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  1. feathermania

    Need to rehome a young, beautiful rooster

    Hi everyone, Yesterday we rescued what we thought was a little red hen from a neighbor's yard but it turns out that she is actually a rooster. He crowed a very young crow 3 times when I was outside today. Our rooster Henry has been trying to fight him through the wire side of our chicken...
  2. feathermania


    We have an older Barred Rock hen who is the leader of our flock (we think she's around 4 years old). She molted quite a bit in late October, but in the last couple of days, it seems like she's molting again. We had a mild winter until the first week of February. That's when the temps went...
  3. feathermania

    New member contest

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We were given 2 hens in October 2017. In April 2018, we bought 6 more chicks and are raising them. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? One of our first hens (an Ameraucana) was attacked and killed by neighbors dogs, so...
  4. feathermania

    Hi there!!

    Hi there, everyone! I'm excited to be a member of BYC! We live in Port Angeles, WA up in a rural spot and are owned by 7 hens - 1 Barred Rock, 2 Delawares, 2 New Hampshire Reds and 2 Welsummers (we will be adding 4 Ameraucanas to the flock soon) - and 3 small dogs. My hubby built a 7' x 4'...
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