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  • Users: Swilso3
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Swilso3

    Cleaning coops for Coccidiosis

    Is there a certain soap for cleaning coups and pens for Coccidiosis?
  2. Swilso3

    Putting down a baby chick

    I haven’t had to put down a baby chick yet and i ask how does a tender heart do this properly?
  3. Swilso3

    Color Breeds

    If you breed a pure bred Lavender Orpington Roo to a pure bred bar rock what color will you get?
  4. Swilso3

    Fertile rooster

    Can 1 Rooster cover 17 hens for hatching eggs?
  5. Swilso3

    Egg stuck in prolapsed vent

    What do i do. She seems like its nothing at all but it looks terrible. The blue egg is stuck in there. Shes 6 months old and this is her first egg
  6. Swilso3

    Chicks and sand

    I have noticed that my 2 week old baby chicks eat a lot of sand. is this normal?
  7. Swilso3

    Fertilized frizzle eggs needed

    I am interested in buying fertilized frizzle eggs in the Tampa, Fl area please
  8. Swilso3

    Young laying hens

    How long do you wait to incubate just now laying hens first eggs?
  9. Swilso3

    Hatching chicks

    How long do most of you leave the chicks in the incubator when you have 70 eggs hatching?
  10. Swilso3

    Broody Hen

    My Hen got Broody and climbed up on the laying box and started sitting on eggs. I caught the other hens climbing in with her and laying their eggs and she keot them warm. Craziest thing i ever saw. She has 10 eggs. I check on her and she gets out and i felt the eggs and they were cold. I...
  11. Swilso3

    21 days and hatching

    Ok so i have read about lockdown. I put in 48 eggs in lockdown. 21 days they started popping one after another until i was a wreck lol! The chicks rest after hatching then they go about running all over the unhatched eggs and pecking at the zipping ones. Is this all normal? Just leave them...
  12. Swilso3

    Chicks popping out and humidity!

    I am having lots of chicks hatch at once and the humity climbs to 75. i did dry incubation at first until lockdown. Been trying to keep it at 65 but that is a battle with all popping out. I have all the plugs open umtil it drops back some. Is this ok?
  13. Swilso3

    Side air cell

    I had an egg thats air cell was on the side rather than up top. I had a question mark because i didnt think it would hatch. It wasnt as active in the egg either. It just hatched an hour ago right on time day 21 lol!
  14. Swilso3

    Panting baby chick in the incubator.

    This is a big chick that has hapily been running around 24 hours in the incubator. I noticed it starting to pant very fast not like the others. What causes this in the incubator?
  15. Swilso3

    Air cell toward the top

    We were candeling our 7 day eggs and this eggs air cell was not at the top. We can see movement already. So is this normal or will chick die? It was correctly placed in the incubator but it is off center and to the side 😱 so above cell you can see is the top wide part of the egg
  16. Swilso3

    Chick Vaccines

    Do you all vaccinate your chicks with Mareks? If so, how and where do you get it? Thank You
  17. Swilso3

    Run around chick

    My new baby chick that hatched this morning is running around over the top of the eggs. Is that Ok?
  18. Swilso3

    Update on Baby chick

    Well it doesnt look like a Bantam as its yellow and fluffy. When i calmed down i checked the egg shell and it was a purchased mystery egg. Looks like a Buff!
  19. Swilso3

    Early Hatching

    At 4:00 am this morning i awoke for no reason at all. Its day 17 of my first Egg incubation ever. I decided to go check on my incubator as i had read yesterday that bantams can hatch early. My humidity alarm was fussing so i added warm water to raise the humidity. I then took my flashlight...
  20. Swilso3

    5 month old chicks

    I call these chicks teenagers lol. My question is i treated the whole flock with Corid when i noticed yellow poops. Treatment or 7 days. I’m starting to see yellow poops again. Do i retreat? They are also on medicated chick starter since being in my flock. Just wanting to know.
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