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  1. aroostercalledBrownie


    I’m still very new to keeping chickens, and today one of them fell ill. She’s just reached a year old, and had no issues until now. She‘s very lethargic, won’t move, won’t eat. She has really runny poop. She is drinking a lot. When I felt around her vent, I couldn’t feel any eggs (I’m pretty...
  2. aroostercalledBrownie

    Solved How do you get a signature?

    Hello! :frow I hope there’s someone out there to help me find where to add a signature, or if it’s even possible for me. I’m still quite new to this site (recently celebrated my first year anniversary), so it would be a great help to hear from someone with more experience.
  3. aroostercalledBrownie

    Post pictures of your funny hens!

    My chickens and I are slightly demented, here are my hens on top of each other in the coop on a winters day: Anyway, I want to see your funny hens!
  4. aroostercalledBrownie

    How are the hens today?

    Hey all! I haven't been on so much, and I was wondering how everyone is. How are the hens today? I had a first egg this morning from an ameraucana hen :celebrate, she had guidance from one of my older girls. How many eggs did y'all get this morning? (any tips for better insulating the coop for...
  5. aroostercalledBrownie

    What Breed?

    Hi all! Can any of you please identify the breeds of these four chickens? I’m not a very experienced chicken owner, and I’m really stumped. :confused:
  6. aroostercalledBrownie

    Raccoons and Chickens

    Hi y'all! I've been having terrible luck with raccoons, they're able to climb the fences, and I'm worried they'll get into the coop. I have no idea how to keep them away, and how to stop them living in the yard. Last year I had a loss of a young roo due to raccoons.:hitAny advice on keeping them...
  7. aroostercalledBrownie

    Interbreeding in Chickens

    Hi all! is interbreeding a problem in chickens? I have a mama hen though she doesn't know it, she isn't naturally broody, and we put three of her eggs in an incubator. Two of the eggs hatched and one is certainly a roo, he is 6 months now. He is mating with his mother and we are keeping them...
  8. aroostercalledBrownie

    When can we intermix chicks with the flock?

    I think we may of done something wrong, and it's kind of a long story... So, basically we used to have a young rooster and two hens, and one day the roo got the idea of mating with one of them (she is a red ranger, roo is rhode island red). The hen he mated with was not broody and she went...
  9. aroostercalledBrownie

    #ChickenShaming #Naughty #ChickenTimeOut, when farmers point out the chicken's crimes!!!

    I just thought these were hilarious: after you see them, post your own! Thanks for reading!!! :)
  10. aroostercalledBrownie

    So I've got a nasty rooster on my hands...

    My Cricketer is not a threat to me, but to my chickens. He's actually afraid of me, I'm pretty sure, after I had to pin him down using three assistants to clip his wings. But the hens are terrified of him except for the white one in the picture, I'm not even joking that is the closest the other...
  11. aroostercalledBrownie

    Name for unknown breed of chicken! Very much open to suggestions!

    Okay, so this girl needs a breed and a name! Given to me by a friend, about 5 months old.
  12. aroostercalledBrownie

    Fighting chicks

    If the chicks are jumping and flapping on each other does it mean they are roosters?
  13. aroostercalledBrownie


    I heard that this can happen! hen molted completely, grew back rooster looking feathers! completely different from the ones she had before! not laying for a while after the last roo left!
  14. aroostercalledBrownie

    Does coronavirus affect chickens!?!?

    I heard animals started catching the corona, it there a chance my girls will get it? I am scared for them!
  15. aroostercalledBrownie

    Best layer stopped laying!

    We have a gingernut ranger hen, and she is the sweetest girl in the world! the only problem is that she has recently stopped laying altogether. We are not sure of her age (we adopted from the side of the road). She has been laying the whole winter.
  16. aroostercalledBrownie

    Got some sneezy chicks

    I hatched two chicks about a week ago, and I've noticed that they have been sneezing A LOT, not like the hatches I've had before. They are acting fine, fluffy, feathery bundles of energy as always. Is sneezing in chicks wrong? should I pay closer attention?
  17. aroostercalledBrownie

    How do you treat pasty butt in chicks?!?!

    Help! baby chick has gotten pasty butt. Is there a way I can fix this?
  18. aroostercalledBrownie

    Female or male?

    My chicks are growing up, and I am wondering if I can identify their gender at an early age. I heard that you might be able to find out by the way feathers grow. The chicks are shown in pictures.
  19. aroostercalledBrownie

    Corn Popsicles!!!

    Just found out really cool way to give the girls a cold treat on a hot summer day! Recipe in the picture!
  20. aroostercalledBrownie

    Can chicks hear through their shells?

    Iv'e been playing music in the room where I incubate and keep hatched chicks, the eggs I am currently incubating seem to be responding with peeps and movements, they are at day 24. Could they be reacting to the music? could they react when I talk to them? If they hear these sounds as an egg...
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