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  • Users: Waves
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  1. Waves

    Does my dog want to eat my baby chicks? ;(

    Hi everyone, I hatched three baby chicks of Light Sussex two weeks ago. I have a dog (female), that is usually pretty gentle and obedient. She has never given me problems with the flock, which she was introduced to as a puppy. She has never attacked one of my big chickens. But now she seems...
  2. Waves

    ???Very old girl with green watery poops

    Hi all! My chicken Mari is almost 10yy old and i observed this strange signs: -she always wants to stay sat down in the ground -she is a bit letargic (not so much, she is conscient and vigile) and she has relaxed muscles, like she has not much strenght -she does watery trasparent stools with...
  3. Waves


    Hi all. One of my chicken in the last two days coughed frequently while eating but i thought she was simply went the food down in the wrong way. This morning she began to eat and she was about to die because of chocke, she was shacking wings with closed eyes and making strange sounds tryng to...
  4. Waves

    How I met! 😇 Little Henny updates 🤩

    First of all i want to thank you all people that a answered my doubts on how to keep a dog with my beautiful hens! 😍 Three months ago this awesome puppy came home: she is a mixed breed that lived with her family near chickens, all her cousins/brother/parents lived in a farm and they were very...
  5. Waves

    Warning signs of food poisoning

    Hi all. I found today the storage cabinet in the coop opened because of the very strong wind that broke it. In the cabinet there was some feeding that kept water some days ago and became green. I wanted to throw it away but i couldn't lift it and waited for my daddy, and the cabinet was close...
  6. Waves

    Age of puppy and chickens

    Hi all :highfive: What would be the best age to get a puppy dog (not of a specific breed, but a mix) used to chickens? i'd like to introduce him to chickens in young age, so it's more probable that he won't chase hens when he will get older... Is 4 months a good age in your opinion? :caf
  7. Waves

    Question about prolapse vent

    Hi all! :frow 8 days ago I found my chicken Mì with a pretty big prolapse vent. I tried to treat her keeping her in a dark place and tried to put the prolapse in more times. I finally did it: the prolapse has been inside since the 22th of July. She's still struggling a bit in doing the poop...
  8. Waves

    A dog that can live with chickens

    Hi all 😍 We will probably take a puppy dog at the beginning of 2022 and I'm so excited about it! :jumpy I have 4 chickens that i love so much and that i absolutely don't want to cause danger for them: so i'd like a type of dog who i can easily teach to not hurt them. I'm searching for a small...
  9. Waves

    Treating scaly leg mites with alchool???

    Hi all! :frow:frow:frow First thing: i want to wish you all and to all your flock a good summer 🌸 Then, i'm trying desperately to fight scaly leg mites. They arrived in my flock when i bought my silkie. I needed all summer 2020 to put them off the silkie's feet with sunflower oil, and it worked...
  10. Waves

    Help for my 9yy old hen

    Hi all! 🥰 🥰 🥰 I have to ask you an advice. It has been about 1,5 months that my ISA Brown called Marina started to have dirty butt. Since then, it has pretty always been so: Really can't understand why: she has never had this before! I cleaned her butt a week ago, but we're at the same point...
  11. Waves

    Can i feed some wheat with weevils?

    Hi 😊😊😊 I have lots of weevils (these little guys) in a bag of wheat. Can i feed chickens with it? I'm asking because once i read that some types of insects can lay eggs into chicken bodies and be a problem. But probably they were talking about flies. Anyway, i wanted to know if it is safe to...
  12. Waves

    Wild cat pregnancy

    Hi all! I'm feeding a wild female cat that every year becomes pregnant during spring. Two years ago, we found little cats few days old, we thought to not touch them, but she kept the little cats and she brought them away. We never saw other cats, so we think that her sons/daughters had not a...
  13. Waves

    Strange black lices on silkie

    Hi all, i have to do an introduction. Since i found the first lices on my chickens, about 4 years ago, i have always used Diatomaceus Earth to kill them. I know that the use of DE is discussed, but, in my specific situation I always found it resolved. Even with massive infestation! I always...
  14. Waves

    Trying all to break headstrong broody Silkie

    Hi all. :frowMy silkie Batì is broody since 15th of May (aproximately) I tried to: close the coop - but she sits on the ground put in the coop a wire floor - but she is broody the same bring her with me when i go out - no results I can' try to: Bath her - cause she's very susceptible to being...
  15. Waves

    How to close the night coop

    Hi all!!! :) I need an advise on a new method to close the night coop that i can check fastly. now i have an efficient closure system but it's very annoying to check that all is closed like i want. I have to check many times and it makes me freaking out! :rant :D so now i've drawn this little...
  16. Waves

    What object are you seeing now in front of you?

    Not pc or smartphone allowed. Powerbank
  17. Waves

    Netting under the feet in chicken coop

    Hi all!! :pop I have a question about coop design. this is my night coop: (now i have putted a roost, too) You can see that i have putted a mesh. This is because with this chickens sit on the roost at night, poop and the poop goes under the mesh (in a plastic container). It's a sort of...
  18. Waves

    How much time i have to boil beans?

    Hi all :) I'd like to give to my chickens boiled beans like protein boost. I know that raw or undercooked beans can be harmful on them. How many minutes should i boil the beans? i mean, starting to count when the water is boiling and doing bubbles. thank you :)
  19. Waves

    Lack of appetite and loss of weight...?

    Hi all! There is something strange happening in my flock and i hope you can help me... :) I premit that I am in Italy, and we can go out only for emergencies. It's very difficult to find an avian vet and to find veterinary medicines. So, i describe only the facts. 1) my chickens haven't...
  20. Waves

    Are these worms???

    Hi guys, sorry for the pictures... pretty sure these are worms.they were about 5mm and they moved a lot when i removed the poop that was on them. But what type. Of worms? I found it today in my chicken poo in the Night coop while i. Was cleaning. If there are worms,are there natural ways to...
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