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  1. Thechickentrainer1999

    What food to buy?

    Does anyone have any idea what food would be best to feed hens to extend their life? I don't care as much about getting eggs as I do for them simply being pets. I of course want them to be healthy, however I learned about Matilda the chicken that lived to be 16 years old, and based on all the...
  2. Thechickentrainer1999

    How much collodial silver?

    How much colloidal silver can you give a sick chicken (mine has reproductive cancer)? I just ordered 500ppm from amazon.
  3. Thechickentrainer1999

    Stomach cancer cure

    Today I had an ultrasound done on my hen and found out she has stomach cancer which they believe has spread from her reproductive system. Does anybody have any remedies or success on treating/curing this? I've read about success in humans from baking soda water, and some from fenbendazole, but...
  4. Thechickentrainer1999

    Cure for Chicken cancer?

    Does anyone have any success at treating/curing cancer in chickens? I was told mine has it and she has lost all movement in her legs. Has been in a sling for the last few weeks. She seems to keep getting worse and I'm trying to do everything I can to slow/stop it. Have been giving her alkaline...
  5. Thechickentrainer1999

    Amonia exposure eye looks different.

    I have a chicken (almost 4 years old) that has had an injured foot and has been having to stay inside until I can finish her separate cage. I change her bedding twice a day but I noticed her eyes looked a tad bit different as if there's some cloudiness to it and first thing I thought of was the...
  6. Thechickentrainer1999

    Odd bumblefoot. What should i do?

    So my white rock started limping about a week ago just a little bit and I noticed a small place of missing skin on her foot. As of 2 days ago, she stopped walking 95% and hasn't moved around much but have been keeping a close eye on her with food, water, and checking on her cut. As of today, the...
  7. Thechickentrainer1999

    Mite infestation (thoughts on white vinegar)?

    So I recently found out one of my chickens had mites which I've never ever had and now all of my chickens has them, but some not as much but I'm completely cleaning the whole cage, though that's nothing new as I clean it on average of about 2 weeks, but was wondering if it was safe to spray...
  8. Thechickentrainer1999

    Impacted/sour crop

    My chicken has impacted crop that I believe has turned into sour crop (a little smelly) I have massaged and massaged and it doesn't seem to be working. I read that a chicken like this should have no access to food as it can make it worse. So yesterday I took away her food and put her in a cage...
  9. Thechickentrainer1999

    Help asap fly strike

    Need help asap as this morning I discovered 1 of my hens has maggots all over her vent. How do you cure this? I have searched all morning for videos/information and have not found anything. Please someone help as I dont know what to put on there for now. 3 years ago I believe one of my hens had...
  10. Thechickentrainer1999

    Tap dancing chickens/no see ums PLEASE HELP ASAP!

    For the 1st time, the no see um (biting gnats) are biting the chickens like crazy. Never had a problem until last night after so much rain. Anyway they cant even sleep because they've been scratching and dancing for hours. I went out there and tried to rub de on some legs and that didn't help. I...
  11. Thechickentrainer1999

    How to cure messy bottom.

    I have 2 hens with messy bottoms. 1 has a really messy bottom. They have had them before and usually it clears up but this time it just seems to be getting worse. Could it be anything else besides vent gleet? How do I fix this issue permanently and prevent it in from occurring again. Thanks!
  12. Thechickentrainer1999

    Sudden death of EE (easter egger) hen

    Woke up this morning to let the chickens out and everyone woke up & was acting normal as always and then I went back to bed for about 3 hours to notice my 2 year old ee hen [a month from 3] laying dead in the run. Overall she was healthy, wasn't over weight, never had any worms or anything, no...
  13. Thechickentrainer1999

    Irregular shaped pupil

    I have an almost 3 year old buff orpington hen who's left eye has all of a sudden changed. She acts normal, looks overall healthy but I'm not sure why it has changed. The pupil is slightly irregular shaped while the eye is a lighter color. The other eye is completely normal. She's lived with the...
  14. Thechickentrainer1999

    Shaking head walking backwards?

    I have a white rock hen who is 9 months old and ever since she was about 1 month old she will look down at her feet and shake her head side to side and walk and something run backwards about 5+ feet. It started getting better as she got older and it became rare when she would do it but now she...
  15. Thechickentrainer1999

    What's wrong with my hen?

    I've noticed over the last few months that my hens comb has changed color. It used to be bright red and now to me it looks pale and looks like it has shrunk. Here is a picture from 2018 vs 2019. What do you think has caused this? She is 2 years old. She also is missing butt feathers that are not...
  16. Thechickentrainer1999

    Clear discharge from vent

    Went to check on the hens before bed and noticed one was acting different. She has clear liquid coming from her vent when she jumped on the roost bar some of it dripped below her and the other hens wanted to eat it? Could this be an egg broken inside of her? And if so, what can I do. Please help!
  17. Thechickentrainer1999

    Is top soil safe for chickens?

    I pm looking to build a dirt bath for my chickens and wondering if top soil is okay to use. It says it does not contain fertilizer. What it does contain is I believe is soil/sand/mulch/gravel mixture.
  18. Thechickentrainer1999

    Need answers fast

    I'm trying to make a dirt bath for my chickens and I have very little time left to do so. Is this dirt okay to use from home depot? I'm looking for something that has no chemicals or bad stuff that could hurt them
  19. Thechickentrainer1999

    Calling out capon owners

    This is a thread for people who own a capon (nueterd rooster) only. I currently have a 20 week old cockerel who is starting to become really aggresive with my hens and there is one he absolutely loves to terrorize constantly, all day literally and it absolutely puts her into shock I'll say and...
  20. Thechickentrainer1999

    Permanently removing a roosters spurs.

    Does anyone know where to go or about how much it would cost to remove a rooster spurs permantly? He's a pet so he doesn't free range so it's not like he needs them to protect the hens.
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