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  1. P

    Bumblefoot Advice

    I have a pekin I'm treating for bumble foot. I've been soaking her foot in epsom salt and wrapping daily. The scab came off on 8/15 and I wrapped with PRID. Since the scab has opened, swelling went down a lot. She's on metacam, too. I'm including a photo, and am hoping someone can advise me if...
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    Swollen Foot in Khaki Campbell Drake

    Hello all! A few days ago, I was out checking on my coops and saw that my Khaki Campbell drake (Puddles) is limping on his left leg. I caught him and saw that his foot is quite swollen. Photos of a comparison between his feet are below. My concern is that it’s the joint and I am worried about a...
  3. P


    Last week (Wednesday) I was treating Matilda for bumblefoot and used tweezers to pull out some pus from her left foot. It bled a little and I started her on metacam that day. The next day, her foot was very swollen and red. I brought her inside and unwrapped her foot, since the bandage seemed to...
  4. P

    Tylan for Mixed Flock

    Can someone please give me tylan injectable (either 50 or 200) dosages, but to give ORALLY? I have a mixed flock (ducks, chickens, and one bantam chicken). One duck was seen about two weeks ago for a sinus infection and now 3 others have symptoms. Vet told me to use tylan, but wouldn’t give me...
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    Respiratory Infection

    Long story, but I have a Pekin hen who I have been supplementing with B vitamins for quite some time. I’m now thinking there’s something neurologically wrong with her. It doesn’t seem to have helped, and I noticed one other hen picking on her earlier this week, but they seemed to figure it out...
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    Diet Suggestions for Mixed Flocks

    Hi all, I have 2 coops and I am looking for diet suggestions for each. We currently feed Purina Flock Raiser, but I am concerned about the high protein content with my pekins. None of them free range, due to a high presence of predators in our yard. Which birds are in each coop, as well as...
  7. P

    Mixed Flock

    Hi everyone, we have a mixed flock of chickens and female ducks together in a coop. Some of the ducks were just introduced, as they are now fully feathered. I know they cannot have the extra calcium in layer feed, which the chickens and adult ducks need. We are planning to separate them in the...
  8. P

    Where can I find PRID? Is there something else similar?

    My drake has what looks to be the very start of bumblefoot, but I cannot find PRID anywhere. All local pharmacies, Amazon, and Walmart don't have it in stock. Is there something else that is safe and still effective? I know what I need to do to treat it, as I've treated before on other birds...
  9. P

    Pekin leg injury

    Alright, so I have a Pekin hen who was completely fine yesterday. Today she came out of the coop with a severe limp. She will barely put pressure on her right leg and just lays down. She'll even try to use her wing to balance. She was completely fine yesterday. The only thing I can think of is...
  10. P

    Pekin leg injury

    Alright, so I have a Pekin hen who was completely fine yesterday. Today she came out of the coop with a severe limp. She will barely put pressure on her right leg and just lays down. She'll even try to use her wing to balance. She was completely fine yesterday. The only thing I can think of is...
  11. P

    New Pullets

    Hi guys! I am hoping to get some advice on the following situation: I have been in contact with someone trying to re-home two pullets that are about 14 weeks. She said they are healthy, but have not been vaccinated for Marek's. Is this risky, or is it fine since experts are saying virtually all...
  12. P

    ISO Hens in CT

    Looking for some pullets/hens in CT. Looking for 2, can take 3 max. Will be companions to my bantam cochin who lost her best friend (9 years-old) in the Spring. Preferably bantams, but open to everything. Ideally somewhat submissive, as my girl won't stand up for herself. They don't need to be...
  13. P

    Lights in coop to deter predators?

    So I've recently heard about people using non-heat lights in their coops because they deter predators? Is this true? We put one in our coop when the weather got warmer, since they didn't need the heat lamp anymore, but I'm worried about messing with laying cycles now that the days are longer...
  14. P

    Pale Face?

    Hi everyone, So, I've been soaking my 2-year old bantam cochin's feet for almost a week now after noticing a small cut while routinely checking her feet. My main concern is unrelated to her feet, however. Today, while soaking Harper's feet, I noticed that her face (just around her eye), not...
  15. P

    Callous/Scaly Leg Mites?

    I noticed this today on my drake's foot. The scales are slightly raised, and the area is a little swollen. The skin is normal in color. It just looks darker because he was outside in the dirt, so it was packed between the scales. There's no heat anywhere. He's not limping at all and acting fine...
  16. P

    Brewer's Yeast

    What are your preferred brands of brewer's yeast? Does it matter? I've never tried brewer's yeast for my ducks, but now I am thinking of using that as opposed to their water additive for B vitamins, since they spill so much of it. How much and how often do you give it? Also, is it okay if...
  17. P

    Hello! :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens for almost 11 years, but got ducks about 2 years ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently only have one cochin because my almost 9-year old hen recently passed, but I am looking for friends for...
  18. P

    Pekin with bumblefoot

    Hi everyone! Does anyone have experience treating bumble foot in ducks? I discovered a few weeks that one of my pekins has bumble foot. I've been lucky in the sense that this is my first "real" case of bumblefoot, as I try to check feet regularly. The first picture is from when I found it...
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