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  1. HENS-and-MARES

    Goose looks like she’s gasping

    Hi, my 3 1/2-4 year old American buff goose. She’s moving pretty normal. This is the first day she’s started doing this. She’s make a couple squeaky sounds but aside from that she’s been quiet. I’d upload a video but this website is a pain when it comes to videos.
  2. HENS-and-MARES

    What are your ducks’ favorite toys/entertainment?

    Hi! I’m doing a school project that involves looking at what helps keep ducks entertained. What do ya’ll provide for your ducks’ enrichment? Let me know if there is any specific type of toy/plants that your ducks like, or if they like something that’s not an option on the poll.
  3. HENS-and-MARES

    Goose egg smells like fish food

    Hi, my broody goose is hatching a single egg and it smells like fish food. Has it gone bad? All the websites I’ve seen say it’ll smell rancid but it just smells like fish food.
  4. HENS-and-MARES

    Introducing new goslings

    Unfortunately one of my Toulouse gander’s mate passed away and he is now very lonely, as the other 4 geese don’t accept him into their flock, so We bought 5 20 week old goslings, 1 male, 4 females. He currently free ranges with the other geese, how should I introduce them to him when I get them...
  5. HENS-and-MARES

    Mate recently passed.

    I had 6 geese, 3 females, 3 males, and sadly one of the females,(Guinevere) passed away yesterday, and her mate now refuses to leave his house. All the other females have mates. Should I get him another mate? Or should a wait. The pair had been separate from the flock, and I’m not sure he will...
  6. HENS-and-MARES

    Anyone here hatch either of these crosses befor?

    Hi! Has anyone hatched either a khaki Campbell/Blue Swedish duck, or a khaki Campbell/Swedish harlequin duck? If you do you have pictures?
  7. HENS-and-MARES

    Girl or boy ducklings

    I am hatching 2 duck eggs. The dad of both is confirmed khaki campbell, and the moms are either Swedish blue or domestic harlequin. With my chicks the rooster looked like his dad and the hen looked like her mom. Both had the same dad and same breed of mom. Is there a similar pattern with ducks...
  8. HENS-and-MARES

    What do you have for your rooster flock?

    Anyone have any rooster flocks? If so what is your set up, what do you use for their entertainment? How big for how many roosters? Best coop designs? I have a rooster flock of 4 (probably will add more over time) and hope to move all of my roosters and loud geese to the hill in front of my...
  9. HENS-and-MARES

    The rebellion. Help restart the Cochin Orpington war! Members needed.

    Hello, a thing that has been going around right now are breed wars. Many people are trying to end the Cochin and Orpington war. Help stop this nonsense! Join the rebellion, it doesn’t matter if you’re Cochin or Orpington. No disrespecting the opposing side until the true war restarts...
  10. HENS-and-MARES

    The Rebellion of the Cochin Orpington peace treaty, members wanted.

    Hello, a thing that has been going around right now are breed wars. Many people are trying to end the Cochin and Orpington war. Help stop this nonsense! Join the rebellion, it doesn’t matter if you’re Cochin or Orpington. No disrespecting the opposing side until the true war restarts...
  11. HENS-and-MARES

    Help what is this?!

    Found this in my nest box. All chicken are here and on their roosts. What is it! It looks like the inside of a chicken!
  12. HENS-and-MARES

    Egg bound?

    I have a khaki Campbell who just started laying about a week ago, and she hasn’t lates an egg in three days, she randomly sits and looks like she’s trying to lay an egg, and walks a LITTLE lopsided. Is she egg bound?
  13. HENS-and-MARES

    Will this keep my naughty chickens in the fence

    I have some chickens. Obviously if I’m here, posting about my chickens naughtiness. But anyway, I was wondering if I clip my chickens wings, when the next molt and grow them back, will they still leap over the fence?
  14. HENS-and-MARES

    Layer feed

    I have 10 laying hens, 1 rooster, 3 cockerels, and 14 pullets between the age of 18-19. I just put them all back on layer feed. Too early? The egg quality has decreased since putting my laying hen on multi flock for the chicks. Most of the chicks should be close to laying. Am I good? Or should I...
  15. HENS-and-MARES

    By when are barnevelder combs big and red on cockerels.

    I have a pair of barnevelder, hopefully pullets. One has double lacing on the breast, the other doesn’t. One has brown feathers growing on their neck, the other has very few of them. However, neither have thick legs, rooster saddle feathers, and they are both about the same size, and and are...
  16. HENS-and-MARES

    How Many PET Chickens Are In Your Flock?

    How many PET chickens are in your flock? If you have over 100 then post how many!
  17. HENS-and-MARES

    Anyone have any pictures of 14 week old Golden laced, or silver laced Wyandotte’s?

    Have any pictures of golden laced, or silver laced Wyandotte’s at week 14? If so I would appreciate it if you could send them and their gender? What do Wyandotte cockerels feathers look like?
  18. HENS-and-MARES

    How long do Production Red hens live?

    The question is simple, how long do production red chickens live?
  19. HENS-and-MARES

    Speckled Sussex at 13 weeks

    I have 2 speckled Sussex that look completely different from each other. Are the all pullets? None of them act like roosters, in fact they specifically act like pullets. The first 2 are one and the last 2 is the second.
  20. HENS-and-MARES

    What gender are they?

    I have 3 Toulouse geese that were supposed to be 2 females, and a male. Then the females started mating with each other and the male mothered some goslings. What gender are they? This is the almost confirmed male. He mates with the other goose. this is the almost confirmed female This is the...
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