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  1. M

    Name the breed

    Can you guys tell me the breed of these beautiful ladies and the handsome boy? We are being gifted the rooster and some hatching eggs but the elderly couple we’re getting them from can’t remember the breed.
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    Need help understanding

    This is my second attempt at hatching some chicks and although it went better it still wasn’t very good. My first hatch I set 12 and 2 hatched. I opened all of the I hatched eggs and they were all fertilized and appear to have stopped developing in the early stages/embryo. I just finished my...
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    Help! What went wrong?

    I just finished my first hatch and it was pretty unsuccessful. I set 12 eggs and only 2 hatched. In an attempt to learn what went wrong I opened the 10 unhatched eggs. They were all mostly yolk but there was a small dark spot in all of them. I am assuming this means that they were all fertilized...
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    First Time Hatching...Looking for some advice

    This is my first hatch and we are half way through day 22 and only 2 chicks have hatched out of 12. The other 10 have not pipped. I am moving the 2 chicks to the brooder this evening. What should I do with the remaining 10 eggs? I have someone that is interested in getting hatching eggs from me...
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    I posted a couple of weeks ago concerned with my flock having mites. I am leaning more to feather pecking but I am still not 100% convinced that it’s not mites. This is my first time having chickens and so I honestly can’t say it’s not mites. I have inspected them, in fact I inspect a few...
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    Feather Eating or Mites

    My flock is looking awful and they are to young to be molting. They all have bald spots on their backs at the base of their tails and on their butts. I have not been able to examine them all as I am usually by myself and they do not care to be held but I have been able to inspect 2 of them and...
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    Coop Run Ideas

    My husband and I have been working hard on getting our new coop ready before winter gets is coming along and it is going to be GORGEOUS (we may have gone a little over board). What’s not coming along is the run☹️ Unfortunately we have have keep our girls in a run because of our...
  8. M

    Help!!! Pullet or Roo...about to cull

    I got my first flock at the beginning of April and unfortunately I ended up with a lot of cockerels. My flock is now 16 weeks old and things are starting to get rowdy. We have decided to cull most of the cockerels and put them in the freezer. I have 1 bird that I’m not sure about and I...
  9. M

    Pullets or Roos

    I have these 2 guys (about 15 weeks old) and I’m not sure whether they are pullets or roos. I am leaning toward Roos and the only reason I’m questioning myself is because their tail feathers are rounded and their combs and waddles are more pink. I have a roo if each that have very red waddles...
  10. M

    Pullet or Roo

    Is this pretty 10 week old chick a pullet or roo? I’m thinking pullet because of how round the tail feathers are but then again the comb is pretty red and it looks like there may be saddle feathers developing.
  11. M

    Pullets or cockerels

    Do I have pullets or cockerels (they are about 10 weeks old)? Also, are the white ones leghorns?
  12. M

    Looking for some reassurance

    We just received our first flock a week ago and I’m freaking out a bit. We have 16 chicks that are 7 weeks old and I’m starting to see a lot of red combs already...9 to be exact. Please tell me that some hens develop early and that this doesn’t necessarily mean we are going to end up with 9...
  13. M

    What are my breeds and possibly sex?

    Here are some more pictures of our first flock. We don’t really care what the breeds are since we love them all so much already but it would be nice to know and educate ourselves about the breeds we have. Also, I would love to know if they are pullets or Roos. I’m worried I have a lot of Roos...
  14. M

    What breed and possible sex?

    I just got my first flock of chickens...16 with four more on the way. I’m hoping for some help identifying the breed and possibly the sex. I won’t bombard you with all 16 but here are a few pictures I was able to snap. Thanks in advance.
  15. M

    Large Coop Plans

    I am wanting to build a large coop this summer but I’m having a hard time finding plans. I’m looking for something at least 10 x 12 if not a little bigger and step by step instructions and material list. Unfortunately, I lack creativity but I’m very good at following directions. Any help and/or...
  16. M

    What breed and sex are these chicks

    New to chickens and very excited to get started. Can anyone tell me the breeds I have? Also, what sex are they or are they still to young to tell?
  17. M


    Hello My name is Elise, mother of 4 girls, and I am new to chickens. We received our first flock this past Friday and I am very excited...I have always wanted to raise chickens. We have 16 6 week olds and 4 one week old chicks. The breeds we have include Rhode Island Reds, Cinnamon Queens...
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