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  1. PhillyDelcoChix

    Looking for local small Veg/Fruit or Animal Farm nearby

    Hello BYC, I’m looking for any nearby small farm, fruit/veg or animal, that may allow myself to come watch and learn. I’m moving into that direction and want to learn more. If anyone has access to this can you please contact me. I’m in the North East, more specifically South Eastern Pennsylvania.
  2. PhillyDelcoChix

    Shade loving plants for chicken run

    Hello BYC friends Because of our recent issues with hawks and foxes in our area and a loss, we’ve moved our hens into their large run full time. It’s in a shady part in the back of our yard, mainly to keep them comfortable in the summer where it gets humid and into the high 90s, 100s every...
  3. PhillyDelcoChix

    May need to rehome 8 hens due to neighbors

    Just putting it out there now. We’ve had complaints to our township about having chickens. If we lose our case, I want to rehome them with someone who raises laying hens, not for butchering or something weird. We’re located in south eastern PA, about 15 miles outside of Philadelphia PA. Any...
  4. PhillyDelcoChix

    Easy suggestions to insulate coop

    We’re nearing the end of our coop and run construction... and now I’m questioning everything before I finally add the roof, hatch door, and nesting box doors. I began to think about insulating the inside of the coop as I’ve been reading it works as well keeping it warm in winter as it does keep...
  5. PhillyDelcoChix

    Cheap and healthy natural snack for hens

    Hello all, Just checking in on what you guys have found your chicks love, especially fruits, veg, grains, herbs...anything that can be relatively inexpensive and/or even better: grown in my backyard!!! 🍅 🌽 🌶🥒🍎🥬🍓🍍🍏🍌🥕🍒🥭🍈
  6. PhillyDelcoChix

    Chicks outgrown every brooder! Need help!

    Our chicks are still inside and I wanted some advice. What can we put them in to keep them in our basement while they continue to feather out and grow. All boxes have been used. No large enough boxes remain anymore. 8- 6 year old chicks. HELP!!!!!!
  7. PhillyDelcoChix

    Homesteading/Off Grid Living near South Eastern PA?

    Hello all, Looking for anyone knowledgeable about living on a 3-5 acres or more, relatively inexpensively in this area. We really love the area near chaddsford, brandy wine valley, and Coatesville. This is all assuming my husband will be working for the same company, but we’d like much more...
  8. PhillyDelcoChix

    When can I safely move 6 week old chickens outside?

    It’s winter here, not that it feels like it. We’re in south eastern PA, and the lows are between 11-42 degrees F overnight and between 30-55 during the days. Our coop and run will hopefully be completed this weekend and our poor girls have our grown their brooder soo many times I’ve run out of...
  9. PhillyDelcoChix

    Raising Organic Chickens for Eggs

    Hello, This is my first question to you experts. My family and I have recently purchased 8 chicks, 4 Easter eggers and 4 rare Marens, and have decided to raise them on all organic feed, food, etc. We don’t use pesticides or fertilizers aside from our own compost. I really want some info on...
  10. PhillyDelcoChix

    Hey Everyone!

    Hello all, Brand new chicken owner here looking for info and advice on any and all things chicken. We live in Delco, about 13 miles outside of Philadelphia PA. We have 8 chicks, 4 rare Marans, and 4 Easter Eggers. Brand new to chickens, but we love them, and are eager to learn everything we can...
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