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  • Users: Tiffy316
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  1. T

    Back of chickens head torn open

    I just discovered one of my young hens with a nasty gash on the back of her head. There's not enough skin to stich together. I washed it with water and applied some neosporin, but I'm not sure what else I can do for her. All of the vets are closed right now.
  2. T

    What sex are my guineas

    One of my two guinea fowl has been chasing the other around alot lately. I originally thought I had two girls, but now I'm not sure if I have two males, or if one if them is being chased bc she's the only guinea hen. The one on top has one curled and one straight wattle. The other has two curled...
  3. T

    Help! Escaped chicken!

    A few days ago, one of my hens got loose and has been very evasive. She's very skittish and runs off as soon as she sees me. I've tried baiting a live animal trap with chicken food to catch her, but the only thing I've caught so far is a raccoon. She still comes around the barn to look for food...
  4. T

    What kind of chick is this?

    She's about a month old. When I got her a month ago, they told me she was an Easter egger. However, I recently noticed her crest, which I've never seen on a chicken before. I couldn't feel a head knot. She doesn't have ear tufts of a beard either. Any ideas what kind of chicken she could be?
  5. T

    Bantam hen eye infection

    Hey, my sweet little old English game bantam hen seems to have an eye infection. It originally started in late November. I brought her in bc her eye was crusted over and she had a cold. I think it was crusted over with mucus. Anyway, she got over her cold shortly after Christmas, but her eye...
  6. T

    Undiagnosed upper respiratory infection

    A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that my old English game bantam hen was sick. She had a cough, was fluffed out and mildly lethargic, and had swollen eyes. She also had one eye that was crusted over with puss. This was during a particularly cold week, so I brought her inside for treatment. She...
  7. T

    Chick cant keep balance

    I recently adopted a 10 week old chick who's been showing signs of wry neck. She's been backing up with her head tucked between her legs, and doing little summersaults randomly. She also has a psle comb, but that might be bc she's had trouble eating and drinking for the last few days. Her...
  8. T

    Silkie hen squawking with crooked neck

    My little silkie started acting strange last week. Whenever I feed her, she starts squawking while stretching her neck out at a crooked angle. She still eats and drinks, but repeats that odd behavior in between. When she's not eating, she tends to sit and pant like she's out of breath. I'm not...
  9. T

    Keep bantams warm in below freezing temps

    Hey guys. I'm going to convert an old shed into a coop for my bantams and wanted some tips on how to make it so that they'll stay warm when the below freezing temps hit. I've got some old English game bamtams, cochin bantams, as wellbas an assortment of other ridiculously tiny chickens, so I'm...
  10. T

    Chicken swelling around eyes

    Hey guys, I just noticed that my sweet little cochin bantam has some swelling around her eyes. She doesn't have any nasal discharge, and she hasn't been acting lethargic at all. She seems to be perfectly healthy, aside from the swelling around her eyes. Any ideas what could be wrong with her...
  11. T

    Broody pigeon holding in poop

    Oreo, my pet pigeon, has been broody off and on since March. Almost every time I take her out of her cage to mess with her, she unleashes a nesty poop on me. Is it OK for them to be almost constantly broody? I'm honestly more worried about her holding in her poop all the time. IDK if that's good...
  12. T

    Bantam chick has tremors

    I recently noticed that one of my old English game bantam chicks has tremors. She's eating and drinking, as well as running around the broader with the rest of the chicks. Apart from the shaking, she seems fine. I gave her some poultry cell and checked the others. So far, she's the only one with...
  13. T

    Pet dove has lump under butt

    Hey guys, I just noticed that my pet dove has a strange lump under his butt. It's not prolapse, and there's no blood in his stool. He seems to be fine, except for fluffing out the top part of his butt and panting a little. Any ideas what could be wrong.
  14. T

    Coturnix quail fighting

    I recently noticed that one of my females has been picking on my male. She was chasing him around and pecking him. I have her separated from the others for now, but I'm worried that I might have 2 males on my hands now. I currently have 1 male and 4 females housed in a ferret cage. They've been...
  15. T

    Lost quail

    One of my options cotunrix quail escaped. He's an indoor pet, so he's probably somewhere in the house, bit I haven't been able to find him yet. What can I do to help coax him out?
  16. T

    Chicken leg injury

    I noticed that one of my hens has a limp today. When she walks, she swings her lame leg around and almost hops around. When I inspected her, I noticed that it felt like her leg was sticking out at the hip a little. One side of her hip is smooth and normal, and the side with the lame leg feels...
  17. T

    Cochin bantam had random seizures

    I have an underweight co hin bantam that I had separated from most of my flock a few weeks ago so she could gain back some of her weight. Apart from being skinny, she seemed fine until today. She had a few seizures in a row for some unknown reason. She was a little off balance after they ended...
  18. T

    How many females do I need for 1 coturnix quail male

    I currently have 2 coturnix quail. A male and female to be specific. I'm not trying to breed them, I got them as pets. Is one female enough, or should I get a few more hens? I heard that they can breed them to death if they only have one hen, but this is my first time raising coturnix quail, so...
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    Neighbors chickens keep breaking into my coop

    My neighbor free ranges his chickens. I almost always see them running around my yard, doing cute little chicken things. However, a few weeks ago, I noticed that I had some extra chickens in my coop. Somehow, my neighbor's chickens got into the barn and decided they wanted to spend the night. No...
  20. T

    Silkie hen cant walk

    I have a young silkie hen who suddenly can't walk for an unknown reason. I checked her for injuries, but couldn't find any. She had some nasal discharge and feels kinda skinny, but she seems to be energetic and is still eating and drinking. I'm not sure when this started, but I found her...
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