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  1. ChickenLady♡

    It's HATCHDAY today!!

    Don't you just love it, you could never get tired of this. My broody has hatched at least 5 out of 7 but she is still sitting tight so there may be more to come. They are the most adorable teeny things - dad is a standard cochin and mum(s) are a variety of bantam pekins. It looks like there's...
  2. ChickenLady♡

    Silly question - BCM

    This might be a silly question but will a BCM X BCM produce only (black) BCM chicks? I have some eggs under my broody from a BCM roo and either a BCM hen or a cuckoo hen. Obviously, I can't be sure which egg came from which hen (I got them from a friend). I know that a BCM X cuckoo will give...
  3. ChickenLady♡

    Egg moved?

    I have a standard size broody on a dozen bantam eggs. She is on Day 4 and is sitting tight. Today was the first day I had any evidence she has got off the nest by the first broody poop I've seen. Unfortunately I also found a broken (empty) egg near the poop and a fair way away from the nest. She...
  4. ChickenLady♡

    "Weaning" baby chicks

    My chicks are almost 10 weeks old and neither they nor mama look like they are ready to go their own ways. Mama still takes them all to bed in a tiny temporary brooder even though they've all investigated the normal coop and rests. This is mama's first hatch - I'm guessing she'll eventually...
  5. ChickenLady♡

    Broody or just learning?

    I have a young hen that has just turned 7 months - her name is Delilah. She is a sussex / wyandotte cross. She only started laying a few weeks ago and has laid fairly sporadically since (it is turning winter here and my few laying birds only seem to lay 2 or 3 times a week). On the couple of...
  6. ChickenLady♡

    What is the reality?

    Sorry - long post. I have 10 hens ranging in age from 7 months to about 10 months. They hatched around September (some a little earlier, some a little later). I get 3 to 4 eggs a day. I had two who were laying by mid-March. They are my only blue egg layers so I can keep track of them easily...
  7. ChickenLady♡

    22 week old pullet might be dying. Is it cruel to separate her?

    I'm pretty sure my gorgeous girl is really unwell. I'm worried now she might not survive the night. About a week ago she seemed puffed up and lethargic. I thought it might have been an impacted crop - not a huge crop but what was in there felt really firm. I gave her several doses of olive oil...
  8. ChickenLady♡

    Sussex X Wyandotte

    Does anyone have a sussex x wyandotte? If so, do you have pictures? I'm pretty sure this girl is one and I would love to see others of the same mix. She is 21 weeks - no eggs yet. Any ideas on whether they are late starters and how often they will lay? I'm thinking she'll probably lay a light...
  9. ChickenLady♡

    New layers ... how many days will they lay?

    I have 12 birds - 10 of them are 19 to 22 weeks so expecting eggs anyday. The other 2 are araucana / leghorn crosses that I bought 3 weeks ago. They had just started laying (lovely blue eggs) when I got them. The first week or so (from 2 birds) I had 2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 -1 - 2 - 2 -1 eggs. Since...
  10. ChickenLady♡

    Are they nearly ready?

    Any ideas from the comb size and colour whether these girls might be nearly ready to start laying? The splash australorp is 18 weeks The RIR's are about 19 weeks (there are 2) The polish x australorp is 18 weeks The barred rock is 18 weeks (and huge - she towers over everyone else)...
  11. ChickenLady♡

    My first egg ... I'm so happy

    From my aracauna / white leghorn cross - a beautiful blue egg.:yesss:
  12. ChickenLady♡

    What breed are these (beautiful) girls?

    I recently got these two girls, they are now about 9-10 weeks. The lady I bought them from thought they might be australorp/wyandotte cross but I've now read that cross tends to make sex linked offspring (black pullets and laced cockerels). I'm not sure if that is true - any ideas what these...
  13. ChickenLady♡

    What colour is my silkie?

    He's a beautiful boy at about 14 weeks. Is he blue, splash or silver? Thanks.
  14. ChickenLady♡

    Australorp at 12 weeks

    I have a bit of a mixed bag of chickens aged between 10 and 14 weeks old. This australorp is 12 weeks ol d and has me a bit stumped about whether it is a pullet or cockerel. I have a terrible hunch it may be a cockerel - much more comb and wattle than its sister and thick legs but it behaves...
  15. ChickenLady♡

    Under construction

    Here are some pics of our chicken run construction. It is 9m (30ft) x 3m (10ft) x 2.1m high (~7ft). It has a coop for roosting at one end (on the sleeper base). The run has access doors at both ends and we are planning double gates as well so we can get in with a wheelbarrow. The chookies also...
  16. ChickenLady♡

    Any ideas? Australorp, RIR and Barred Rock.

    Hi, here are some of my babies. Barred Rock at 5 weeks Splash australorp at 5 weeks RIR (number 1) at 6 weeks Black australorp at 5 weeks (he / she is developing streamers, so not sure what that is about...) Blue australorp at 5 weeks RIR (number 2) at 6 weeks There are 7 others...
  17. ChickenLady♡


    Hi, I thought I'd post some piccies of my (13) babies - 4 australorp, 2 plymouth rocks, 2 RIR and 5 silkies. They are all gorgeous ... and an absolute hoot! I could watch them all day
  18. ChickenLady♡

    4 1/2 weeks RIR

    I know it's too early to be sure but any guess-timates on my 4 1/2 week old RIR pair? Number one - I'm thinking pullet. Number two - I'm thinking cockerel. Thanks
  19. ChickenLady♡

    What's up with my Barred Rock?

    I have a 3 1/2 week old barred rock that looks pretty convincing to be a boy - very pale legs, and paler feathers than his 'sister', although he has feathered out much quicker than her. I'm wondering about his comb though - it doesn't look like it's going to be a single comb (? maybe rose). I...
  20. ChickenLady♡

    Hi, newbie chicken mum here.

    Hi, I am brand new to chickens as a 'mature mum'. I have x13 four to five week old chicks - 4 australorp (1 black, 1 splash, 2 blue), 2 plymouth rock, 2 RIR and 5 silkies (4 partridge, 1 blue). I am hoping to end up with 5 good laying hens and a couple of silkie hens (for fun!).
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