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  • Users: karint
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  1. karint

    Lavender Orpington gender 4 weeks

    Thanks to JedJackson on my other post I have no realized I have a lavender Orpington and the bin was mislabelled. That could also mean the fact that it’s suppose to be a girl might not be valid either. Definitely a few things that make me suspicious but nothing to compare too as it was the only...
  2. karint

    Sapphire gem chick gender

    So I was told this chick was a pullet and that sapphire gem chicks are very easy to sex at hatch because of a spot on their head. My chick did not have a spot but it’s just over 4 weeks and looks suspiciously like a roo with the waddles coming in a bit bigger comb and legs. What does everyone...
  3. karint

    Color question

    So sounds like I didn’t actually get an ameraucana but an Americana or EE which is fine cause she’s adorable. What I’m wondering is what color will she become. Anyone that had an Americana chick this color shed some light please. Thanks.
  4. karint

    Ameraucana chick I think

    Got this cutie from a bin at the feed store. It said Ameraucana or sapphire olive eggs so I’m pretty sure it’s a ameraucana. It’s suppose to be a girl but more so what I’m curious about is the wings. I’ve never had this that I’ve noticed on chicks. Should I be worried. Also any idea what color...
  5. karint

    Helped chick hatch

    I have two chicks that still have stuff stuck to them from hatching because my humidity dropped. One I had to help the other one I had to pull a few pieces of shell off. Both are doing great but aren’t getting puffy. What should I do or do I need to do anything. I did wipe them with a wet cloth...
  6. karint

    Sick hen

    Here is my sweet girl. It’s been insanely cold here and this morning she seemed really off and her bumb had discharge coming out of it and she didn’t want to come off the roost. Brought her in bathed her in Epsom salts and left for work. Came home and she’s layed an egg and is eating and...
  7. karint

    Fertility question

    I currently have 100% fertility on the 11 eggs in my incubator but I sold some eggs a few weeks ago and one lady had 85% fertility and the other lady said the fertility was terrible. My previous batches this year have all been between 85-95. Is there a reason why this one batch of a dozen could...
  8. karint

    Baby chick help

    I had to assist this little one who was shrink wrapped. At first I was sure it wouldn’t make it but now it’s trying to stand problem is it stands like a human so straight up and down and when it doesn’t have help it falls over backwards. Any thoughts of what I can do to help it more. The picture...
  9. karint

    Candling question

    So I’ve read that the first day you should candle is day 7. Today is day 5 and my Turner finally arrived. Can I put the eggs into the Turner today and candle at the same time? I did count the first day as day 0. Not sure it makes that much of a difference.
  10. karint

    Egg Turner question

    So my egg turner hasn’t arrived yet and I’m putting eggs in tomorrow. I’ll hand turn for now but On day 7 when I candle can I put the eggs into the Turner if it’s here or is that a really bad idea?
  11. karint

    Lavender hen to black rooster

    If I breed a bantam lavender Cochin hen to a black bantam Cochin rooster any chance I will get any lavender offspring? I can’t find a lavender roo. Also if I do get a lavender offspring can I breed them back to increase my chances of lavender?
  12. karint


    I want to buy some bantam Cochin. A local lady has black, mottled, lavender and blue hens and a mottled rooster. I only want mottled. What’s the chances that’s what I will get? Also if I breed a mottled hen to a mottled rooster will I get mottled? It’s a very new color to me. Thanks. Picture is...
  13. karint

    Speckled Sussex gender

    I’m confused by the one in the back of this picture. It has a smaller comb like the rest of the ones I’d say are pullets but its waddles are almost as big as some of the roos. Thoughts? They are 6 weeks.
  14. karint

    Speckled Sussex gender

    I have some speckled Sussex that are only 5 weeks but I’m curious gender. Three seems like an obvious roo as big comb that’s red. It’s the only one that has red. The second one has no wattles to speak of but the comb is much bigger than many of the chicks I have of this breed. Also it has a lot...
  15. karint

    Buff orpington

    I have 3 5 week old buff Orpington. I know it’s super early but they are all so different so I’m curious. One is obviously a roo and one is obviously a pullet to me so far but number two has me unsure. Maybe cause I think roo but am hoping pullet lol. His/her wattles are small but red but no...
  16. karint

    Is it a columbian rock

    My friend and I bought some day old columbian rock pullets. We’ve both been noticing that they are way more black than a few years ago. Is this normal?
  17. karint

    When do speckled Sussex start to lay in peoples experience

    Seems like there is a lot of mixed information on the internet. I just got a bunch of speckled Sussex and at first I read they start laying around 5 months. But today I saw 8-9 months. What are people’s experience with this breed?
  18. karint

    Salmon favorelle pullet or roo?

    Is this pretty salmon favorelle a pullet or too? 2.5 months. Buying from a breeder and she said hen and I’m pretty sure she knows her breeds but color seems not right for a hen so I’m confused.
  19. karint

    General EE gender question

    What’s the oldest people have had their chicks develop red combs and turn into roosters? Sorry posting a second time as the picture of my EE hen was confusing everyone. I wasn’t asking about her.
  20. karint

    General gender question

    What is the latest people have had roosters develop and get red combs and wattles for most breeds but specifically curious about EE and Ameraucana. Picture is for attention as I know she’s a hen. More just curious.
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