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  1. HathawayHens

    new chicks dying like crazy... possible pullorum or paratyphoid??

    Hi all! I have raised baby chicks before, never lost one... but this year I got a shipment from a hatchery with a good reputation, that says they are tested for paratyphoid and pullorum... but of 25 chicks, 5 were DOA, and all but 6 have since passed. 3 of those left are thin, not eating well...
  2. HathawayHens

    New Chick Shipment = FAIL

    Well, got 25 assorted rare breed females in the mail today, FINALLY... 5 DOA, 5 more dead since then, at least 5 additional look to be on their way out. :( Now I see what everyone gets so sad about. It's terrible. Good heat, elecrolytes, vitamins, and thinking about a little mashed...
  3. HathawayHens

    Saltbox Chicken coop from *new in boxes*

    For sale, new in two boxes - saltbox coop from my pet chicken. We got this one with a few others, but don't need it. Price if you buy from the web site is $399 plus freight shipping... You can save a lot if you live in the area and are willing to pick it up. I will ship, but it will be at...
  4. HathawayHens

    Saltbox style chicken coop from - NEW in boxes!

    For sale, new in two boxes - saltbox coop from my pet chicken. We got this one with a few others, but don't need it. Price if you buy from the web site is $399 plus freight shipping... You can save a lot if you live in the area and are willing to pick it up. I will ship, but it will be at...
  5. HathawayHens

    ok to start layer ration? 12 week pullets

    Do you all think it is OK to let the 12 weekers have access to laying rations now? I am adding the newbies hatched this fall in to the flock... was going to leave out the laying ration (purina Omega layena) in one feeder and flock raiser in the other... I do have oyster shells if needed for...
  6. HathawayHens

    three lavender orpington cockerels

    ****sold**** For your consideration, three lavender orpington cockerels, hatched 9/19, about ten weeks old. I got them as chicks from Angels Rest Farm, she got hers from Hinkjc. I don't need these boys, so offering them up to someone out there. I do have NPIP status, need to find the...
  7. HathawayHens

    are barnevelders slower to feather than other breeds?

    Hi all... I got some sexed female chicks from mpc, and one of them, a barnevelder, is still quite downy... the others are all feathering out . Could it be a male, or are they just slow to feather? can add pics if helpful, but really was just wondering if anyone knows in general. Thanks!
  8. HathawayHens

    Hatch Cam!!! Pipped egg on screen...

    Hi all! This is a link to my webcam streaming today's hatch of 11 EE eggs. Tomorrow is day 21, so far three are out. There is one pipped that you can see on screen. Here's hoping...
  9. HathawayHens

    how to tell barnevelder hatchling from blue laced red wyandotte

    Hey all - I have a mystery chick from the "assorted rare breeds" package at mypetchicken... she looks like she could be either barnevelder or BLRW... is there a way to tell other than waiting for feathers and combs to start coming in? Thanks! I can post pics, but don't have them taken just...
  10. HathawayHens

    24 week pullets not laying yet...

    Hi all! I have two 24 week pullets (Easter Egger and Ameraucana). They STILL aren't laying! I'm about to die for those first blue eggs... any ideas on how to get them going? I do have them in with the older hens, but they have lived with them all summer... does intimidation prevent egg...
  11. HathawayHens

    I got my lavender orpington babies today!!! :)

    And here they are! I seriously can't believe how adorable these little things are... the breeder attempted to feather sex them, so I am curious to see how well that worked out. If you want to see more pics of them, I have a ton up on their facebook page. (link is in my signature) Will be...
  12. HathawayHens

    setting today 9/15/11 - anyone else?

    Hi all! Just got some shipped EE eggs from Bargain, will be setting them later today. Anyone else? I'm using a LG bator with fan kit and auto turner installed.
  13. HathawayHens

    Pretty sure this is a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, but please help...

    Hi all! Hatched this one myself from eggs I got from a breeder... these were just meant to be EE's... the pen had a blue wheaten roo over plain faced wheaten and blue wheaten hens, I believe, which is why she was just marketing them as EE's. I just wanted the pretty eggs. At any rate, I...
  14. HathawayHens

    another "guess the sex of the EE thread"

    These little ones hatched three weeks ago... I have my theories, but what do ya'll think? Moms were EE's and beardless Ameraucanas... Dad was a blue wheaten Ameraucana, I believe... Does anyone know what these are? I want pullets, of course... but the cockerels will have homes as well...
  15. HathawayHens

    shipped eggs with movable air cells?

    Hi all- I have some shipped eggs here, and in several of them, the air cell moves all over the place when you turn the egg. Is it worth incubating those eggs, or are they sure to die? Anyone know? Thanks!
  16. HathawayHens

    LG temps either 97.4 or 100.4???

    I have an LG bator, just added a fan kit. It has been holding temps perfectly, the only problem is that I can only get it to go between 97.4 and 100.4... no matter how little I turn the dial up or down, it will not set to 99 or 99.5! I even used the knob trick! Any thoughts on this, and if I...
  17. HathawayHens

    What breeds are these banty chicks? *pic heavy*

    Hi all... I am new to bantys... just grabbed 7 from the TSC bin because my son fell in love with the little guys, and we have some EE's and Rocks here that are the same age anyway... the more the merrier, right? (dang chicken math!!!!) At any rate, here they are: a group of four feather...
  18. HathawayHens

    swollen eye on day old chick?

    There is no discharge or anything wrong that I can see, but the little one has a swollen eye and it is keeping it shut. Any ideas??? Seems ok otherwise so far... other 7 chicks are also fine.
  19. HathawayHens

    are ducks loud??

    Hi all! I was hoping to convince my hubby to add a few ducks to our backyard chickens... they free range during the day, and I think we could rig a pond that has a drain in it for easy cleaning. The problem is, we have neighbors and don't want noisy animals (no roosters here...). Can anyone...
  20. HathawayHens

    Hatch Cam!!! Chick zipping right now!!! click here to see my chick zipping!!! eta: changed address to a link that actually works!
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