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  1. B

    Normal Pecking Order Establishment?

    I'm guessing this is normal. I have two 7 week white cochin hens that I move into a grassy area during the afternoon. I also have two 3 week old partridge cochin hens that I just started putting out in the same area for a short while - it's very warm here, in the mid 80's. The whites don't...
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    Bantam ID?

    Just got two little bantams from Rural King. They were in the assorted bantam bin from Hoover Hatchery and are approximately two weeks old. Any idea what they are? I'm hoping their mille fleurs.
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    Hen or Roo?

    I was told these were both hens, however, the feathers are different. They are six weeks today. The first pic: the chick had this weird bump on the back, but only two days later, feathers are filling in, but the tail feathers are sticking up and the side feathers are long and sweeping back. In...
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    Is She Dying?

    I just brought home two white cochin bantams, about 5-6 weeks old. They both looked fine in the yard at the feed store. However, now one is just laying with her head down and closing her eyes off/on. The other is sitting beside her, quite alert. They are sitting on a towel in soft grass under a...
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    Leghorn Destructivenss

    I have no chickens at the moment, but our local farm is selling today. I have a choice between leghorn, RIR and wyandotte. A few years ago, I had 2 leghorns that tore up every bit of my yard. Is that something leghorns are known for?
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    Need Advice

    I have two laced Polish hens, 14 weeks old. The local farm has eight week old Polish pullets available. My question is, could I get one of the younger girls and put them in right away with the 14 weeks girls?
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    Bunny Has Head Tilt

    My sweet mini rex developed head tilt very suddenly on Wednesday. I got him to the vet this morning. He is on five different meds and has a 50/50 chance of recovering. I am exhausted keeping him cleaned up and hand feeding, plus administering the meds. Poor baby! I pray he makes it.
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    Polish Girls Getting Bullied

    I have two buff orpington that are a year old and two polish girls that are 10 weeks. At six weeks, I put the polish girls in a coop beside the older hens where they can see each other and started letting them into the older girls' run through the day. One of the orpington would peck if a baby...
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    Two Hens Stopped Laying

    I have two orpington - a buff and a lavender, both are a year old and have been laying well since last fall. I did have a third, but she died suddenly about six weeks ago. Since she died, the other two have been laying very sporadically. This week, I've only gotten two eggs. They eat/drink/poop...
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    25W Warming Plate for 5 Week Chicks

    I have two 5 week Polish girls that I want to transfer outside. Their brooder is just too cramped now. Most of our nights are in the low 50's, but for the next 10 days, there will be several nights in the 40's. I have a 25W warming plate that is attached to the coop wall. Do you think that will...
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    Golden Lace Polish

    Anyone have these? What are they like?
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    My Little Buffy Died Today

    Buffy was a buff orp, a year old. I found her dead in the run this afternoon. No signs of illness or trauma. She was fine yesterday. She always liked sitting on my lap and I held her yesterday several times. Eyes were bright and clear, poop normal, same as the other two girls. I read online...
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    Chicken Laryngitis??

    I have 3 orpington, about 10 weeks or so. The largest girl started making weird sounds, similar to what a human with laryngitis might sound like. A second one may be starting, too. I have VetRX that I started today, yogurt and colloidal silver in their water. They are eating and pooping...
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    Chick Laying Down??

    I have 3 orpington (2 buff, 1 lavender) that are 7-8 weeks old. They just moved into the coop and run and are doing well. However, a behavior of the lavender girl (Violet) seems odd. She lays down often, kind of rolling to one side or the other. Just lays there for a few minutes, pops up and...
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    Hawk Attack

    My Lucy got hit by a hawk today. I chased it off, but the back of her neck is gaping and one eye is closed. Since she walked away when the hawk left, I cleaned her up, put peroxide and triple antibiotic salve on her wounds. I put her in the laundry room in a dog cage and gave her mealworms...
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    Egg Bound

    I think my astralorp is egg bound. She keeps sitting today in various places like she may be trying to lay. I gave her some watered down tums with a syringe and massaged her abdomen. Is there anything else to be done? I believe this just started today, however we were gone for a day and would...
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    Screaming Chickens

    I have 3 hens: 2 leghorns, 1 astralorp. They are about 6 months and all laying. They have a 4x4 coop with an 8x4 run attached. However, I have always let them out of the run into our yard, usually in the late afternoon so they can get some exercise, dust bath and go back in the coop. Recently...
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    Dirt Bath Behavior

    This is the first time my 3 hens have taken a dust bath in our garden. They go in/out of the garden area all the time but today they have rolled around and dug a good 6 inches. They are laying at times on top of each other or their heads are close enough that the combs touch, rolling and kicking...
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    What is This Horrid Crying?

    Out of nowhere, one of the 3 hens started crying out just a few minutes ago, a rather blood-curdling scream. I went out, nothing going on. They have fresh water, a cleaned out coop, and food. There are no predators around. There are no eggs in the nest box. It has stopped but jeez Louise! It's...
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    Free Range/Coop Guilt

    This may sound weird - in fact, I'm sure it does!! My 3 hens have a lovely little chalet coop to which hubby added an 8x4 run, giving them a total of 48 sf of run space in addition to the coop. I have a large fenced yard, so when I can keep a good eye on them, I let them out to free range, which...
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