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  1. Cowgrl4life

    WTB- Quail Rails

    Looking to buy quail rails for a little giant egg turner. Looking for cheap/used. Can buy new on Ebay around $22, so would prefer spending $10-15
  2. Cowgrl4life

    ISO- Button Quail Hatching Eggs

    Looking for button quail hatching eggs. Specifically blue breasted, but looking for others as well. Hoping to find eggs from same-color pairs.
  3. Cowgrl4life

    ISO- button quail hatching eggs

    Looking for button quail hatching eggs. Specifically blue breasted, but looking for others as well. Hoping to find eggs from same-color pairs.
  4. Cowgrl4life

    Looking for Button Quail eggs

    I'm looking to get into keeping button quail, and would like to acquire some hatching eggs to start my stock. I'm particularly interested in blue breasted, but am interested in others as well. I would prefer eggs from same color parents, but am open to other eggs as well.
  5. Cowgrl4life

    Blue Cochin

    Almost 8 weeks old. Standard size. Hen or roo?[br]
  6. Cowgrl4life

    City Living- Hop the fence?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this. I'm putting up my coop in the backyard tonight, and moving everyone outside. I would love to be able to let them roam around and play in my backyard when I'm home, and not be in the small coop and run all the time. However, I live in the city...
  7. Cowgrl4life


    I know that the fine pine shavings are a no-no with the cornish cross, once you start withholding food. But is ALL wood shavings a no go? What about the pellets used sometimes in horse stalls? I'm raising my first batch, and its not going so well. First there was an incident with the setup of...
  8. Cowgrl4life

    Insulated Coops?

    I'm dreaming up ways to build my "chicken palace" later this year and am wondering if anyone has ever thought of this, or if anyone has input on if it would even work. I live where we have pretty hot summer, and often very cold winters. I've lost chickens to heat before, and had chickens get...
  9. Cowgrl4life


    I'm interested in raising some meat birds, but let's face it, I won't butcher them myself. Is there such a thing as a butcher I could take them to and have it all done for me? Does anyone know of any places in or around Kansas City Missouri that may do this? I'd prefer the chicken to be...
  10. Cowgrl4life

    Back in the "coop"!

    After a few years of not being able to keep chickens due to my circumstances, I am back in the coop! Today I welcomed these two into the flock! I plan to add a couple more next week, the selection at the store was sparse today. Meet Ivy and Sage, americauna pullets!
  11. Cowgrl4life

    Two of first four eggs had double yolks!

    I cracked open our first four eggs today, We didn't want to eat them since they are still on medicated chick starter... But I was DYING to see inside. I cracked open four eggs, that I guess were all by the same chicken and were all laid with a day in between. Two of the four had double yolks! I...
  12. Cowgrl4life

    Mud in run, Adding Sand?

    I have a 12' by 24' run that with about three days of rain has become a complete mud pit. I'm talking two to three inches of slimy mud in at least half of the coop... I cant even walk through its so bad. We are thinking sand would be the answer, but I just want to check others experience on...
  13. Cowgrl4life

    First Egg Today!

    Just have to share the happiness with everyone, After months and months of raising over 100 babies this spring, we have our first egg today. WOOHOO!
  14. Cowgrl4life

    Overheated Chickens

    Got HOT here today and just got home from work, I already lost one to the heat today and there is another that isn't doing well. I have her sitting in an ice bath right now, is there anything else I can do for her? I sprayed down the other chickens outside with some water, and i'm about to head...
  15. Cowgrl4life

    California White X California White?

    I know that a california white is a cross, like a sex link. And that a sex link bred to a sex link would not be "sex linked" but since a california white isnt based on color at hatch, would a california white bred to a california white produce "california white" babies?
  16. Cowgrl4life

    Question on Quality of Barred Rock Roo's and Porcelain D'uccle Roo.

    Ok so, I KNOW the barred rocks are not great quality, but I just have them for production purposes. However I do plan to breed them a bit ( again for production purposes) and would rather breed up than down, so of my four boys, who would be the best to keep around and who would be second best? I...
  17. Cowgrl4life

    Chicken Popsicles, Anyone tried this?

    Just curious if anyone has tried this. Hearing its supposed to get over 100 degrees here tomorrow, I was trying to come up with a way to help keep my chickens cool. Inspired by the flock blocks they carry at work, I wondered if freezing BOSS, Scratch, and Water into popsicles would be appealing...
  18. Cowgrl4life

    Sick duckling not making any progress. Help!

    Several nights ago (probably at least a week ago now) I got my ducklings out for their nightly bath in our tub Now the tub must have gotten a little full because I came back a few minutes later and a couple had jumped out, but all still seemed to be ok. By the end of bath time though my little...
  19. Cowgrl4life

    Heat effecting appetite?

    We've had a recent temperature rise lately, and my chicks have gone from eating about half a 50lb bag of starter a day ( 7 bags every two weeks) to one bag lasting a few days instead of just two. This change is on my ones already old enough to be outside and just seems strange to me. Does heat...
  20. Cowgrl4life

    Help! Duckling Keeps flipping over/cant keep balance!

    Duckling in question is about 4 weeks old and has been doing great until tonight. Got them out for their nightly bath, and they had fallen out of the tub but he still seemed fine. But now he cant keep his balance and keeps toppling over and throwing himself onto his back. I thought I had heard...
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