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  1. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Pullet with leg swelling x-rays included

    I have a very special pullet who has had very swollen leg for at least the last 10 days. So special that I even took her to the vet yesterday and paid for X-rays only for them to have no answers. At least she was given medications that I hope help. One for inflammation and the other an...
  2. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Can anyone identify this 13 week old cockerel

    I’ve added pictures of him from a chick to feathering out to now. The breeder he came from does not have other birds like him. She has mottled leghorns which he somewhat resembles but looks more cream legbar mix to me (which she does not have). He started feathering in mottled but now looks more...
  3. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Sick chicks died within hours of corid…poisoned?

    So I noticed two sick chicks about a week or two old out with mom today. I grabbed them this evening and brought them inside to their own brooder and fixed them some corid. I made a gallon with 2 tsp corid. Made them drink some and put them under the heat plate. Just checked on them and one has...
  4. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Definition of “at large”

    How would I go about disputing our code enforcements understanding that the following ordnance means they must be caged? He’s fairly new so I do believe this is just a matter of interpretation and hope that I don’t have to keep my girls forever caged. They are contained in my fenced backyard...
  5. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Is this gout? Swollen ankles and feet.

    This baby came from a breeder and hatched the end of May. She’s an Isabel Ameraucana. I bought 6 chicks and she is my only female. I noticed her feet looked a bit swollen a couple weeks ago but didn’t think much of it but now they are super swollen. First pic is from Wednesday night and second...
  6. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Ayam Cemani size

    Are Ayam Cemani a smaller breed? I just got a pullet at auction. I just figured she was small because she still had some growing to do but she laid me an egg today so she’s got to be at least 6 months old. She probably about the size of my appenzellers or even a bit smaller.
  7. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Broody again!

    This has been the year of broodies in my flock. I ran out of places for them and finally just let the last couple hens keep them with the flock. The hen that started it all left her chicks 2 or 3 weeks ago. Well the other day she started sitting again! I have never been able to successfully...
  8. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Switching eggs during hatch

    I have three broody hens. I was taking the eggs at first but decided to give the first two eggs. I have them at the same time and then a week or so later another hen went broody. So my first two girls have been sitting for 4+ weeks. I’m really not sure how long but the third girl hasn’t been...
  9. Mama_in_the_Dell

    What’s happened with this egg?

    Chick never externally pipped. Once I realized there was no movement I opened it up and slowly peeled the shell away to find the head. This is what I found. It was malposition. Several of my eggs have been. It appeared to have tried to pip breaking the internal membranes but not the shell. There...
  10. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Is this naval area okay?

    This chick just hatched. It is doing great. Everything looks absorbed but its navel looks bubbled. Is this a hernia or normal? I don’t recall ever seeing one like this. It’s closed up so I guess that’s good.
  11. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Hatching store bought Happy Eggs blue and brown heritage breed

    I was out shopping one day in March and saw these beautiful eggs on the store shelf. Remembering stories I’ve read of others hatching store bought eggs I decided to see if anything could come of these. One egg was cracked and though I probably could have sealed it I decided to open it up and...
  12. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Chicks not sleeping under heat plate.

    I have two sets of chicks about 2-2.5 weeks apart. The youngest are now a week old and I had gotten a larger brooder setup so I decided to try to combined them. To my surprise they really combine quite successfully with the older chicks. The problem is the older chicks do not want to sleep under...
  13. Mama_in_the_Dell

    If size of LF Cochin chick an indication of gender?

    These chicks are only a few days old but I noticed that one of my LF Cochins is double the size of the other. They all hatched at the same time. Anyone with experience raising Cochins find this to be a good indication for gender? The black chick is the other Cochin. The blue chick in the middle...
  14. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Which EE would be better for breeding?

    I’m only breeding amateurly so not looking for perfection but in your opinion which of these two would be the best choice? These two are so different and I like things from each. Ideally I would like to breed the one with the best colored egg gene but I don’t think I’m going to be able to keep...
  15. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Genetic question about comb breeding

    I have two hatchery light Brahmas. The male has a nice looking 3 row comb as pictured below. The female has the wrong comb (maybe modified walnut). I wasn’t planning to hatch out babies but a couple broody hens hatched quite a few Brahma eggs. Of the first batch two ended up with combs like the...
  16. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Blue chickens

    What are these blue chicks. I was hoping these were sapphire gems but when I ended up with a couple roosters I figured they must be some other new blue type. I then was thinking maybe blue Australorp as they were marked Australorp but from most pictures I’ve seen they all have dark legs. This...
  17. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Light Brahma/Wyandotte cross with dark down

    I had my first hatch today. Father is a light Brahma. Mom is a BLR Wyandotte splash but more light gray looking than white. This is what the baby looks like. I was expecting more of a light Brahma look but it’s so dark. Any idea what it will look like as an adult? Also can this cross combination...
  18. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Broody mom hatch day

    It’s day 20 or 21 for broody mom. I noticed she did not get off the nest this morning and looks really tired or weak. She keeps shutting her eyes. Not sure if she got off yesterday or not but was definitely the day before. Is this normal at the end when they should be hatching? Should I put food...
  19. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Silkie gender

    Silkies are new to me so I just want to confirm this is s boy before I get rid of it. 6 weeks old.
  20. Mama_in_the_Dell

    Rooster mean to one hen

    My rooster is still young (maybe 7 months) and seems to have adjusted well into his position. My chickens are currently in 4 separate runs due to space. Occasionally I’ll let them all out at the same time to free range the back yard. I first tried to bring my rooster up in the pen with my oldest...
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