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  • Users: SemiQ
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  1. SemiQ

    My quail can't get along? URGENT

    I have two female quail that are having trouble getting along. For context, I have a wild coloured one called Rigby and a Italian coloured one called Butter (Rigby is slightly larger in size). They have laid eggs so I know they are both female. Rigby was hand -raised alone, while Butter was...
  2. SemiQ

    White Zebra Finch?

    I've got a friend with some zebra finches (4 to be exact) and they have hatched two groups of eggs. Eight the first time and now four. The first eight were all normal coloured finches but this time one out of the four is a white finch with a bit of a darker head. None of the parents look like...
  3. SemiQ

    Caring for a quail chick

    I have a single quail chick that's mum was beating it up (it no longer has a intact right toe), long story short I took it home and am now caring for it. I know chicks are more content with their own but even so it was the only one to hatch and it was already a week old when I bought it home...
  4. SemiQ

    Rooster picking on hen? HELP

    I'm asking for a family member that came to me with this question. Her rooster is chasing one of the hens and not allowing her to eat or drink. I thought that maybe he was chasing to mate but the fact that hes not allowing her to eat or drink is weird. She's also checked her for mites, diseases...
  5. SemiQ

    Do Golden Phoenix's need any extra care?

    I'm not sure if this has been asked before but I searched the forums and couldn't find anything. I was just thinking that because they have long tails that drag on the ground, would they need any special care? Like bedding, feed, etc...? Wouldn't dirt and feces build up in it? Would I have to...
  6. SemiQ

    When can you take a chick out of the incubator?

    I was just curious as to when you can take a quail chick out of the incubator? I know with chicken chicks you normally wait until they're fluffed but is it the same for quail? Also how long does it take for them to fluff?
  7. SemiQ

    Large chicken hen hatching quail!

    A family member has some quail and lots of eggs he just chucks to the dogs, because we had a broody golden laced wyandotte we offered to put some under for him. There was originally eleven but one was already cracked so that left us with ten. I placed them under her (not without getting pecked...
  8. SemiQ

    Is Blackhead in Victoria,Australia?

    Hello does anyone know if blackheads in Victoria? I've been looking all over and can't seem to find an answer. Cheers
  9. SemiQ

    How many Turkey's do you need for breeding?

    Okay, so I was wondering how many heritage turkeys would you need for them to live comfortably together and breed? I have heard people say 1 Tom to 5 hens and I've even heard 1 Tom to 15 hens. I'm not looking to breed for meat or anything. I was just wondering since one day I hope to have some...
  10. SemiQ

    Part-way through my chicken/poultry journey

    Hello, even though I've owned chickens for several years now I still want to upload and tell/record my story.Ill probably upload my other poultry and bird endeavour on here as well. Alright so it all started in 2015 when my family and I got sick of looking at this tiny dog pen at the back of our...
  11. SemiQ

    Black copper and Blue copper Marans question

    Okay, so I read somewhere that if you bred a black copper Marans and a blue copper, 50% of the chicks will be black and the other 50%,blue. My question is that, I heard that this would still be considered pure? Is this true? :oops: If so, wouldn't there be leakage in the down? Please explain as...
  12. SemiQ

    Good'ay from Australia!

    Welp hi I'm SemiQ. I lurked around here for about 2 and a half years. I got my first 3 hens in 2015 and like everyone else went through some big learning curbs and lessons. Now I have 6 hens and 2 roosters ( which one I need to get rid of):he. Other than chickens we've got 1 kelpie cross visla...
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