustard colored poop.. is this normal or anything to worry about? They are 1 week old.
  4. chickpip

    HELP! Pasty Butt?

    Hi, Everything was going great with my 6&7 day old chicks... then I noticed that one of my chicks was sleeping a lot.. (was still running around,flying chirping).. So I picked him/her up and saw 2 big clumps of poop on its bottom. I don't know if it is really pasty butt because it wasn't...
  5. chickpip

    I have some videos up of my chicks & how I care for them. CUTE ALERT!!
  6. chickpip

    Keeping track of chicks.. banding?

    I have 13- 5&6day old standard chicks.. All Either Purebred Americaunas or Americauna mixes.. the one and only rooster was an Americauna. I need to keep track of them. Is it to early to start banding them? Any other way to keep track of them? They all look the same to me,
  7. chickpip

    Quarantining new chicks?

    I have 13, 5&6 day old chicks that I hatched myself. My local feed store just got some Barred Rock chicks in... We are thinking about getting a few. How long should I quarantine the new chicks for? I'm not to worried about introducing the chicks to the week olds because they aren't all that big...
  8. chickpip

    Barred Rocks

    What is everyones experiences with Barred Rocks? Sweet&docile or flighty? I know it depends on the individual birds but overall?
  9. chickpip

    Videos of your chicks?

    Hi All, Does anyone have any videos on Youtube etc. of your chicks? I love watching cute chick videos. Also, some have very helpful info (not that I don't get enough info here on BYC!)
  10. chickpip

    Keeping track of chicks.

    I have 13 chicks that almost look identical other than the single yellow one! How do you keep track of them at 4&5days old? I'm guessing they are to young to put bands on? When I've raised chicks in the past I didn't really worry about it because either I knew they were all pullets or I only had...
  11. chickpip

    Any ideas of keeping shavings out of water?

    Any ideas of keeping shavings out of water? I know it is probably one of those things were it is just gonna happen no matter what.. thought I would ask anyway. I have marbles in the water as always. I've raised chicks 2other times and I've always wanted to know if there is any "secret" to...
  12. chickpip

    Are these Americauna chicks? pics

    Some are going to be mixes and some are going to be purebred Americaunas because the one and only rooster was an Americauna and we had a few Americauna hens the rest of the hens were either Cochin Frizzle bantam or Barred Rock. I can't remember who came out of the green eggs.. That is 2 chicks...
  13. chickpip


    What are you experiences? Need a better bator......!
  14. chickpip

    pet store grit for chicks? 4&5 days old.

    Can you use grit from the pet store for chicks? If so what kind? We can get actual chick grit but the pet store is closer than the feed store... We don't have any right now because the chick starter has grit in it. We are going to be giving them other things the peck and play with so we thought...
  15. chickpip

    Ideas for bored chicks...

    The chicks are 4&5days old... We have used empty tissue boxes cut with a hole so they wouldn't get trapped, in the past but what else would be good? what else can I put in with the chicks for some stimulation and play? This is only my 3rd time with chicks.
  16. chickpip

    Are quick oats okay?

    Are quick oats okay for 4&5 day old chicks? Just for some play & keep them busy.
  17. chickpip

    Aspen shavings OK for ch? Some say yes some say no.. really confused!

    Are Aspen shavings OK for brooder bedding for 4&5 day olds? We got the bedding at the pet store...
  18. chickpip

    Best company to order day old chicks from

    What is the Best company to order day old chicks from? I have only done day old chicks one time and I don't remember where we got them from...
  19. chickpip

    Sexing Americaunas?

    Hi, I've don't personally have much experience with Americaunas. We have 13 chicks we incubated. They are either Purebred Americuana, Barred Rock Americauna or Cochin Frizzle Bantam Americauna mixes.. Any idea if you can sex the purebred Americaunas by the way they look? They are all between 2...
  20. chickpip

    shavings for 3day old?

    I usually use shavings for older birds but never 3 day olds.. we are moving them to a pretty big brooder (we have 13) so I wanted to know if they would swallow them or get hurt if I put shavings in now?! Thoughts?
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