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  • Users: des7598
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  1. D

    need duck shoes

    I have a duck who seems to have one of his feet fold under as he walks. does not happen all the time. I have looked at it for bumble foot but have not found anything. I was thinking if I could get some duck shoes (as I remember someone made shoes to see--I think, it has been awile). And my...
  2. D

    Incubating duck egg issues in the last days of incubation.

    So I have had the worst luck this year with hatching duck eggs. They start out beautifully. I have been monitoring the temp and the humidity. I have 1 still air and 2 circulating air. all have egg turners. I have done the candling and monitored the air sack, and movement within the eggs...
  3. D

    Duck seems to act normal but ends up on its back.

    I have a friend who I have been hatching ducks with. one of her new ducklings (cayuga) (about a week old now) seems to act normal, but at times get up on its "toes" and then tip backwards and then not be able to right itself. It is fed duck food not chicken starter. it is still under the...
  4. D

    What breed of duck is this?

    I was wondering if anyone can advise what breed (or mix breed) of duck this is? He was one of the foster eggs that was hatched last year. The ducks she had were Pekin, Mallard, Campbell Kahki and Muscovy. They were free ranged on multiple acres near a small pond.
  5. D

    Broody Ducks

    I have three female ducks which I have contained in my front yard due to excess Drakes (15 to 3) .There are some drakes in the front yard with them. I was going to let the ducks brood and hatch at least one batch of ducklings. I know they lay somewhere around 20 to 30 eggs before deciding to...
  6. D

    How sporatic will a goose lay eggs?

    I have a 7/ 8 month old Goose who is a Tuft Roman/Toulouse Mix. She has laid only one egg since 2/28. Here in NY , it is still cold overnight so I have to collect them .. The days are starting to get warmer but the nights are still in the mid to low 20s so I cannot leave them out side as they...
  7. D

    Storms and Nesting Guinea eggs

    So my uncle had a Guinea hen setting on a nest about a week, outside of the coop. Wednesday night we had a pretty nasty storm (this is Friday morning) My uncle called and had me come pick up the eggs Thursday afternoon, because the hen had left the nest (apparently during the storm) and had...
  8. D

    abandoned eggs

    so my uncle has Guinea fowl, and they are in a penned area. He keeps finding nests of eggs but no one is sitting on them. sometimes he will find an egg here or there and adds it to the pile. While I have no issue incubating them.. Why are the hens not laying on the nests? and why are they...
  9. D

    sick turkey poult

    my turkey hen hatched 16 poults about a week old. I have had 4 of them die and 1 currently in need of help. I find them laying on the ground lethargic and cold. usually in the evening when I am closing up momma (I have a cage for her to be in at night.) so I will bring the baby in the house...
  10. D

    New to this bird thing.

    Thanks to my Daughter who got into Turkeys last year (I now have 13 turkeys with a hen having 18 eggs) and this year she got me some ducks (9) and chickens.(3 bannies ).. then my niece asked me to Foster birds for her mother-in-law and that has given 15 geese, another 7 ducks and 1 more chicken...
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