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  1. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen has left nest on day 21

    I gave my broody hen 4, 2 day old chicks last week. She has had chicks before and she seems to be a good mum. I think I’ve messed up though in doing that. Previously she was sat on 12 eggs and the other hens were fighting her to lay eggs and a few eggs were broken so We built her her own area...
  2. Yorkshiregal

    Broody hen in the coop and 2 guinea eggs in the incubator?

    So here’s my dilemma. I had two broody hens and two successful eggs hatched under one of them, they are 19 days old today. The other broody hen wasn’t successful at hatching anything but she’s still very broody! I did have extra eggs under her for another week or so but non successful. So I...
  3. Yorkshiregal

    Help my chicken lethargic and threw up water????

    So I noticed yesterday one of my 3 year old rr was kinda quiet. Standing around and just looking off. She looks perfectly well. So today I noticed the same thing. I picked her up and felt her butt and everything looks good. She’s not egg bound at least, a little white runny poop around...
  4. Yorkshiregal

    Why are my ducks suddenly picking on one of my other ducks?

    I have four male ducks. 2 Pekin 1 khaki Campbell and a Rouen. I’ve had them for over year I got them as babies. They all seem to get on but I’ve realised this past couple of weeks they have pushed out the Rouen. They don’t let him swim or eat? They chase him off whenever he gets close and...
  5. Yorkshiregal

    Rooster bachelor pad

    Hi so I’ve read a lot about keeping roosters together. I have 7. Two of my handsome golden laced Wyandotte’s became very bossy and big quickly so we moved them to an acre where it’s pretty secure. They have a coop for themselves and seem to be doing great. We tried to move one of our...
  6. Yorkshiregal

    New chicken and duck mum

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chickens around March this year. I’ve been greatly helped by articles on this site. Thought I should introduce myself because I have so many questions (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 16 chickens and 4...
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