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  1. WriterofWords

    Blue Rooster, The Fainting Roo, R.I.P.

    For those who knew Blue and the story about him and Nugget, the skunk and Blue fainting, I wanted to let you know that Blue passed on to the big coop in the sky yesterday. He is the last of my originals from 2007, so he wasn't a young roo. He had a new girl friend, a gorgeous Barred Rock who had...
  2. WriterofWords

    Condo Ducks and Geese, City People!

    I know some of my friends on here know I made a move this year to Ruidoso, NM. I took a year off from teaching while my son was in Afghanistan my dad was having health issues and a few other major life events were affecting me. So when I decided to go back to the classroom I accepted a position...
  3. WriterofWords

    Hovabator Model 1853 Picture Window

    Picture window, used in class 3 or 4 times, I just don't need several incubators anymore. This one is fantastic with it's big window and circulated air, it holds the temps very well. I DO NOT have a turner with this one. Postage is approx. $15, the last one I mailed was $19 but had a turner.
  4. WriterofWords

    Hovabator Model 1588 plus Egg Turner

    Shipping will depend on location, I'll need a zip code to give the PO. I used it twice, it did a great job, I just don't need so many incubators anymore I'm cutting down on chickens and animals.
  5. WriterofWords

    The latest on my son in Afghanistan

    Some of you keep up with my Blog on Steven's deployment when I post the link on Facebook, but I still have friends on here who aren't on FB. Steven is doing well, he is stationed in Bagram Afghanistan, although right now he is in Kuwait for a couple of weeks for a special event. He will be 22...
  6. WriterofWords

    Hi everyone, long time no see

    I know it's been a long time since I really posted anywhere other than on the swap threads so I wanted to say hi, and fill you in on my life. My son, Steven, is in Afghanistan, at Bagram AF. He is still that big hearted kid rescuing everything and everyone he can, he'll be 22 in Nov. I'm very...
  7. WriterofWords

    RIP Pudster

    Pudster, Nugget, and Little Woo are together again on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I like to think Nugget was waiting for him to help him over. He went peacefully in my arms, surrounded by his beloved chickens and Miss Kitty.
  8. WriterofWords

    Kid's Club Quilting Pics updates

  9. WriterofWords

    Help with hurt duck, formerly in emergencies

    I originally posted this Dec 6 in the emergency section but have only had 2 or 3 responses, so I moved it over here on suggestion. Hopefully it won't be deleted for being a double post, but I'm willing to risk it, I need help. I can't find a vet in El Paso or Las Cruces who is willing to look at...
  10. WriterofWords

    A few pics of my feathered freeloaders, old and new!

    Blue Roo,, the famous fainting roo giving me the cold-shoulder! Screech Mommy Screech Mouse Screech Junior LaRoo Rosemary Cloony Danny Kaye Treat time! Duchess and daughter Darling Mo Banty Cobalt (Coby Roo, Nugget's son) Coby closeup You don't see me!
  11. WriterofWords

    Merry 12 Days of New Mexico Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all with a little ditty from NM. Sung to the 12 Days of Christmas,, I just put the 12th verse up because almost everyone knows how to sing this song and you can just start from the bottom, On the the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Pinata in a Pinon Tree...
  12. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    We have had one lone goose flying over our portable all day calling over and over for the group it was with I guess. It has landed a couple of times right outside my window, takes a break, then up it goes, circling the school honking at the top of it's lungs. We don't usually see geese around...
  13. WriterofWords

    Duck with swollen, painful, ankle pics post 4 PLEASE LOOK!

    Baby Duck, my White Pekin that hatched in class last year has an injury I'm not sure how she got or what exactly happened. When I left for work Friday she was fine, when I got home she could hardly walk. The way she had her left leg stretched out I was afraid she was trying to lay her first egg...
  14. WriterofWords

    Egg Sucker?

    I found two eggs tonight, side by side, they both had small almost square holes in them and they had been completely emptied. I've never seen this before, what does this? They were in a raised nest in a small dog house that sits on tip of a water trough that has been turned on it's side and also...
  15. WriterofWords

    Catching up with Steven

    I've had some emails in my absence asking how my son has been doing. It's hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since I joined BYC, and a lot has changed for us. Steven is doing well, not everything has gone as he had planned, life tends to do that sometimes and we get derailed for a bit. He...
  16. WriterofWords

    A Turkey Thanksgiving Rhyme

    Five Little Turkeys Five little turkeys standing at the door, One waddled off, and then there were four. Four little turkeys sitting near a tree, One waddled off, and then there were three. Three little turkeys with nothing to do, One waddled off, and then there were two. Two little turkeys...
  17. WriterofWords

    RIP Big Tanker

    I wanted to let those who knew and loved Nugget that his big son Tanker passed away in his sleep last night. I weighed his body and he was just over 32 pounds. We knew he wasn't normal because he grew so fast and got so massive, but he may have only had a few years but they were good ones!
  18. WriterofWords

    My first real quilt from one of our strip swaps!

    Ok,, remember last year when we did the Spring Theme strip swap? I finally got the top I had put together finished and quilted. I used some solids and prints I had at home from other projects or that I picked up cheap. It's just straight lines on a regular machine, but I did...
  19. WriterofWords

    Last quilts are finished for The Kid's Club this year!

    Ok,, here they are, the last of the Kid's Club quilts for this year: Front Back Front: I don't remember who sent the wonderful froggy squares, but we've made 3 baby quilts so far with them! Back Front Back
  20. WriterofWords


    As an end of the year fun project my class colored Tudy, and you guys get to choose the winner! I get to find a prize lol! Please vote for the corresponding number and you have until 1:30pm on June 2nd which is our last day of school. Thank you! All of them with numbers next to them or above...
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