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  1. reddirtbirds

    Backyard (town) chicken first timer

    Alright everyone. I had chickens for five years but for the last year I’ve been out of the game. I moved to a city area and had to rehome all of my breeding project babies:(. I still have my coop though and in the next few months I’m hoping to fill it up again! I’m going for strictly bantams...
  2. reddirtbirds

    Keeping roosters with broodies/baby chicks

    I’ve had chickens for about six years now and let my hens hatch their own eggs every spring/summer. bUt I’ve never let my hens hatch/roam with my roosters while they have chicks younger than a month or so by their hip. I have a broody momma in her own pen right now and a rooster im needing to...
  3. reddirtbirds

    Goat barn to coop conversion:)

    Thought I’d take a second to show off my newest coop build! This was my old goat barn and since my goats all passed away of old age it was empty. Everything here is recycled so it cost me practically nothing! This obviously won’t be and all-season coop but I’ll use it in the spring and summer...
  4. reddirtbirds

    Sizzle/satin cross breeding

    Ok! I have the opportunity of adding a sizzle roo to my flock (either barnevelder/sizzle or silkie/polish) and I’m wondering what the results would be from crossing that rooster with my smooth orpingtons, OE, and barnevelder might be. Anyone have photos of similar crosses?
  5. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    Alright here’s a little look at the majority of my flock! My hope is to use the white EE rooster I currently have to get a fun looking frizzle roo from my frizzled Orpington and Orpington Marans cross hens. I’ll then put whatever offspring I’m happy with over the smooth lavenders and my cuckoo...
  6. reddirtbirds

    Chickens and pigs

    Alright I’m wanting to up my pen/coop game in the spring. I plan on planting a TON more plants in my run. Honeysuckle, more herbs, and hopefully more ornamental grasses. ANYWAYS with all those plants I’m thinking I’ll have to add little areas in the run that are just dirt. And then I got to...
  7. reddirtbirds

    Chicks and adult chickens in the same coop?

    Alright I’ve got nine chicks in a brooder right now and they’ve sort of out grown it. They’re nearly two months old and fully feathered. I’m needing to move them outside. I’ve had chicks in the same free ranging areas as my adult birds before but never in the same enclosures. My only concern is...
  8. reddirtbirds

    Reputable OEGB breeders in Oklahoma

    I’m looking to buy some crele and or BB red OEGB chicks or hatching eggs preferably from an npip certified breeder within the state. Anyone know of any? thank you !!
  9. reddirtbirds

    Lavender rooster over chocolate hen?

    Ok I have a really nice frizzled lavender Orpington rooster in my grow out pen right now and I’m trying to decide on hens for him. He’ll be a part of a clean-legged frizzled rainbow egg layer project. I’m thinking I’ll cross him to welsummer, cream Legbar, Ameraucana, and possibly polish. BUT...
  10. reddirtbirds

    Pasty butt? (Vent pictures⚠️)

    About five days ago I noticed this hen having some droppings around her vent. I wasn’t super alarmed by that because it seems that new-to-lay hens get that often times. However, I examined her yesterday to find this. it’s almost like the dripping is connected to the lining of her cloaca? I...
  11. reddirtbirds

    Chicks eyes matted shut?

    I posted this in another forum this morning and got no responses :hmm Ok everyone, I just had thirteen little chicks delivered to me from a breeder. Two were lost in shipping (somewhat expected I guess) and I just noticed this. This little one seems to have no eyes or have severe matting of...
  12. reddirtbirds

    Chicks eyes matted shut?

    Ok everyone, I just had twelve little chicks delivered to me from a breeder. Two were lost in shipping (somewhat expected I guess) and I just noticed this. This little one seems to have no eyes or have severe matting of some kind of coating over the opening of the lid. What should I do? It’s...
  13. reddirtbirds

    Best poultry netting for large run?

    I just just finished putting together my large new run (still very much a work in progress) and I’m thinking it’s best to cover it with some type of netting since this pen will house mostly bantams. I’ve never used netting on any of my runs in the past so I was just wondering if anyone can...
  14. reddirtbirds

    Native buckbrush in chicken run?

    I’ve got a 1000sqft run that I’m working on planting shrubs and bushes in for shady predator-free cover. I’ve so far got a lilac shrub that I transplanted from another part of my yard, zebra grass, and some kind of other native shrub I also transplanted. I’m one of my horse pastures I have TONS...
  15. reddirtbirds

    OEGB x Large fowl?

    I’m thinking about starting a small breeding project. My end goal would be something with the hardiness, personality, and smarts of OEGB, but larger in size (still smaller than average large fowl), larger eggs, and less aggressive roosters. The first two chickens I got were OEGB mixed with some...
  16. reddirtbirds

    Bringing New Birds to an Existing Flock or Starting Clean?

    Hi everyone, I've had chickens for several years now but recently due to unfortunate events involving coyotes, snakes, and a hawk my little flock has dwindled to two (a pair of cochin brahma crosses, a father and daughter of course :barnie). I've completely predator-proofed my coop, and I'm now...
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